Lapas attēli





Begun on the Fifth Day of January, A. D. 1911



L. G. ELLINGHAM, Secretary of State






AN ACT to appropriate one hundred and twenty thousand ($120,000) dollars to defray the expenses of the sixty-seventh general assembly of the State of Indiana, and declaring an emergency.

[H. 1. Approved January 11, 1911.]

Appropriation-Expenses General Assembly.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of the State of Indiana; That one hundred and twenty thousand ($120,000) dollars, be and the same is hereby appropriated to defray the expense of the sixty-seventh general assembly: Provided, That if any part of the amount thus appropriated shall remain after the expenses of the present general assembly have been paid, the amount so remaining shall be covered into the state treasury, and shall revert at once into the general fund.

Members-Per Diem and Mileage.

SEC. 2. That it shall be the duty of the auditor of state to audit the accounts, and issue his warrant, upon the treasurer of state for the per diem and mileage of senators and representatives, as allowed by law, and also such additional allowances for any necessary traveling expenses incurred in the performance of duty, as may be provided by a joint resolution of the general assembly, upon the certificate, in the case of senators, of the president of the senate, and in the case of representatives, upon the certificate of the speaker of the house, setting forth the time served, and the amount of mileage and allowance to which such senators and representatives may be entitled.

Officers and Employes - Per Diem and Mileage.

SEC. 3. That it shall be the duty of the auditor of state to audit the accounts and issue warrants upon the treas

urer of state for the per diem of officers of the senate and house of representatives, and their assistants and appointees, and other employes authorized by either house, including clerks and assistants to committees, upon the certificate of the presiding officer of either house, setting forth the amount due such officers, their assistants, or other appointees, and such clerks and assistants to committees. Where the pay of officers, clerks, assistants or other employes is now fixed by law, they shall be paid accordingly. Where the pay is not fixed by law, but is limited by law, their pay shall not be in excess of such limit. In all other cases their pay shall be fixed by either or both houses of the general assembly.


SEC. 4. No appropriation having been made for the purpose herein set forth, it is hereby declared that an emergency exists for the immediate taking effect of this act, therefore the same shall be in full force from and after its passage.


AN ACT entitled an act appropriating certain sums of money to the Indiana state board of agriculture to pay for a live stock show pavilion erected upon the Indiana state fair grounds and validating interest payments heretofore made by the auditor and treasurer of the State of Indiana.

[H. 173. Approved January 26, 1911.] Appropriation-State Board of Agriculture.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of the State of Indiana, That the sum of one hundred three thousand dollars ($103,000.00) is hereby appropriated to the Indiana state board of agriculture for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of the bonds issued by said board for the purpose of erecting and equipping a live stock show pavilion upon the grounds of the state board of agriculture. commonly known as the Indiana state fair grounds, which live stock show pavilion is declared to be of value to the agricultural interests of the State of Indiana, and which sum of money is to be immediately payable.


SEC. 2. The auditor of state shall draw his warrant upon the treasurer of state in favor of the treasurer of the Indiana state board of agriculture for the full amount of one hundred three thousand dollars ($103,000.00), which said sum of money the treasurer of the Indiana state board of agriculture shall at once apply to the payment of the bonds issued by said board for the erection of said live stock pavilion.

Interest Payments Validated.

SEC. 3. All warrants heretofore drawn by the auditor of state and all moneys paid by the treasurer of state for interest upon said bonds are hereby validated.


SEC. 4. Whereas an emergency exists for the immediate taking effect of this act, the same shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage.


AN ACT prescribing the manner of filling vacancies in boards of trustees and other elective offices in towns and other matters incident thereto, repealing laws in conflict therewith and declaring an emergency.

[S. 38. Approved February 2, 1911.]

Towns-Vacancies in Office.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of the State of Indiana. [That] A vacancy occurring in the board of town trustees, or in any other elective office of such corporation shall be filled by appointment by said board at a special meeting of the trustees, called for that purpose of which meeting not less than five days' notice in writing shall be given, to each member of said board of trustees, by the town clerk of said town; but such appointments, if to fill a vacancy in the office of trustee, shall be made from the ward in which the vacancy occurred, and no appointment shall extend beyond the first Monday of January following the next regular election provided for in this act.

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