AND, WHEREAS, it is essential in order to carry into effect the provisions of the said Act, and in order to secure an adequate supply and equitable distribution, and to facilitate the movement of certain necessaries hereafter in this proclamation specified that the license powers conferred upon the President by said Act be at this time exercised, to the extent hereinafter set forth. ing importation, ing of, as essential to NOW, THEREFORE, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United in Announcing or licensStates of America, by virtue of the powers conferred upon me by manufacture and refinsaid Act of Congress, hereby find and determine and by this procla- food conservation. mation do announce that it is essential in order to carry into effect the purposes of said Act, to license the importation, manufacture and refining of sugar, sugar syrups and molasses, to the extent hereinafter specified. All persons, firms, corporations and associations engaged in the culicenses to be pro business either of importing sugar, of manufacturing sugar from 1917. by October Applications for licenses must be made to the United States Food Application to Food Administrator, Washington, D. C., upon forms prepared by him for that purpose. Any person, firm, corporation or association, other than those pipenalty for noncomhereinbefore excepted, who shall engage in or carry on the business Public Laws, p. 278. either of importing sugar, manufacturing sugar, or refining sugar, or of manufacturing sugar syrups or molasses after October 1, 1917, without first securing such license, will be liable to the penalties prescribed by said Act of Congress. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done in the District of Columbia, this Seventh day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and [SEAL] Seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the One Hundred and Forty-second. By the President; ROBERT LANSING, WOODROW WILSON Secretary of State. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA September 27, 1917. Fremont WHEREAS, it appears that the public good will be promoted by Foremore. excluding certain lands within the State of Oregon from the Fremont Preamble. National Forest, and by restoring the public lands subject to disposition in the excluded areas in a manner authorized by the act of Congress approved September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen (38 Stat., 113), entitled "An Act To authorize the President to provide a method for opening lands restored from reservation or withdrawal, and for other purposes;" Now, therefore, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the Act of Congress approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven (30 Stat., 11 at 34 and 36), entitled "An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, National Vol. 38, p. 113. Area diminished. Vol. 30, p. 36. Excluded lands restored to settlement. Vol. 38, p. 113. Time of opening. etc. and for other purposes," do proclaim that the boundaries of the Fremont National Forest are hereby changed to exclude the areas indicated as eliminations on the diagram hereto annexed and forming a part hereof. And I do further proclaim and make known that in my judgment it is proper and necessary, in the interest of equal opportunity and good administration, that all of the excluded lands subject to such disposition should be restored to homestead entry in advance of settlement or other forms of disposition, and pursuant to the authority reposed in me by the aforesaid Act of September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, I do hereby direct and provide that such lands, subject to valid rights and the provisions of existing withdrawals, shall be opened to entry only, under the provisions of the homestead laws requiring residence, at and after, but not before, nine o'clock a. m., standard time, November 15, 1917, and to settlement and other disposition, under any public land law applicable thereto, at and after, but not before, nine o'clock a. m., standard time, Filing applications, November 22, 1917. Prospective applicants may, during the period of twenty days preceding the date on which the land shall become subject to entry, selection, or location of the form desired under the provisions of this Proclamation, execute their applications in the manner provided by law and present the same, accompanied by the required payments, to the proper United States land office, in person, by mail, or otherwise, and all applications so filed, together with such as may be submitted at the hour fixed, shall be treated as though simultaneously filed and shall be disposed of in the manner prescribed by existing regulations. Under such regulations conflicts of Warning against tres. equal rights will be determined by a drawing. passing prior to opening. Agricultural lands. Proviso. Warning is hereby given that no settlement initiated prior to seven days after the date for homestead entry above named will be recognized, but all persons who go upon any of the lands to be restored hereunder and perform any act of settlement thereon prior to nine o'clock a. m., standard time, November 22, 1917, or who are on or are occupying any part of said lands at such hour, except those having valid subsisting settlement rights initiated prior to withdrawal from settlement and since maintained, and those having preferences to make entry under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six (34 Stat., 233), entitled "An Act To provide for the entry of Agricultural lands within forest reserves," and Acts amendatory, will be considered and dealt with as trespassers and will gain no rights whatever under such unlawful Examinations settlement or occupancy; Provided, however, that nothing herein allowed. Prior settlement rights, etc. Area affected. contained shall prevent persons from going upon and over the lands to examine them with a view to thereafter appropriating them in accordance herewith. Persons having prior settlement rights or preferences, as above defined, will be allowed to make entry in accordance with existing law and regulations. It is not intended by this proclamation to reserve any lands not immediately heretofore embraced in a national forest, nor to exclude any lands except the areas indicated as eliminations on the diagram hereto annexed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done in the District of Columbia this twenty-seventh day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred [SEAL.] and seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-second. By the President: FRANK L. POLK, Acting Secretary of State. WOODROW WILSON. |