Discharged from the militia and subject to Army laws and regulations from August 5, Public Laws, p. 78. 1917. Organization. sonnel to Army. Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Indiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and California. III. All persons hereby drafted shall on and from the fifth day of August, nineteen hundred and seventeen, stand discharged from the militia, and, under the terms of section 2 of the Act of May 18, 1917, be subject to the laws and regulations governing the Regular Army, except as to promotions, so far as such laws and regulations are applicable to persons whose permanent retention in the military service on the active or retired list is not contemplated by law. IV. The members of each company, battalion, regiment, brigade, division, or other organizations of the National Guard hereby drafted into the military service of the United States shall be embodied in Assignment of per-organizations corresponding to those of the Regular Army. The officers not above the rank of colonel of said organizations of the National Guard who are drafted and whose offices are provided for in like organizations of the Regular Army, are hereby appointed officers in the Army of the United States in the arm, staff corps or department, and in the grades in which they now hold commission as officers of the National Guard, such appointments to be effective, subject to acceptance, on and from the fifth day of August, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and each of them, subject to such acceptance, is hereby assigned as of said date to the organization in the Army of the United States composed of those who were members of the organization of the National Guard in which at the time of draft he held a commission. The noncommissioned officers of the organizations of the National Guard the members of which are hereby drafted are hereby appointed noncommissioned officers in their present grade in the organizations of the Army composed of said members and shall in each case have the same relative rank as heretofore; and all other enlisted men are hereby confirmed in the Army of the United States in the grades and ratings held by them in the National Guard in all cases where such grades and ratings correspond to grades and ratings provided for in like organizations of the Regular Army, all such appointments of noncommissioned officers and confirmations of other enlisted men in their grades to be without prejudice to the authority of subordinate commanders in respect of promotions, reductions and changes in enlisted personnel. Retention of former designations. Orders to be issued. V. Each organization of the military force hereby created will, until further orders, bear the same name and designation as the former organization of the National Guard of whose members it is composed. VI. All necessary orders for combining the organizations created by embodying therein members of the National Guard and National Guard Reserve hereby drafted into the military service of the United States into complete tactical units will be issued by the War Depart ment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this third day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, [SEAL.] and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-first. By the President: ROBERT LANSING, Secretary of State. WOODROW WILSON BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION July 9, 1917. Whereas Congress has enacted, and the President has on the Embargo on exports. fifteenth day of June, 1917, approved a law which contains the following provisions: Statutory provisions. "Whenever during the present war the President shall find that the Public Laws, p. 225. public safety shall so require, and shall make proclamation thereof, it shall be unlawful to export from or ship from or take out of the United States to any country named in such proclamation any article or articles mentioned in such proclamation, except at such time or times, and under such regulations and orders, and subject to such limitations and exceptions as the President shall prescribe, until otherwise ordered by the President or by Congress: Provided, however, that no preference shall be given to the ports of one State over those of another "Any person who shall export, ship, or take out, or deliver or attempt to deliver for export, shipment, or taking out, any article in violation of this title, or of any regulation or order made hereunder, shall be fined not more than $10,000, or, if a natural person, imprisoned for not more than two years, or both; and any article so delivered or exported, shipped, or taken out, or so attempted to be delivered or exported, shipped, or taken out, shall be seized and forfeited to the United States; and any officer, director, or agent of corporation who participates in such violation shall be liable any to like fine or imprisonment, or both. a "Whenever there is reasonable cause to believe that any vessel, domestic or foreign, is about to carry out of the United States any article or articles in violation of the provisions of this title, the collector of customs for the district in which such vessel is located is hereby authorized and empowered, subject to review by the Secretary of Commerce, to refuse clearance to any such vessel, domestic or foreign, for which clearance is required by law, and by formal notice served upon the owners, master, or person or persons in command or charge of any domestic vessel for which clearance is not required by law, to forbid the departure of such