Lapas attēli

Edeern . McGovern, 251
Edict of Constantine, celebration
of, 760

Education, 809-838

-for administration and public
service, 828

-agricultural, 464, 466, 467, 482,
483, 809, 822, 832
--in Canada, 131

-in Alaska, 235, 809, 811, 833
appropriations for, 809
architectural, 772

Association, National, 834
of backward children, 816
Board, General, 467, 834
Bureau of, 163

appropriations for, S09
business, 607, 828
-for citizenship, 828
commercial, 828

of convicts, 449

- of defectives, 810

dental, 831

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

metallurgy), 512

lamps, 667
-lighting, 584

-street, 304, 584
locomotives, 586

power, applications of, 587
-in mining, 508

transmission of, 585
railways, 586

-starters for automobiles, 601
waves, physics of, 669
Electrical charge, elementary
value of, 669

-conductivity of alloys, 12
engineering, 583-587
Electricity, atmospheric, source
of, 632

discharge of, through gases, 669

marine propulsion by, 320
physical theory of, 668
stimulation of plant growth by,

Epinephrin, reagent for, 715
Epizootic lymphangitis, treatment

of, 477

Equal protection of the laws, 251
Equity rules of U. S. Supreme
Court, 543

Erb-Yocum railroad interests, 564
Erdman Act, amendment of, 22,
415, 434, 566

Erie Canal, 287, 556

Erie Ry. Co. v. Jersey City, 228
Estabrook, Leon M., 164
Estimates for, 1915, 27
Ethics, 708

Ethnology and anthropology, 691-

Ettor v. City of Tacoma, 248
Eugenic marriages, 440

Eugenics, 395-397, 673

Congress, International, 396
Europe, Concert of, in Balkan

War, 105

density of population in, 640

Electrochemical Society, Ameri- European Baptist Congress, 751

[blocks in formation]

-promotion of, by Federal Gov- Elevators, safety in, legislation

ernment, 809

psychology of, 704, 706

in public health, 738, 833
rural, 813-815

secondary, 810, 819-823
sex, 833, 835

in the South, 826

- Conference on, 467, 813

statistics of, general, 810-811

of teacher, 823

theological, 831

affecting, 429

Eliot, Charles W., 112

Ely, Nev., copper ores of, 625
Embryology, 675, 711

Employers' Defence Union, Brit-

ish, 138

-liability, 739

--insurance, 56, 377-379, 432

judicial decisions on, 246,

Evolution, organic, 671-674
Ewing, Thomas, 163

Ewing . Leavenworth, 254
Excavations, archæological. See

locations by name.

Excess condemnation, constitu-
tionality of, 216

Exchange, bills of, uniform law on,


Expenditures, Federal, 347

for 1915, estimated, 27

Experiment stations, agricultural,


Omce of, 164

-appropriation for, 464
Exploration and discovery, 640-


- of the Sea, International Coun-

cil for, 637

--legislation on, 55, 248, 377- Explosivcs, legislation on, 266

[blocks in formation]

Egypt, Kitchener's report on, 140 Engineers, Chief of, U. S. Army,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

of horticultural products, 485

of manufactures, 550, 551

of meat products, 470, 474

of merchandise, 329, 330
- by classes, 551

by continents, 550

by principal countries, 156,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

-purity of, protection of, 652
Foodstuffs, exports of, 550, 551
-imports of, 551, 553

- prices of, 424

Forbes, W. Cameron, 238, 239
Ford, Cornelius, 166

Foreign affairs (see also countries
by name), 117-156

-and Domestic Commerce, De-
partment of, 165

-commerce. See Commerce, Ex-
ports and Imports.

- relations of the U. S. (see also
countries by name), 84-94
-trade. See Commerce, Exports
and Imports.

Foreign-born, insanity among, 387

--Conference, National, 221, Foreign-built ships, American reg-


--Day, 220

- Protection Association, Na-

tional, 221
-forest, 494

-labor, efficiency standards for, Firemen, railroad, wage arbitra-

[blocks in formation]

tion of, 414

Fireproof construction, 221, 598
Fish culture, 498

hatcheries, 496
Fisher, Walter L., 163
Fisheries, 495-498
-Bureau of, 165, 498
-international, control of, 496
-interstate, Federal control of,


legislation on, 495
oyster, 497

Fishes, manufacture of fertilizer
from, 496

Five-Power loan to China, 16, 154
Flax, consumption of, 534
-exports of, 534

imports of, 534

manufactures of, tariff rates on,

production of, 534
Flaxseed, price of, 504

istry of, 544

Forest atlases of North America,


fires, prevention of, 494, 632

products, foreign trade in, 495

resources, investigations of, 276

-Service, 164

-appropriation for, 464

Forestry, 493-495

Association, American, 495

education in, 495

-employment of convicts in, 452
Forests, municipal, 494
-national, 494

taxation of, 355

Formic acid, synthetic, 665
Fortifications, appropriations for,

Fortney . Carter, 261
Fortune . Braswell, 251
Fortune telling, judicial decisions
on, 255

