VOLUME 162 CASES ADJUDGED IN THE SUPREME COURT AT OCTOBER TERM, 1895 J. C. BANCROFT DAVIS REPORTER NEW YORK AND ALBANY BANKS & BROTHERS, LAW PUBLISHERS 1896 JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT DURING THE TIME OF THESE REPORTS. MELVILLE WESTON FULLER, CHIEF JUSTICE. JUDSON HARMON, ATTORNEY GENERAL. CORRECTION. In volume 161, on page 635, the following corrections should be made: Line 13 from bottom, change "And the same great and learned justice adds:" to "As said by counsel for the appellant: " Last two lines, take out "Boyd v. The United States, 116 U. S. 626." 283 V Burnham, Great Western Telegraph Company v. California, Central Pacific Railroad Company v. California, Southern Pacific Railroad Company v. Central Pacific Railroad Company v. California Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific Railway Company v. Interstate Commerce Commission |