Regulation of Intercoastal Water Carriers: Hearings Before the Committee on Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries, House of Representatives, Seventy-second Congress, Second Session, on S. 4491, an Act Amending the Shipping Act, 1916, as Amended, for the Purpose of Further Regulating Common Carriers by Water in Interstate Commerce of the United States Engaged in Transportation by Way of the Panama Canal. January 5-6, 9-14, 16-20, 1933

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458. lappuse - The Bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, and passed.
25. lappuse - ... nor shall any carrier refund or remit in any manner or by any device any portion of the rates, fares and charges...
463. lappuse - An act to reduce taxation, to provide revenue for the Government, and for other purposes/' and amendments and acts supplementary thereto. Whoever violates any provision of this section shall be liable to a penalty of $1,000 for each day such violation continues, to be recovered by the United States in a civil action.
419. lappuse - ... Every such carrier and every other person subject to this Act shall establish, observe, and enforce just and reasonable regulations and practices relating to or connected with the receiving, handling, storing, or delivering of property. Whenever the board finds that any such regulation or practice is unjust or unreasonable it may determine, prescribe, and order enforced a just and reasonable regulation or practice.
366. lappuse - Whenever a carrier by railroad shall in competition with a water route or routes reduce the rates on the carriage of any species of freight to or from competitive points, it shall not be permitted to increase such rates unless after hearing by the Interstate Commerce Commission it shall be found that such proposed increase rests upon changed conditions other than the elimination of water competition.
167. lappuse - ... just, fair, and reasonable, to be thereafter followed, and to make an order that the carrier or carriers shall cease and desist...
2. lappuse - ... the commission shall have, and it is hereby given, authority, either upon complaint or upon its own initiative without complaint, at once, and if it so orders without answer or other formal pleading by the interested carrier or carriers, but upon reasonable notice...
15. lappuse - ... separately each terminal or other charge, privilege, or facility, granted or allowed, and any rules or regulations which in anywise change, affect, or determine any part of the aggregate of such aforesaid rates, fares, or charges, or the value of the service rendered to the passenger consignor, or consignee...
54. lappuse - ... whereupon a statement of the charges thus made shall be forwarded by the commission to such common carrier, who shall be called upon to satisfy the complaint or to answer the same in writing within a reasonable time, to be specified by the commission.
53. lappuse - ... (6) taxes payable under paragraph (a) hereof; and (7) debts owing to any person who by the laws of the States or the United States is entitled to priority: Provided, That the term 'person...

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