Forward to the Land League,
National, 470

Fossils. See Paleontology.
Fourth of July injuries, 741

Fowler, James A., 162

Foxes, breeding of, 498

-production of, in U. S., 327, 501 France, army increase in, 108,
--world's, 498

[blocks in formation]

Feeble mindedness, laboratory direct primary in, 75

Female labor, legislation affecting,


Fernette v. Pere Marquette Ry.,

Ferns, 682, 686

Fertilizers, chemistry of, 655, 665
-inspection of, 484
-manufacture of, from fishes,496
Fibers, textile, imports and ex-
ports of, 534

Fidelity insurance, 381

Fielder, James F., 14

[blocks in formation]


-Briand Ministry in, 143

Barthou Ministry in, 143
-commerce of, 144

Doumergue Ministry in, 144
electoral reform in, 144
finance in, 143
Jews in, 764
land credit in, 493

naval programme of, 323
-statistics of, 322, 323, 324
Presidential election in, 142
relations of, with Italy, 108
-with Spain, 107

social legislation in, 244
-Socialism in, 405
Franchises of public-service cor-
porations, 293

- indeterminate, 293, 294
Francis . McNeal, 263

railroad rate, regulation in, 573 Franz Josef Land, exploration in

Tax Commission of, 358

Florists, coöperation among, 486

Filchner, Lieut., Antarctic expe- Flotation process of ore concen-

[blocks in formation]


Fraternal Congress, National, 371
insurance, 372

Fraternities of America, Associ
ated, 372

Fraud, law of, 266

Free Baptists, General Conference | General, Land Office, 163

of, 751

-Christians and Religious Liber-
als, International Congress
of, 761

-list. See Tariff rates.
Free-ship law, 544

Freedom of contract, 252
Freight cars, idle, 332
-classification of, 565
-rates, 565
--intrastate, 570

Judicial decisions on, 570
I. C. C. rulings on, 567-570
legislation on, 573

- proposed increase in, 566,

- raising of, in Great Britain,

-weighing of, 570

Friedmann cure for tuberculosis,


Friend v. Talcott, 257
Frost prediction, 485

Fruits, artificial ripening of, 656
-production of, 485

-Staff, U. S. Army, 161
Geographical Congress, Interna-
tional, 634

-Society, American, 634
Geography, 634-642

physical, 634-637

Geological Congress, International
628, 639

-Map of the World, Interna-
tional, 639
maps, 622

Survey, U.S., 163, 271-273,622
surveys, state, 273-276

Geology, 621-634


dynamic, 621-624

economic, 273, 624-626, 628
glacial, 623

paleontological, 274

Pre-Cambrian, 628
-stratigraphical, 274
structural, 274, 622

George I, King of Greece, assassi-
nation of, 150

George Peabody College for Teach-
ers, 834

Fuel oil, production of gasoline Georgia, convict labor in, 452

from, 663

Fulda, Ludwig, 827

Full-crew laws, 248, 428, 573
Fullerton, George Stuart, 827
Fungi, 479, 683, 686

[blocks in formation]

-elections in, 66

Germaine v. Ferris, 251
German literature, 795-798
philology, 796

silver, heat treatment of, 612
Germany, army increase in, 108,

-church withdrawals in, 762
commerce of, 146
finance in, 145
live stock in, 475

military outrages in, 145
-naval programme of, 323
-statistics of, 322, 323, 324
rural credits in, 491
Socialism in, 405

War Office scandal in, 145
Gettysburg, Battle of, fiftieth an-
niversary of, 56

Ghent, Treaty of, centenary of,

Gill v. Board of Commissioners
(N. C.), 261

Gill-net fishing, 49748
Ginsing, culture of, 06

Gipsy moth, 464, 48

Glacial geology, 623

Garment workers, strikes of, in Glaciation, epochs of,628

[blocks in formation]

Assn, 262

Garton Foundation, 112
Gary, Ind., graft trials in, 227
-school system of, 816

Gas engines, application of, to

marine propulsion, 592
-competition of, with steam
engines, 588

-lighting, rates for, 304
-turbines, 588

Gasconade Co. v. Gordon, 255
Gases, liquefaction of, 597

Gasoline engines, 591
-manufacture of, 663
-price of, 600

Gastric ulcer, 722

Gayley, James, inventions of, 665
Gaynor, William J., 57
General Education Board, 467,834
-Federation of Women's Clubs,

Gladstone Dock, Liverpool, 580
Glass, Frank P., appointed to Sen-
ate, 25

Glass-Owen Currency bill.
Currency bill.