vessel from the port, and it shall thereupon be unlawful for such vessel to depart. Whoever, in violation of any of the provisions of this section shall take, or attempt to take, or authorize the taking of any such vessel out of port or from the jurisdiction of the United States, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both; and, in addition, such vessel, her tackle, apparel, furniture, equipment, and her forbidden cargo shall be forfeited to the United States." And whereas, the public safety requires that succor shall be prevented from reaching the enemy; Exporting designated articles to foreign coununder specific author Now, therefore I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim to all whom it may concern that, tries prohibited except except at such time or times and under such regulations and orders ization. and subject to such limitations and exceptions as the President shall Post, p. 47. prescribe, until otherwise ordered by the President or by Congress, the following articles, namely: Coal, coke, fuel oils, kerosene and gasoline, including bunkers; food grains, flour and meal therefrom, fodder and feeds, meat and fats; pig iron, steel billets, ship plates and structural shapes, scrap iron and scrap steel; ferro-manganese; fertilizers; arms, ammunition and explosives, shall not, on and after the fifteenth day of July, 1917, be carried out of or exported from the United States or its territorial possessions to Abyssinia, Afghanistan, Albania, Argentina, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, her colonies, posses issued. sions or protectorates, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, her colonies, possessions or protectorates, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, France, her colonies, possessions or protectorates, Germany, her colonies, possessions or protectorates, Great Britain, her colonies, possessions or protectorates, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Italy, her colonies, possessions or protectorates, Japan, Liberia, Leichtenstein, Luxemburg, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Nepal, Nicaragua, The Netherlands, her colonies, possessions, or protectorates, Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Persia, Peru, Portugal, her colonies, possessions, or protectorates, Roumania, Russia, Salvador, San Marino, Servia, Siam, Spain, her colonies, possessions or protectorates, Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay, Venezuela, or Turkey. Orders, etc., to be The orders and regulations from time to time prescribed will be administered by and under the authority of the Secretary of Commerce, from whom licenses, in conformity with the said orders and regulations, will issue. July 13, 1917. German companies. Preamble. Ante, p. 10. insurance Branch establishments prohibited busi IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this ninth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen and [SEAL.] of the independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-second. By the President, Acting Secretary of State. WOODROW WILSON BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, certain insurance companies, incorporated under the laws of the German Empire, have been admitted to transact the business of marine and war risk insurance in various States of the United States, by means of separate United States Branches established pursuant to the laws of such States, and are now engaged in such business under the supervision of the Insurance Departments thereof, with assets in the United States deposited with Insurance Departments or in the hands of resident trustees, citizens of the United States, for the protection of all policy-holders in the United States; AND WHEREAS, the nature of marine and war risk insurance is such that those conducting it must of necessity be in touch with the movements of ships and cargoes, and it has been considered by the Government of great importance that this information should not be obtained by alien enemies; NOW, THEREFORE, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the ness of marine and war United States of America, by virtue of the powers vested in me as risk insurance. such, hereby declare and proclaim that such branch establishments of German Insurance Companies now engaged in the transaction of business in the United States pursuant to the laws of the several States are hereby prohibited from continuing the transaction of the business Reinsuring such in- of marine and war risk insurance either as direct insurers or re-insurers; surance in them forbidden. and all individuals, firms, and insurance companies incorporated under the laws of any of the States or Territories of the United States, or of any foreign country, and established pursuant to the laws of such States and now engaged in the United States in the business of marine and war risk insurance either as direct insurers or re-insurers are hereby prohibited from re-insuring with companies incorporated under the laws of the German Empire, no matter where located; and all per- auch insurance sons in the United States are prohibited from insuring against marine etc., prohibited. or war risks with insurance companies incorporated under the laws of the German Empire or with individuals, firms, and insurance companies incorporated under the laws of any of the States or Territories of the United States or of any foreign country and now engaged in the business of marine or war risk insurance in the United States, which re-insure business originating in the United States with