Lapas attēli


Owners of.

sixty, be, and hereby is, authorized to sell and convey for, or to borrow and secure by deed of trust thereon, such sum or sums as may be satisfactory to the several organizations hereinafter named as owners, those parcels of ground in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, known and designated on the plat of said city as lot Description of propnumbered eleven and part of lot numbered ten in square numbered four hundred and fifty-seven, together with the buildings thereon, known as Odd Fellows' Hall, the title to which property is now held in trust by the said corporation for the following organizations, owners thereof, namely: The Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the District of Columbia; Columbian Encampment Numbered One, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Central Lodge Numbered One, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Washington Lodge Numbered Six, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Columbia Lodge Numbered Ten, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Beacon Lodge Numbered Fifteen, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Excelsior Lodge Numbered Seventeen, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; and Eastern Lodge Numbered Seven, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the consent of each of said several organizations being evidenced by a written instrument bearing the seal and the signature of its executive officers; the proceeds of said sale or loan may be applied to the payment and liquidation of any debt on said property or toward the purchase of other ground and the erection thereon of a building or buildings for like purposes as those for which the abovedescribed property has been held, or to the erection of a new building, or to repairing or rebuilding on the ground now held, said property to be held in trust for said above-mentioned organizations according to their respective interests therein, and for such other organizations of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows as may hereafter contribute to the cost of such property, according to the amount respectively contributed by each: Provided, That any purchaser or purchasers of such property shall not be required to see to the proper application of responsibility. of the money paid therefor.


Use for new building, etc.

Purchasers relieved

Maximum property

"SEC. 2. That the said corporation shall be authorized and capable holdings increased. of taking and holding real and personal property in trust for said organizations to any value not exceeding the sum of $1,000,000, and shall have full power and authority, upon a resolution or resolutions of each of said beneficiary organizations, to, from time to time, encumber any ground and the improvements thereon so held in trust for said organizations, or any part thereof, in such manner, for such purpose, and in accordance with such regulations as may be prescribed by said resolution or resolutions."

Approved, April 30, 1917.

May 7, 1917. [H. R. 2893.]

[Public, No. 10.]

CHAP. 11.-An Act To amend section ten of chapter two of the Criminal Code. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 10 of chapter two of an Act entitled "An Act to codify, revise, and amend the Vol. 35, p. 1089, penal laws of the United States," approved March fourth, nineteen amended.

read as follows:

hundred and nine, be amended so as to rea

Criminal Code.
Neutrality offenses.

Enlisting, etc., in

"SEC. 10. Whoever, within the territory or jurisdiction of the foreign service within United States, enlists or enters himself, or hires or retains another United States. person to enlist or enter himself, or to go beyond the limits or jurisdiction of the United States with intent to be enlisted or entered in the service of any foreign prince, State, colony, district, or people as a soldier or as a marine or seaman on board of any vessel of war, letter of marque, or privateer shall be fined not more than $1,000 and imprisoned not more than three years: Provided, That this


Punishment for.

service of country

Aliens magenlist in section shall not apply to citizens or subjects of any country engaged war with country with in war with a country with which the United States is at war, unless which United States is such citizen or subject of such foreign country shall hire or solicit a


May 12, 1917. (H. R. 13.)

[Public, No. 11.]

citizen of the United States to enlist or go beyond the jurisdiction of the United States with intent to enlist or enter the service of a foreign country. Enlistments under this proviso shall be under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of War."

Approved, May 7, 1917.

CHAP. 12. An Act Making appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Army appropriations. States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Army for the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen:


Emergencies, etc.


Office, Chief of Staff.

Army War College.

Contingencies, military information section.



CONTINGENCIES OF THE ARMY: For all contingent expenses of the Army not otherwise provided for and embracing all branches of the military service, including the office of the Chief of Staff; for all emergencies and extraordinary expenses, including the employment of translators and exclusive of all other personal services in the War Department, or any of its subordinate bureaus or offices at Washington, District of Columbia, or in the Army at large, but impossible to be anticipated or classified; to be expended on the approval and authority of the Secretary of War, and for such purposes as he may purposes deem proper, including the payment of per diem allowance not to exceed $4, in lieu of subsistence, to employees of the War Department traveling on official business outside of the District of Columbia and away from their designated posts, $50,000.



ARMY WAR COLLEGE: For expenses of the Army War College, being for the purchase of the necessary stationery; typewriters and exchange of same; office, toilet, and desk furniture; textbooks; books of reference; scientific and professional papers and periodicals; printing and binding; maps; police utensils; employment of temporary, technical, or special services; and for all other absolutely necessary expenses, including $25 per month additional to regular compensation to chief clerk of division for superintendence of the War College building, $9,000.

