Lapas attēli

Vol. 38, p. 680.

Per diem subsistence. March first, nineteen hundred and thirteen, including per diem in lieu of subsistence when allowed pursuant to section thirteen of the sundry civil appropriation Act approved August first, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and including not exceeding $15,000 for rent of buildings in the District of Columbia, $3,500,000.


Safe locomotive boilers, etc. Vol. 36, p. 913.

Vol. 38, p. 1192.

For all authorized expenditures under the provisions of the Act of February seventeenth, nineteen hundred and eleven, "To promote the safety of employees and travelers upon railroads by compelling common carriers engaged in interstate commerce to equip their locomotives with safe and suitable boilers and appurtenances thereto," and amendment of March fourth, nineteen hundred and fifteen, extending "the same powers and duties with respect to all parts and appurtenances of the locomotive and tender," including such stenographic and clerical help to the chief inspector and his two assistants as the Interstate Commerce Commission may deem necessary, and

Perdiem subsistence. for per diem in lieu of subsistence when allowed pursuant to section thirteen of the sundry civil appropriation Act approved August first, nineteen hundred and fourteen, $225,000.

[blocks in formation]


Vol. 38, p. 717.



For commissioner, $7,500; assistant commissioner, $5,000; necessary and proper expenses incurred in connection with any arbitration or with the carrying on of the work of mediation and conciliation, including traveling and other necessary expenses of members or employees of boards of arbitration, furniture, office fixtures and supplies, books of reference and periodicals, salaries, traveling expenses, and other necessary expenses of members or employees of the Board of Mediation and Conciliation, to be approved by the chairman of said board, $34,680; rent in the District of Columbia, $2,820; in all, $50,000.

Authority for incurring expenses, including subsistence, by boards of arbitration shall first be obtained from the Board of Mediation and Conciliation.


For five commissioners, at $10,000 each; secretary, $5,000; five clerks to commissioners, at $1,500 each; chief clerk, $2,000; disbursing clerk, $2,000; clerks-four of class four, five of class three, ten of class two, seventeen of class one, twenty-one at $1,000 each, twenty-one at $900 each; messenger; four assistant messengers; nine messenger boys, at $480 each; general mechanic, $840; three watchmen; two elevator conductors, at $720 each; three laborers, at $660 each; telephone operator, $720; forewoman, $300; six charwomen, at $240 each; in all, $172,920.

For all expenses necessary to carry out the order of the President of trust violations of pro- pro- the United States to investigate te within within the scope of its powers and

Investigation of antiduction, distribution, etc., of.

to report the facts relating to any alleged violations of the antitrust Acts by any corporation in the production, ownership, manufacture, storage, and distribution of foodstuffs and the products or byproducts arising from or in connection with their preparation and manufacture, $250,000.

Specialattorneys, etc. For compensation, travel expense, and per diem in lieu of subsistence at the rate of $4, of such special attorneys, special experts, special examiners, special agents, clerks, and other employees as may be necessary for the purpose of carrying on the work of said commission; no salary shall be paid hereunder exceeding the rate of $5,000 per annum, $300,000.

Salary limit.

For contingent and miscellaneous expenses, including the purchase Contingent expenses. of professional and scientific books, law books, books of reference, periodicals, pamphlets, maps, stationery, furniture and repairs to same, carpets, matting, oilcloth, filing cases, towels, ice, brooms, soap, sponges, fuel, lighting and heating, freight and express charges, street car tickets, postage to foreign countries, telegraph and telephone service, typewriters and calculating machines, including their exchange, and for all other necessary miscellaneous supplies not otherwise provided, $20,000.

For rental of building or quarters, $15,000.


Witness fees, etc.

For witness fees, and mileage, as provided in section nine of the Vol. 38, p. 722. Federal Trade Commission Act, $15,000.


For salaries and expenses of the United States Tariff Commission, including the purchase of professional and scientific books, law books, books of reference and periodicals as may be necessary, as authorized under Title VII of the Act entitled "An Act to increase the revenue, and for other purposes," approved September eighth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, $300,000.


For five commissioners at $7,500 each; secretary, $5,000; in all, $42,500.

Tariff Commission.

Salaries and expenses.

Vol. 39, p. 795.

