Annual Report of the American Bar Association: Including Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting, 112. sējums,1. izdevumsHeadquarters Office, 1997 |
No grāmatas satura
1.3. rezultāts no 80.
394. lappuse
... Authority of the Requested Party shall inform the Central Authority of the Requesting Party of the reasons for the denial . ARTICLE 6 Costs 1. The following expenses , and none other , incurred in executing a re- quest shall be ...
... Authority of the Requested Party shall inform the Central Authority of the Requesting Party of the reasons for the denial . ARTICLE 6 Costs 1. The following expenses , and none other , incurred in executing a re- quest shall be ...
569. lappuse
... authority would only consider the claim after it is satis- fied that all remedies available in Sweden to the Swedish taxpayer have been exhausted . It is clear that Rev. Proc . 77-16 intends to require the Swedish taxpayer to pursue ...
... authority would only consider the claim after it is satis- fied that all remedies available in Sweden to the Swedish taxpayer have been exhausted . It is clear that Rev. Proc . 77-16 intends to require the Swedish taxpayer to pursue ...
571. lappuse
... authority pro- cedures available under applicable tax treaties , to reduce , over time , the taxpayer's liability for foreign tax ... " ( emphasis added ) . The regulations contain no ref- erence as to the competent author- ity to which ...
... authority pro- cedures available under applicable tax treaties , to reduce , over time , the taxpayer's liability for foreign tax ... " ( emphasis added ) . The regulations contain no ref- erence as to the competent author- ity to which ...
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action activities adopted agency amendment American Bar Association American Bar Endowment Annual Meeting Antitrust applicable appropriate approved attorney authority bar examining Cayman Islands child claims clause client Commission concerning conduct Conference contingent fee Contractor costs criminal defendant federal Fund G's death Government guidelines House of Delegates IAEA injury involved issue judge judicial jurisdiction jury Justice law school lawyer Legal Assistant legal services legislation liability litigation mass tort ment mineral interest mittee National nonvested property interest NUCLEAR Office person plaintiff power of appointment practice procedures Professional proposed punitive awards punitive damages recommendation record Requesting Party resolution Robinson-Patman Act Rule Against Perpetuities Section Sections 2(d standards Standing Committee statute Statutory Rule Subcontractor supra note Supreme Court tax treaties tion tional tive tort system TREATY trial undercover operations United valid