companies incorporated under the laws of the German Empire, no matter where located. in contracts suspended during the Exceptions. The foregoing prohibitions shall extend and operate as to all exist- suExisting ing contracts for insurance and re-insurance which are hereby sus- war. pended for the period of the war, except that they shall not operate to vitiate or prevent the insurance or re-insurance of, and the payment or receipt of, premiums on insurance or re-insurance under existing contracts on vessels or interest at risk on the date of this proclamation, and such insurance or re-insurance, if for a voyage, shall continue in force until arrival at destination, and if for time, until thirty days from the date of this proclamation, but if on a voyage at that time, until the arrival at destination. Payments Nothing herein shall be construed to operate to prevent the pay-ized ment of authorment or receipt of any premium, return premium, or claim now due or fected. which may become due on or in respect to insurances or re-insurances not prohibited by this proclamation. That all funds of such German companies now in the possession of of Disposition of funds German companies. Transmitting abroad their managers or agents, or which shall hereafter come into their pos- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the District of Columbia this thirteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seven[SEAL.] teen and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-second. WOODROW WILSON BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA August 3, 1917. Dakota National For WHEREAS, it appears that the public good will be promoted by esDakota Na abolishing the Dakota National Forest within the State of North Preamble. Dakota, and restoring the public lands subject to disposition therein Vol. 38, p. 113. in a manner authorized by the Act of Congress approved September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen (38 Stat., 113), entitled "An 100768°-65-1-42 Establishment cated. Vol. 35, p. 2207. va Lands restored to settlement. Vol. 38, p. 113. Time of opening. etc. Act To authorize the President to provide a method for opening lands restored from reservation or withdrawal, and for other purposes"; Now, therefore, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the Act of Congress approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven (30 Stat., 11 at 34 and 36), entitled "An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes", do hereby vacate the proclamation of November twentyfourth, nineteen hundred and eight setting apart and reserving the following described lands as the Dakota National Forest: In Township 136 North, Range 102 West: Of section 10 the south half; Of section 30 the north half; In Township 136 North, Range 103 West: Sections 10 to 15, inclusive; Fifth Principal Meridian. And I do further proclaim and make known that in my judgment it is proper and necessary, in the interest of equal opportunity and good administration, that all of the above described lands subject to disposition should be restored to homestead entry in advance of settlement or other forms of disposition, and pursuant to the authority reposed in me by the aforesaid Act of September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, I do hereby direct and provide that such lands, subject to valid rights, shall be opened to entry only under the provisions of the homestead laws requirin requiring residence at and after, but not before, nine o'clock a. m., standard time, September 19, 1917, and to settlement and other disposition, under any public land law applicable thereto, at and after, but not before, nine o'clock a. m. September 26, Filing applications, 1917. Prospective applicants may, during the period of twenty days preceding the date on which the land shall become subject to entry, selection, or location of the form desired under the provisions of this Proclamation, execute their applications in the manner provided by law and present the same, accompanied by the required payments, to the United States land office at Dickinson, North Dakota, in person, by mail, or otherwise, and all applications so filed, together with such as may be submitted at the hour fixed, shall be treated as though simultaneously filed and shall be disposed of in the manner prescribed by existing regulations. Under such regulations conflicts of equal rights will be determined by a drawing. Warning against trespassing prior to opening. Warning is hereby given that no settlement initiated prior to seven days after the date for homestead entry above named will be recognized, but all persons who go upon any of the lands to be restored hereunder and perform any act of settlement thereon prior to nine o'clock a. m., standard time, September 26, 1917, or who are on or are occupying any part of said lands at such hour, except those having valid subsisting settlement rights initiated prior to withdrawal from settlement and since maintained, and those having preferences to Agricultural lands. make entry under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six (34 Stat., 233), entitled "An Act To provide for the entry of Agricultural lands within forest reserves", and Acts amendatory, will be considered and dealt with as trespassers and will gain no rights whatever under such unlawful Examinations al settlement or occupancy; Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall prevent persons from going upon and over the lands to examine them with a view to thereafter appropriating them in 233. lowed. |