Congressional Serial Set, 4881. izdevumsU.S. Government Printing Office, 1907 Reports, Documents, and Journals of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. |
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xvii | |
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xcviii | |
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Act Making appropriations Alabama America in Congress Approved Arkansas Arkansas River Bayou breakwater canal Cape Fear River channel CHAP Congress assembled Connecticut construction Continuing improvement continuing the improvement Creek Cumberland River Delaware River dredging eighteen hundred examination and survey expended fifteen thousand dollars fifty thousand dollars five hundred dollars five thousand dollars Florida following sums further enacted harbor of refuge House of Representatives hundred and fifty hundred thousand dollars Illinois Improving harbor June Lake lands lars Louisiana Massachusetts Michigan Mississippi River Missouri River mouth North Carolina Ohio River otherwise appropriated piers provement Provided Proviso Red River repair Saint sand dollars Secretary Secretary of War Senate and House Sodus Bay Tennessee River thereof thirty thousand dollars thou thousand dol thousand eight hundred thousand five hundred three thousand dollars tinuing improvement tion Treasury not otherwise twenty thousand dollars twenty-five thousand dollars United Virginia Wabash River Wisconsin York
Populāri fragmenti
139. lappuse - The legislatures of those districts or new states shall never interfere with the primary disposal of the soil by the United States in Congress assembled, nor with any regulations Congress may find necessary for securing the title in such soil to the bona fide purchasers. No tax shall be imposed on lands the property of the United States ; and in no case shall non-resident proprietors be taxed higher than residents.
251. lappuse - Territory, which shall have filed, or may hereafter file, with the Secretary of the Interior a copy of its articles of incorporation, and due proofs of its organization under the same...
305. lappuse - It shall be the duty of said commission to take into consideration and mature such plan or plans and estimates as will correct, permanently locate, and deepen the channel and protect the banks of the Mississippi River; improve and give safety and ease to the navigation thereof; prevent destructive floods; promote and facilitate commerce, trade, and the postal service...
483. lappuse - ... one-half of said fine to be paid to the person or persons giving information which shall lead to conviction.
251. lappuse - State government, and to assume such name as they shall deem proper; and the said State, when formed, shall be admitted into the Union, upon an equal footing with the original States, in all respects whatsoever.
251. lappuse - That five per centum of the proceeds of the sales of public lands lying within said state which shall be sold by the United States subsequent to the admission of said state into the Union, after deducting all the expenses incident to the same, shall be paid to the said state, to be used as a permanent fund, the interest of which only shall be expended for the support of the common schools within said state.
482. lappuse - States, such vessel or vehicle shall be held for the payment of such penalty and may be seized and proceeded against summarily by libel to recover the same...
483. lappuse - ... the harbor of New York, or its adjacent or tributary waters, or in those of Long Island Sound, within the limits which shall be prescribed by the Supervisor of the Harbor...
128. lappuse - Be it enacted by the Senate and Howe of Representatives of the United States...
39. lappuse - ... a public highway, for the use of the government of the United States, free from toll or other charge upon the transportation of any property or troops of the United States.