United States Customs Court Reports: Cases Adjudged in the United States Customs Court, 62. sējumsThe Court, 1969 |
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accordion affidavit amended appeals for reappraisement assessed with duty Assistant Attorney autocollimator blades buying agent buying commission CCPA centum ad valorem chandise chief value collector of customs Company consists Corp cost counsel Customs Court Customs Simplification Act cutting cyanate defendant defendant's designed electric motors electrical element element or device entered accordingly entry evidence export value fabric fact feature an electrical gloves headnote HEREBY STIPULATED hereto Import Specialist imported articles imported merchandise invoice Japan Judge machines MALETZ manufactured material ment modified by T.D. paragraph 353 plaintiff Plaintiff claims plaintiff's exhibit plastic port production properly classifiable properly dutiable purchasers Rayman record Ruckelshaus Second Division Protest section 402 sold specially provided steel STIPULATED AND AGREED subpart summary judgment supra Tariff Act Tariff Classification Tariff Schedules testified testimony textile thereof tion Treas trial attorney triazine TSUS United States Customs valorem under Item William D witness
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382. lappuse - Statements made by defense witnesses as well as the defendant himself, however, are exempted. (Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Judicial Conference of the United States, Preliminary Draft of Proposed Amendments to Rules of Criminal Procedure for the United States District Courts...
95. lappuse - Penknives, pocketknives, clasp knives, pruning knives, budding knives, erasers, manicure knives, and all knives by whatever name known, including such as are denominatively mentioned in this Act, which have folding or other than fixed blades or attachments...
914. lappuse - ... would have received, and was willing to receive, for such merchandise sold in the ordinary course of trade, in the usual wholesale quantities...
579. lappuse - Raym., 1028) ; and if it can be gathered from a subsequent statute in pari materia what meaning the legislature attached to the words of a former statute, they will amount to a legislative declaration of its meaning and will govern the construction of the first statute.
975. lappuse - That in any court of the United States and in any court established by Act of Congress, any writing or record, whether in the form of an entry in a book or otherwise...
761. lappuse - States of the merchandise undergoing appraisement, at which such or similar merchandise is freely sold or, In the absence of sales, offered for sale In the principal markets of the country of exportation, in the usual wholesale quantities and in the ordinary course of trade, for...
98. lappuse - Scientific and laboratory instruments, apparatus, utensils, appliances (including surveying and mathematical instruments), and parts thereof, wholly or in chief value of metal, and not plated with gold, silver, or platinum...
249. lappuse - Nails, tacks, staples, hook-nails, corrugated nails, spiked cramps, studs, spikes and drawing pins, of iron or steel, whether or not with heads of other materials, but not including such articles with heads of copper.
795. lappuse - The export value of imported merchandise shall be the market value or the price, at the time of exportation of such merchandise to the United States. at which such or similar merchandise is freely offered for sale to all purchasers in the principal markets of the country from which exported, in the usual wholesale quantities and in the ordinary course of trade, for exportation to the United States...
75. lappuse - X-ray apparatus, instruments (other than laboratory), and devices; and articles having as an essential feature an electrical element or device, such as electric motors, fans, locomotives, portable tools, furnaces, heaters, ovens, ranges, washing machines, refrigerators, and signs; all the foregoing, and parts thereof, finished or unfinished, wholly or in chief value of metal, and not specially provided for, 35 per centum ad valorem.