Shipping Board.



For all other expenditures authorized by the Act approved Sep- Vol. 39, p. 728. tember seventh, nineteen hundred and sixteen, including the compensation of attorneys, officers, naval architects, special experts, examiners, clerks, and other employees in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; and for all other expenses of the board, including rental of quarters in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, law books, books of reference, and periodicals, printing and binding, and actual and necessary expenses of members of the board, its special experts, and other employees while upon official business outside of the District of Columbia, $300,000.

For the investigation of foreign discrimination against vessels investigating discrimand shippers of the United States, $175,000, of which sum $100,000 can vessels, etc. shall be available immediately.


Employees' Compensation Commission.


For expenses under an Act entitled "An Act to provide compen- Vol. 39, p. 742. sation for employees of the United States suffering injuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other purposes," approved September seventh, nineteen hundred and sixteen, namely:

MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES: For salaries of the commissioners, and for assistants, clerks, and other employees, traveling expenses, expenses of medical examinations, and for reasonable traveling and other expenses and loss of wages payable to employees under section twenty-one, rent in the District of Columbia and equipment of offices, books, stationery, and other supplies, printing and binding to be done at the Government Printing Office, and other necessary expenses, $50,000.

EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION FUND: For the payment of compensation provided by said Act, including medical, surgical, and hospital services, and supplies provided by section nine, and the transportation and burial expenses provided by sections nine and eleven, $500,000, to be available until expended; and the appropriation of $500,000 for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen is continued and made available until expended.

Salaries, etc.
Vol. 39, p. 747.

Compensation fund.
Allowances under.
Vol. 39, pp. 743, 745.

Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Commission. Acquiring connecting lands. Vol. 37, p. 885.


To enable the commission created by section twenty-two of the public buildings Act approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen (Thirty-seventh Statutes at Large, page eight hundred and eighty-five), to continue proceedings toward the acquisition of lands required for a connecting parkway between Potomac Park, the Zoological Park, and Rock Creek Park, $100,000, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, to be available until expended and to be payable one-half out of the Treasury of the United

Half from District States and one-half out of the revenues of the District of Columbia:

revenues. Provisos. Area limited.

Provided, That the total area of lands finally to be acquired for said parkway shall not exceed the area and parcels described and delineated in the map numbered two, contained in House Document Numbered Eleven hundred and fourteen of the Sixty-fourth Congress,

Conditions imposed. first session: Provided further, That the expenditure of the funds

Vol. 39, p. 282.

Mississippi Centen

nial Exposition.

Expenses, transferring Government ex

appropriated herein shall be subject to all the conditions imposed by the sundry civil appropriation Act approved July first, nineteen hundred and sixteen.


For the transfer at the close of the Panama-California International hibit at Panama-Cali- Exposition of the Government exhibit, or such portions thereof as

fornia Exposition to. Vol. 39, p. 854.

Ericsson memorial.

Erection in Washington, D. C. Vol. 39, p. 671.

may be determined by the President as advisable, and for its installation and maintenance during the continuance of said Mississippi Centennial Exposition until not later than June tenth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, and its return to Washington, $75,000, to be expended in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved September eighth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, and to be immediately available.


For the erection in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, of a suitable memorial to John Ericsson, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act for erecting a suitable memorial to John Ericsson," approved August thirty-first, nineteen hundred Acceptance of dona- and sixteen, $35,000; and in addition to the foregoing amount, the


War Department.

Military publications.

Printing and binding instruction manuals, etc.


Private contracts permitted.

commission is authorized to accept and to expend such sums as may be donated for the memorial.



In addition to any other appropriation available for this purpose, there is hereby appropriated $150,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be immediately available, to be expended in printing and binding publications and manuals necessary for the organization and instruction of the land forces of the United States or such other necessary printing as the Secretary of War may prescribe: Provided, That the printing and binding herein authorized may be executed under contract with private concerns if in the judgment of the Secretary of War the public interest requires, notwithstanding the provisions of law requiring such printing and binding to be done in the Government Printing Office.


Armories and arse


Augusta Arsenal, Augusta, Georgia: For increasing facilities for Augusta, Ga.

fire protection, $5,000.