CONTINGENCIES, MILITARY INFORMATION SECTION, GENERAL STAFF CORPS: For contingent expenses of the military information section, General Staff Corps, including the purchase of law books, professional books of reference; periodicals and newspapers; drafting and messenger service; and of the military attachés at the United States embassies and legations abroad; and of the branch office of the military information section at Manila; the cost of special instruction at home and abroad and in maintenance of students and attachés; and for such other purposes as the Secretary of War may deem proper; to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War: Provided,

R. S., sec. 3648, p. 718. That section thirty-six hundred and forty-eight, Revised Statutes,

Observing war op

erations abroad.

shall not apply to subscriptions for foreign and professional newspapers and periodicals to be paid for from this appropriation, $11,000. EXPENSES OF MILITARY OBSERVERS ABROAD: For the actual and necessary expenses of officers of the Army on duty abroad for the purpose of observing operations of armies of foreign States at war, to be paid upon certificates of the Secretary of War that the expendi. tures were necessary for obtaining military information, $15,000.

Service schools.
Fort Leavenworth,

Fort Riley, Kans.
Fort Sill, Okla.

UNITED STATES SERVICE SCHOOLS: To provide means for the theoretical and practical instruction at the Army service schools Kans. (including the Army Staff College, the Army School of the Line, the Army Field Engineer School, the Army Field Service and Correspondence School for Medical Officers, and the Army Signal School) at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, the Mounted Service School, at Fort Riley, Kansas, and the School of Fire for Field Artillery and for the School of Musketry, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, by the purchase of textbooks, books of reference, scientific and professional papers, the purchase of modern instruments and material for theoretical and practical instruction, employment of temporary, technical, or special services, and for all other absolutely necessary expenses, to be allotted in such proportion as may, in the opinion of the Secretary of War, be for the best interests of the military service. Not exceeding $100 per month may be used for the payment of one translator, to be appointed by the commandant of the Army service schools with the approval of the Secretary of War, $35,350.


Assignment for Field

Provided, That officers in the grade of second lieutenant in the Field Artillery may be assigned, for the period of one year, to batteries Artillery instruction. stationed at the School of Fire for Field Artillery at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, for the purpose of pursuing courses of practical instruction in

field artillery.


Adjutant General's Department.

Contingencies at

CONTINGENCIES, HEADQUARTERS OF MILITARY DEPARTMENTS, headquarters. DISTRICTS, AND TACTICAL COMMANDS: For contingent expenses at the headquarters of the several territorial departments, territorial districts, tactical divisions and brigades, including the Staff Corps serving thereat, being for the purchase of the necessary articles of office, toilet, and desk furniture, stationery, ice, and nd potable potable water for office use when necessary, binding, maps, technical books of reference, professional and technical newspapers and periodicals, payment for which may be made in advance, and police utensils to be allotted by the Secretary of War, and to be expended in the discretion of the commanding officers of the several military departments, districts, and tactical commands, $7,500.


Chief of Coast Artillery.

Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe,

COAST ARTILLERY SCHOOL, FORT MONROE, VIRGINIA: For incidental expenses of the school, including chemicals, stationery, print- va. ing and binding; hardware; materials; cost of special instruction of officers detailed as instructors; employment of temporary, technical, or special services; extra-duty pay to soldiers necessarily employed for periods not less than ten days as artificers on work in addition to and not strictly in line with their military duties, such as carpenters, blacksmiths, draftsmen, printers, lithographers, photographers, engine drivers, telegraph operators, teamsters, wheelwrights, masons, machinists, painters, overseers, laborers; for office furniture and fixtures, machinery, and unforeseen expenses, $10,000;

Special apparatus,

For purchase of engines, generators, motors, machines, measuring etc. instruments, special apparatus and materials for the division of the enlisted specialists, $7,000;

For purchase of special apparatus and materials and for experimental purposes for the department of artillery and land defense, $3,000;

For purchase of engines, generators, motors, machines, measuring Engineering and instruments, special apparatus and materials for the department of engineering and mine defense, $5,500;



For purchase and binding of professional books treating of military and scientific subjects for library, for use of school, and for temporary use in coast defenses, $2,500; in all, $28,000.

Provided, That section thirty-six hundred and forty-eight, Revised R. S., sec. 3648, p. 718. Statutes, shall not apply to subscriptions for foreign and professional

[blocks in formation]


newspapers and periodicals to be paid for from this appropriation. Provided further, That purchase and exchange of typewriting machines, to be paid for from this appropriation, may be made at the special price allowed to schools teaching stenography and typewriting without obligating typewriter companies to supply these machines to all departments of the Government at the same price.


SIGNAL SERVICE OF THE ARMY: For expenses of the Signal Service of the Army, as follows: Purchase, equipment, and repair of field electric telegraphs, radio installations, signal equipments and stores, binocular glasses, telescopes, heliostats, and other necessary instruments, including necessary meteorological instruments for use on target ranges; motorcycles and motor-driven vehicles used for technical and official purposes; professional and scientific books of reference, pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers, and maps, for use in the

Waret balloons, air- office of the Chief Signal Officer; war balloons and airships and acces

ships, etc.

Electric plants.

Aviation section.

Purchases, etc., un-
Post, pp. 187, 245, 355.


