Lapas attēli
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Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-four,


In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.

APR 2 0 1966

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Johnson v. Watson.....

182 People v. Morphy.


Johnson St. Steel. Rail Co. v. Wm. Wharton, Jr., et al.. 223 | People v. Petrea..


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The Albany Law Journal.


Current Topics.

T is announced that Senator Dolph will address the Bar Association on the 16th inst. upon the subject of law reform. The Senator is better known as a lawyer at the West perhaps than in this State, but aside from his well-earned reputation as a senator, he is well known to the profession in the State of New York as a lawyer. What he has to say upon this interesting subject will be well worth hearing and considering.

The address of President J. Newton Fiero will be upon a kindred topic, "Law Reform in the State of New York." Mr. Fiero has devoted much time and attention to the study and discussion of this subject, and has been active in the association before and since becoming its president, in promoting law reform in the State in its different phases. He touched upon the subject in his address last year, but the subject is doubly interesting at this time, in view of the coming Constitutional Convention. His criticism of the Code of Procedure as it now exists, as made at that time, created much interest and was well received by the bar.

Among others who will read papers or deliver addresses relative to the Judiciary Article of the Constitution with reference to the coming convention are Walter S. Logan, of New York city; Hon. William H. Robertson, of Westchester; Hon. Augustus Schoonmaker, of the third district; Louis Marshall, John B. Stanchfield, Martin W. Cooke and Norris Morey, representing the other districts of the State.

VOL. 49- No. 1.

These papers will be followed by a general discussion of the Judiciary Article, and also by a consideration of the work of the Constitutional Convention.

The committee of arrangements has provided generously for the social side of the meeting.

Governer Flower has invited the members of the association to attend his annual reception to the members of the Legislature, to be held on the evening of the 16th.

The association will entertain its members and guests at the Fort Orange Club at luncheon on the 17th, at the recess between the morning and afternoon meetings, and in the evening a reception will be tendered by the association to the judges of the Court of Appeals and justices of the Supreme Court of the State.

These social functions will enable the members of the bar to meet each other and make new acquaintances and renew old ones as well as to meet the chief executive and members of the judiciary of the State.

The presence of Vice-President Adlai E. Stevenson as one of the speakers at the meeting of the association on the evening of the 16th at the Assembly Chamber, will give added interest to this gathering. Aside from his relation to the Federal government, the vicepresident has, before as well as since he has held his present position, obtained a well deserved reputation for ability and capacity as a presiding officer, not only, but as a man of varied accomplishments, great versatility and possessing the power of concisely and clearly expressing his views upon all subjects.

The question whether an attorney or solicitor can be lawfully stricken from the roll for any

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