Lapas attēli

Other papers carried:

El rol del equipage y lista de pasajeros.

Testimonio de la escritura de propriedad de la nave.
Contrato de fletemento.

Conocimientos, facturas y guias de la carga.


A passport from a chief magistrate or commissioner of customs.
Bilbref (builder's certificate).

Fribref (certificate of registry).

Journalen (ship's log-book).

Folkpass or sjemansrubla (muster-roll).

Charter-party, if the vessel is chartered.



Acquisition of conquered territory by neutrals, 581.
Adams, Mr., on the Laird rams, 1863, 590.

Admission of belligerent vessels to neutral ports, 595.
Advantages of privateering, 559.

Allies of the enemy, 383.

Ally must judge of justice of war, 363.

American definition of piracy, 568.

American vessels, what are considered, 525.

Amount of salvage allowed for recaptures, 547.

Armed neutrality, 577.

Armies, improved discipline of, 374.

supply departments of, 375-

Arming belligerent vessels in neutral waters, 583, 585.
Armistice, 392.

Articles of War, 390.

Assistance to belligerents, 578.

Asylum to ships of war and privateers, 558.

[blocks in formation]

Blockade, Means of information open to neutrals, 428.

[blocks in formation]

Carrying trade of belligerents, 595.

Cass, Mr., on blockades, 438.

Castle, Mr., on licenses to trade, 412.

blockade, 439, 445.

objects of blockade, 446.

accidental dispersion of blockading fleet, 445.

breach of blockade, 448.

destination of contraband, 478.

Causes of war, 368, 373.

Cavour, Count, on asylum to privateers, 558.
Charleston, S. C., bombardinent of, 400.

Chase, Chief Justice, on notification of blockade, 428.
Chitty, Joseph, Definition of International Law, 355.
on prize courts, 536.

recaptures, 545.

salvage, 548.

Chocura, Confederate steamer, 444.

Circassian, case of, 445.

Civil embargo, 416.

Civil war, 363.

never declared, 367.

Claim of France to arm privateers in United States, 576.

[blocks in formation]

Cushing, Mr., on asylum to ships, 558.

foreign enlistments, 582.

protection to American vessels, 528.

[blocks in formation]

carrying enemy's despatches and persons, 494, 497.

taking military persons out of neutral ships, 500.
Trent affair, 503.

belligerent convoy, 522.

destruction of prizes, 537, 538.

duty of neutral government as to captures, 542.

duty of neutral crew of prize, 543.

building vessels for belligerents, 591.

enemy's goods in neutral vessels, 603.

Decisions of United States Courts on blockade, 431.

of United States Supreme Court on confiscation, 407.

on trade with the enemy, 411.

Declaration of war, 369.

[blocks in formation]

Desertion, 391.

from army and navy of the United States, 391.

Destruction of prizes, 537.

Devastation, 402.

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