Glens Falls, N. Y., Crandall li-

brary bequest to, 838

Glynn, Martin H., 55

Gold, coinage of, world's, 523
-exports of, 337, 551, 552

imports of, 337, 553, 554
-metallurgy of, 515-518
milling, 515-518

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

- finance in, 135

freight rates in, 135

Imperial wireless scheme of, 136
Irish home rule bill in, 132
Labor party in, 404
labor troubles in, 137

land reform projects in, 137
- legislation in, summary of, 245
- live stock in, 475

Lord Chief Justice of, 136
Marconi inquiry in, 136
national insurance in, 136

naval programme of, 135, 323
-statistics of, 322, 323, 324
Parliament Act in, 133
plural voting bill in, 134
relations of, with China, 110
--with Mexico, 93
- with Turkey, 111
-with U. S.,



Canal tolls, 9, 10, 84-86, 548

- Socialism in, 404

tariff reform in, 138

telegraphy in, 583

Trade Unions Act in, 135
Welsh Church bill in, 133
-Woman Suffrage in, 134
-workmen's compensation law
of, 246

Great Lakes, commerce on, 554
pollution of, 306

Great Lakes-to-Gulf waterway,

Greece, Constantine IX, King of,

-frontier of, 101

George I, King of, 150

-interest of, in Aegean Islands,


operations of, in Balkan War,

relations of, with France, 107

with Germany, 107

with Servia, 100

- with Turkey, 105

war of, with Bulgaria, 149
Greek inscriptions, 776

literature, 802, 803

philology, 806

Green . Gunsten, 263

Greenland, exploration in, 641
Greensboro Female College, presi-
dency of, 830

[blocks in formation]

Gun metal, heat treatment of, 612 Heating, 596
Guth, William W., 830
Gymnosperms, 682

Gypsies, legislation against, 248
Gyroscope control for aeroplanes,

ADACHECK, ex parte, 249,


Hadley, Herbert S., 12

Hague Conference on bills of ex-
change, 244

--Third, 113

Tribunal, awards of, 108
Haiti, history of, 123

Hale, Chandler, 160

Hamlin, Charles S., 160

Hammar, A. G., 480

Hammerstein, Oscar, 779
Handicrafts, 769

Hanging, abandonment of, 445
Hanus, Paul H., 815

Harbor Improvement, 285, 580
Harbors, Rivers and, Board of
Engineers for, 161

Hardness, measurement of, 611
Harriman railroad interests, 564
Harris, William J., 165

Harrison bill on drug sales, 399
Harrison, Francis Burton, 18, 238
Hartford, billboard regulation in,

-recreation in, 389

-vice investigation in, 223
Hartford Theological Seminary,

Harvard University, education
department of, 829

exchange professors at, 827
- music department of, 828
Peabody Museum of, 829
School for Health Offices of, 738
Widener Memorial Library of,

Hebrew Union College, 765
Heemskerk, Theodore, 151
Helicopters, 595

Helium, synthesis of, 644
Hell Gate Bridge, 575
Hemp, consumption of, 534
exports of, 534
-imports of, 534
-manufactures of, tariff rates
on, 532

-production of, 534
Heredity, 671

Hermaphroditism, 712
Herrick, Myron T., 489-493
Hertz, Joseph, 765

Hetch Hetchy Valley water supply
project, 27, 270, 304, 581
Highways, (see also Roads), 281-

Hill railroad interests. 564
Hilles, Charles W., 157
Hinman, George W.. 830
Hipp v. Hock-Hocking & Co., 249
Hitchcock, Frank H., 162

-G. M., report of, on Currency
bill, 50

Hitchman Coal & Coke Co. v.
Mitchell, 260

Hitt, R. S. R., 179
Hobart College, 830
Hodge, George H., 81
Hog cholera, 464, 476
Hogan v. Leeper, 254
Holland. See Netherlands.
Holton City of Camilla, 303
Holzwarth gas turbine, 588
Home Rule bill, Irish, 132
Home rule, municipal, 196, 204-
206, 294

Home Telegraph & Telephone
Cc. v. Los Angeles, 256
Homestead entries. See Public

Haverhill, Mass., gas rates in, 305 Honduras, history of, 123

[blocks in formation]

Hot springs, ore deposition from,

House fly, transmission of disease
by, 481

House of Representat ves, Sixty-
second Congress, members
of, 167

Sixty-third Congress commit-
tees of, 173

members of, 170-173

-organization of, 21
-parties in, 20, 59, 171
Housing, 219

Conference, National, 219
Houston, David F., biography of,

Howard University, 809

Hoyt . Hughes County (S. D.),

Hsuing Hsi-ling, 154

Hudson Bay Railway, 129
Hudson River, bridge over, at
New York, 575
-improvement of, 286.

