Altman & Co. v. United States (1912), Arab-Israeli dispute, 751, 757 308 Ambassadors, U.S., selection of, 239 American Hawaiian Ventures v. M.VJ. American Society of International Amnesty for political prisoners, U.S. Amtorg Trading Corp. v. United States Anaconda Company, The, 497 Arbitration. See also Peaceful settle- foreign recognition and enforce- Loucks v. Standard Oil Co. (1918), Parsons & Whittemore Overseas principles adopted by CSCE (1975), Scherk v. Alberto-Culver Co. (1974), Arbitration-Continued international commercial-Continued oil companies' rights in Libya, 489 OPIC-ITT claims settlement (1975), U.N. Convention on the Recognition ARCO Corporation, 489 Argentina, 107, 332-334, 486, 805 Armed forces action in SS Mayaguez incident, 13, nuclear reprocessing, 856 nuclear weapons. See separate title Treaty on the Prohibition of the Em- Anti-Ballistic Missile System, Limi- Standing Consultative Commis- evacuation of U.S. citizens and for- Arms embargoes eign nationals, 867-879 introduction into hos ilities, 886 tions in Central Europe, 866 Trust Territory residents, 96-97 Armistice agreements, executive au- chemical weapons, U.S. policy, 857- Convention on the Prohibition of Conference of the Committee on Dis- conventional arms, 862 environmental modification, 862 guards, 675-677 international guardianship of nu- mutual and balanced force reduc- Atomic energy-Continued U.S.-U.K. agreement for cooperation Atomic Energy Act (1954), 674 and oil import control, 520 suggestion of interest in court pro- and summer employment of student Australia and agreement establishing a finan- provisional arrest, extradition, 175- 176 and Puerto Rican self-determination, real estate tax exemption, 258–259 Austria and agreement establishing a finan- and U.N. buffer zone, 828 Aviation air commerce regulations, 461 Air Services Transit Agreement (1944), 466, 469 aircraft crimes extradition, 169–175 Hague Convention for Suppression cabotage, 452 U.S.-Canada (1974), reservations U.S.-U.S.S.R. understanding (1975), Chicago Convention, 453, 466-469 Concorde supersonic transport, 469 Unlawful Acts against the Safety domestic law and regulation, 461–471 "fly U.S. flag" program, 462 foreign charter operations, 461, 465 Hague Protocol (1955), 460 liability of carrier, 456-458 Montreal Agreement (1966), 457, 460 private air law, choice of law in dam- ages, 459 rebating practices, illegal, 470 South African Airways route, 464 Warsaw Convention (1929), 456–460 Bahamas, spiny lobster resource, 404, Bahrain, 705 Baker, Donald I., 603 hijacking and sabotage, 168-175, Baker Island, U.S. sovereignty, 92–94 184, 198-199 U.S.-Cuba understanding (1973), Baltic nations, nonrecognition of Soviet 174, 198-199 bilateral air transport agreements U.S.-Brazil (1946), 452 U.S.-Netherlands (1957), 454 U.S.-Panama (1949), amendment U.S.-U.S.S.R. (1966), 465 annexation, 255, 331-332 Baldwin, Gordon B., 92, 93 Banco de Vizcaya v. Don Alfonso de Banco Nacional de Cuba v. Farr (1967), 373 Banco Nacional de Cuba v. Sabbatino (1964), 32, 33, 354, 372-374 Bangladesh Boxer Rebellion (1900), 875, 878 designated beneficiary developing Boycotts, 200, 696–704 country, 486 diplomatic relations, 34 investment guaranty agreement Bank Holding Company Act (1956), 623 Union Trust Co. (1953), 32 Bankruptcy Act (1898), 899 Barbados, nationals of, nonimmigrant Bays, historic, 385, 388 Beall, J. Glenn, Jr., 704 Belcher, Carl W., 256 Belgium, 108, 174, 554, 651, 665, 806 Bennett, Jack F., 617 Braden Copper Company v. Le Groupe- Brazil Air Service Transport Agreement and Geneva Conventions (1949), draft human rights, 216 and law of sea negotiations, 442 and OAS sanctions, 692 shrimp fisheries agreement with U.S. sovereign immunity request, 342-344 Bennett, W. Tapley, Jr., 69, 76, 81, 472, Bribery. See Foreign contributions by 478, 480, 555, 757, 820, 824 transnational corporations Bentsen, Lloyd M., Jr., 294, 296, 297, Brice v. Pickett (1975), 149 298, 299, 300, 301, 307 Berlin Bricker Amendment, 315 and Quadripartite Agreement (1971), Brinegar, Claude S., 462 328-331 rights and responsibilities in, 328-329 kaansche, etc. (1954), 373 British Airways, 469 employment of laborers from, 133 Bersch v. Drexel Firestone, Inc. et al. Brown, L. Dean, 150, 153 Biaggi, Mario, 65 Bills of Lading for the Carriage of Goods by Sea, International Con- Biological weapons. See chemical and control and disarmament Blackmun, Harry A., 142, 388 Brussels Collision Liability Convention Brussels Convention for the Unifica- Brussels Convention on the Liability of consular convention with U.S. (1974), trade relations with, 549 Board of Immigration Appeals, 122-123 Bunker, Ellsworth, 438, 439 Boldt, George H., 415, 417 designated beneficiary developing and Gulf Oil Corporation, 596 United States ex rel. Lujan v. Gen- Bork, Robert H., 372 Botswana, diplomatic residences, taxa- Bureau of International Expositions Butler's Shoe Corp. v. Pan American Buy American Act (1933), 622 Boundary Waters Treaty, U.S.-Canada Byrd amendment, 693 (1909), 707 Byrne, Thomas F., 105 blocking of Cambodian assets, 635- Caravel Office Building Company, et al 638 and diplomatic relations, 27 nationals of, parole into U.S., 129–131 refugees, U.S. assistance to, 150-153 766, 777-783, 879-886 termination of tariff preferences, 518 Canada air service agreement with U.S., non- v. The Peruvian Air Attache (1975), Carlson, Jack W., 427 Carriage of Goods by Sea, Draft Con- Case, Clifford, 293, 310 Case Act (1972), 292–293, 295, 310, 317, Case of Certain Norwegian Loans: ICJ Catto, Henry E., Jr., 245 Center for Cultural and Technical In- Central African Republic, 486 Boundary Waters Treaty with U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 16, (1909), 707 and conservation of polar bears, 713 import controls, lifting of, 522 and law of the sea, 384 Action on Industrial Develop- RAD) agreement with U.S. and OECD financial support fund Rush-Bagot agreement with U.S. 17 Chad, resumption of full diplomatic re- lations, 23 Challoner v. Day and Zimmermann, Inc. (1975), 892 Chapman, C. Brewster, Jr., 92, 93 Charlton v. Kelly (1913), 632 Charter of Economic Rights and Duties Cheng v. Immigration and Naturaliza- sewage disposal system, agreement Chicago and Southern Airlines, Inc. v. with U.S. (1967), 312 sockeye salmon fisheries in Fraser River system, convention with Waterman Steamship Corp. (1948), Chicago Convention (1944), 453, 466-469 and Anaconda Company, 497 |