INDEX TO PART 3-MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS This index contains the names of the composers of the musical compositions registered in this number. THE FIGURES REFER TO THE NUMBERS FOLLOWING THE TITLES IN THE CATALOGUE. Aysslinger (R.) Liebesweh von Storn fels. 3152. Babbitt (S. W.) Mere chance. 3318. Bach (E.) Spring's awakening. 3930. Bach (J. S.): Advent cantata. 2195. Air. 2196. Air aus der D dur ouverture. 2197. Air extrait de la cantate d'eglise. 2198. Ouvertüre in H moll. 2199. Récitatif et air. 2200. Resignation. 2201. Violin-konzert. 2202. Wohltemperierte klavier. 2203. Bachelor belles. 2733, 2919, 2959, 3402, 3841, 4061, 4261, 4298, 4314, 4361. Bades (P.): Galant badinage. 2699. Baeker (E.): Abendgesang. 2077. Am bach entlang. 2126. Zur winterzeit. 4377. Bagley (E. E.) Spirit of freedom. 3923. Balakirew (M.) Morgenrot (Das) 3356. Balkan (The) princess. 2497, 2534, 3092. Carmen fantasie. 2279. O Lamb of God. 2280. Soldaten kommen. 2281. home. Blair (B.) Where the Sacramento Blanke-Belcher (H.) Put your head Blaze (W.) Roll on, thou mighty Bleyle (K.) Heilige sendung. 2836. Bliss (P. P.) Let the lower lights be burning. 3145. Bloodgood (L. M.): Does anybody want a little girlie. 2524. Oh you babbling Bessie. 3487. Blume (I. M.) Vernie. 4184. Quanto si Immortelle tendresse. Bonnet (J.) Agnus Dei. 2097. Bosc (A.): Passe-Pied. 3550. Tendre missive. 4023. Bottazzo (L.) 4190. Victimae Paschali. Bourke (J. B.) In an aeroplane with Bousquet (F.) Pauvres (Les) 3555. snow. 2737. Bowers (R. H.) Gliding over the Lingerie 3166. Going and coming 2755. All' meine herzgedanken. 2300. How lovely are Thy dwellings. Requiem. 2303. Selig sind die toten. 2304. Bandenburg (C. W.) Gen'l Howe's grand march. 4380 (35). Brasie (E. C.) Pearl schottische. 4380 (63). Bratton (J. W.): Autumn sunset waltz. 4380 (97). Plaything's, (157). Bredshall (E.): that's all. 4380 |