Huerta, Victoriano, 92-94, 123-

Humidity, atmospheric, effects of,

[blocks in formation]

CE, latent heat of fusion of, 599
plants, municipal, 303
Icebergs, ocean temperatures near

Idaho, constitution of, amend-
ments to, 200

- delinquent children in, care of,

- drainage districts in, 281
female labor in, 438

hours of labor in, 433
irrigation in, 278, 279
-mothers' pensions in, 407
non-partisan judicial nomina-
tions in, 75

Public Utilities Commission of,
296, 572

sale of cigarettes in, 440

sale of narcotics in, 440

-Tax Commission of, 358
Idealism in philosophy, 707
Igneous rocks, classification of,


Illinois, automobiles law of, 429
budget system in, 197
civil service in, 182
coal-mining laws of, 509
convict labor in, 451, 452
epileptics in, care of, 460
forestry in, 494

industrial accidents, law of, 425
industrial safety laws of, 427
-mining investigation, commis
sion of, 427

[ocr errors]


llinois, mothers' pensions in, 407 | Income tax, Federal, collection of, Industrial disputes. See Labor
public employment bureaus in,


-Public Utilities Commission of,

295, 296, 572

Railroad and Warehouse Com-
mission of, 572

railroad inspection in, 573
railroad rates in, 573

at the source, 353

--effect of, on insurance com-

[blocks in formation]

and Strikes.

-education. See Vocational edu-


-National Society for the

Promotion of, 393

efficiency, 664

vote for

hygiene, 738

-taxation of corporation securi- Indeterminate franchises, 293, 294

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


of William Sulzer, 53-55

Imperator, s. s., 608

Imports, 329, 330

- of agricultural products, 503
- from Alaska, 236

-in American bottoms, tariff
rates on, 32, 38

-from American dependencies,

-bonded pending tariff revision,

-effect of tariff revision on, 529
- of foodstuffs, 551, 553

- from foreign countries, 552

- of forest products, 495

of gold and silver, 337, 553, 554

of horticultural products, 485

of manufactures, 551, 553

- of meat products, 470, 474
of merchandise, 329, 330
--by classes, 551, 553

by continents, 552

by principal countries, 156,

- by principal ports, 553

of mineral products, 528
from Philippine Islands, 239
of principal countries, 156

- of textile fibers, 534

[blocks in formation]

insurance, 371, 420

management, 606-608

pensions, 434

Relations, Commission on, 417

safety, 379, 420-424, 597

legislation on, 425-427

National Council for, 421

welfare, 420-424

-legislation on. 425

-Workers of the World, in Pater-
son strike, 412

- principles of, 402

strength of, 418

Inebriety, treatment of, 455
Infantile paralysis, 481, 716, 737,


Infantry. See Army.

Infection, general, treatment of,

constitutional convention in, Infusoria, conjugation in, 679

83, 200

- convict labor in, 451

crippled children in, care of, 442

- death penalty in, 268

Inge v. Stillwell, 258

Inheritance of acquired characters.


Inheritances, taxation of, 357

dependent children in, care of, Initiative, 68, 69, 75


employment bureaus in, 435
female labor in, 437

floods in, 288, 578, 736

forestry associations in, 494
franchise law of, 294
fraud law of, 267
gypsies in, 248

insane in, care of, 459

insanity defense in, 268

juvenile courts in, 444

legislative reference bureau of,

- prison administration in, 447,

prison libraries in, 448
-Public Utilities Commission of,
294, 297

-punishment of misdemeanants
in, 456

Injunctions, granting of, 261
-in labor disputes, 261, 434

Inland waterways, commerce on,


Insane, care of, 459

-in institutions, foreign-born,


Insanity, among criminals, 446
-defense of, legislation on, 268

-among immigrants, 386

Inscriptions. See Epigraphy.
Insecticides, 481

Insectivorous birds, protection of,
464, 487

Insects, transmission of disease
by, 481

Inspector-General, U. S. Army,

Insular Affairs, Bureau of, 161
Insurance, 368-381

punishments for crime in. 445-accident, 380

Railroad Commission of, 297

registration of voters in, 71

school attendance in, 431

taxation of inheritances in, 358
-valuation of public utilities in,

[blocks in formation]
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