Lapas attēli


DURING the next twelve months every one in any way connected with the Legal Profession will be studying Lord Selborne's Supreme Court of Judicature Act, and by 2 November, 1874, when the Act comes into operation, they must be ready to commence work under the New Rules. To help them to do this in the most effectual way the Author has prepared this manual.

The Introductory Epitome is intended to give in a concise form a general idea of the provisions of the Act, and may be read before a closer study of the Statute is begun. It will be observed that the left-hand pages are left almost blank. The idea is that the reader will be glad of the space to make his own notes on. In future editions the notes and references of the author will be inserted on those blank pages instead of being added as foot notes. This plan will leave the text undisturbed, and the practitioner, when once he has fixed. the page in his memory, will be able to turn to his authority in a moment. The Act may be quoted from with confidence, as it is printed exactly as it was passed, except that the side notes have been turned into Section headings. The same remark applies to the Rules of Procedure.

Special attention has been given to the Index-the number of the Section or Rule, as well as the page, being sh wn, and to some extent it is a digest of the Act.

Some leading members of each branch of the Profession have kindly promised the author the use of their notes for future editions, and he will be glad if any other of his readers will favour him in a similar way. The publisher will take charge of any communications. Westminster, August, 1873.

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