Motor vehicles.

sories, including their maintenance and repair; telephone apparatus (exclusive of exchange service) and maintenance of the same; electrical installations and maintenance at military posts; fire-control and direction apparatus and material for Field Artillery; maintenance and repair of military lines and cables, including salaries of civilian employees, supplies, general repairs, reserved supplies, and other expenses connected with the duty of collecting and transmitting information for the Army by telegraph or otherwise, $11,800,000.

Provided, however, That not more than $10,800,000 of the foregoing appropriation shall be used for the purchase, manufacture, maintenance, operation, and repair of airships and other aerial machines, buildings for equipment and personnel, and other accessories necessary in the Aviation Section; and for the purchase, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles which may be necessary for the Aviation Section: Provided further,

Paying Reserves in That of the sum last above mentioned so much thereof as may be


Aviation motor.

Sites for aviation schools, etc. Post, p. 246.

Use of balances.

Vol. 39, p. 622.


necessary will be available for paying and otherwise providing for such officers of the Officers' Reserve Corps of the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps and such enlisted men of the Enlisted Reserve Corps of the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps as may be called into active service; for the payment of all expenses in connection with the development of a suitable type of aviation motor, under such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe; for the cost of investigations to be made by and technical instruction of commissioned and noncommissioned officers of the said section.

Provided further, That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to acquire, by purchase, donation, or by condemnation, such land sites throughout the United States as are immediately necessary for the permanent establishment of aviation schools, aviation posts, and experimental aviation stations and proving grounds for the United States Army.

Provided further, That in order to carry this legislation into effect the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to use such portion as may be necessary of the $13,281,666 appropriated for the Signal Service of the Army in the Act making appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen: Provided, however, That not more than $4,500,000 shall be made available for this purpose: Provided further, That the funds

Construction, etc.

Installation, equip

thus authorized for use in the purchase of land sites may also be used fie Expenditures specifor the improvement and preparation of land and waters contiguous thereto; for the construction, maintenance, and repair of permanent barracks, quarters, stables, storehouses, magazines, administration buildings, hangars, sheds, shops, garages, and other permanent buildings necessary for the shelter of aviation troops, public animals, stores and equipment, and for administration purposes; for the pur minstallati chase of all equipment and material necessary for the installation, operation, and repair of all water, sewer, electric-light and electricpower systems; for the construction of roads, walks, and wharves; for the disposal of drainage; for the clearing, grading, rolling, seeding, dredging, and otherwise improving and preparing land and water sites; for rental and lease of grounds for aviation fields, camp sites, and other military aviation purposes; for rental and lease of buildings or portions of buildings for occupation by aviation troops, and for use as storehouses, offices, shops, garages, and for other military


Purchase of office

aviation purposes; for the purchase of office furniture and office supplies, etc.
equipment; for the purchase and installation of special equipment,
supplies, and accessories necessary for the establishment of experi-
mental stations and proving grounds, aviation schools, and aviation
posts; for the purchase of such textbooks, books of reference, scien-
tific and professional papers, periodicals and magazines, and the pur-
chase of modern instruments and material for theoretical and prac-
tical instruction in all experimental stations and proving grounds and
aviation schools and aviation posts: Provided further, That the funds
thus authorized for these purposes shall be available until expended:
And provided further, That not more than $600,000 of the foregoing ited.
sum shall be used for the purchase of land: Provided, That no part leas
of the foregoing appropriation shall be expended for the purchase of
aviation fields if it is found practicable to lease suitable sites for such
purposes on more favorable terms.

Available until expended.

Land purchases lim-
Leases, if practi-

Equipment ex

Provided further, That hereafter motor-propelled vehicles, aero- changes! planes, engines, and parts thereof may be exchanged in part payment for new equipment of the same or similar character, to be used for the same purpose as those proposed to be exchanged.

Details from De

Vol. 39, p. 183.

Provided further, That hereafter nothing in section twenty-five of tached Officers' List. the National Defense Act of June third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, shall be held to prevent the detail of an officer in the aviation section of the Signal Corps.

Provided further, That mileage to officers in the aviation section, Signal Corps, traveling on duty in connection with aviation service shall be paid from the appropriation for the work in connection with which the travel is performed.

For the establishment and maintenance by the Weather Bureau of additional aerological stations, for observing, measuring and investigating atmospheric phenomena in the aid of aeronautics, including salaries, travel and other expenses in the city of Washington and elsewhere, $100,000, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of Agriculture.

Payment of mileage.

Aerological stations.


Extensions, etc.

For defraying the cost of such extensions, betterments, operation, and maintenance of the Washington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System as may be approved by the Secretary of War, to be available until the close of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nineteen, from the receipts of the Washington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System which have been covered into the Treasury of the United States, the extent of such extensions and betterments and the cost thereof to be reported to Congress by the Secretary of War, $50,000. Provided, That hereafter the Signal Corps, in its operation of military telegraph lines, cables, or radio stations, is authorized, in the over commercial lines. discretion of the Secretary of War, to collect forwarding charges due

Charges for messages

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