Benicia Arsenal, Benicia, California:

For an elevator in main storehouse, $1,700;
For a fence around the lumber yard, including a shed roof for the

protection of lumber, $2,000;

For one oil storehouse, $2,000;

In all, $5,700.

Benicia, Cal.

Frankford, Pa.

Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:
Any unexpended balance after completing the work prescribed by Vol. 39, p. 283.

the following appropriation contained in the sundry civil appro-
priation Act approved July first, nineteen hundred and sixteen,
"For five magazine buildings, including necessary barriers and
fences about the buildings, railroad connections, sewer lines, light-
ing mains, and so forth, $90,900," shall be available for the con-
struction of two primer dry houses.

For a small-arms ammunition storehouse, $72,000;
For a primer shop and planning room, $165,000;

For two sets of double quarters for officers, $30,000;

For a combination wall and picket fence along the north side and a picket fence along the east and south sides of the arsenal reservation, $20,000;

For construction and repair of roads, including railroad sidings, $10,000;

For extension of high-explosive loading shop, $10,000;
For a paint shop, $30,000;

For an artillery firing range, including an explosion chamber, $75,000;

For a small-arms firing range, including a proof house and target, $25,000;

For a general storehouse, $135,000;

For the construction of tunnels and the installation of appropriate heating and lighting mains for transferring heat and light to the western part of the arsenal, $40,000;

For extension of instrument department building, $5,000;

For extension of artillery case shop building, $25,000;
For an artillery ammunition storehouse, $90,000;

In all, $732,000.

Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, New Jersey:

For increasing and improving the water supply, $5,000;

For a magazine, $3,000;

For increasing transportation facilities, including the purchase of

cars and a track scale, $10,000;

For repairs to bridges and roads, $10,000;

Use of balance.

Picatinny, N. J.

For a plant for drying powder by the water-drying process, $15,000;
For increasing storage facilities for old powder, $2,500;

For a powder magazine, $15,000;

For modification and improvement of existing magazines, $8,000;

In all, $68,500.

Proving ground facilities: For increasing the facilities for the ities, buildings, land,

Proving facil

proof and test of field artillery and its ammunition, including neces- etc. sary buildings and the purchase of land, $1,500,000.

Post, p. 352.

Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois:

Rock Island, III.

For additional amount for bath and toilet room addition to bar

racks building, $10,000;

Field artillery manu

For increasing the facilities for the manufacture of field artillery, facture, etc.

matériel, including the necessary buildings and equipment, and for providing additional storage space and other storage facilities, either

[blocks in formation]

by building and equipping new storehouses or by building and equipping shops for manufacturing purposes and equipping as storehouses shops thereby vacated and made available, $2,965,000.

For laying a new floor on Moline Bridge, $14,000;

For replacing roof and gutters of post stables, $2,600;

For completing facilities for manufacturing field artillery ammunition at a total cost not exceeding $2,000,000, including necessary buildings, and so forth, $1,500,000;

For increasing facilities for storage of sodium nitrate, including

necessary buildings, and so forth, $135,000;

For a central steam heating plant, $165,000;
For a garage for motor trucks, $15,000;

For a plant for the manufacture of rifle and hand grenades, includ

ing necessary buildings, and so forth, $125,000;

For an additional amount for ice-making plant, $7,000;

The appropriations of $250,000 for increasing storage facilities at the Rock Island Arsenal and of $225,000 for providing facilities for a reserve supply of sodium nitrate, contained in the general deficiency appropriation act, approved September eighth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, are made available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen;

For maintenance and operation of power plant, $12,500; For operating, care, and preservation of Rock Island bridges and viaduct; and maintenance and repair of the arsenal street connecting the bridges, $20,000;

In all, $4,971,100.

Sandy Hook, New Jersey, Proving Ground:

For enlarging magazine at proof battery, $6,000;

For extension of barracks building, $25,000;

For one crane, $78,000;

For increasing railroad transportation facilities, $12,500;

For two coal bins, $3,500;

In all, $125,000.

San Antonio Arsenal, San Antonio, Texas:

For increasing facilities for the repair of ordnance matériel, includ

ing necessary buildings, and so forth, $50,000;

For a magazine, $30,000;

For adding two stories to storehouse, $45,000;

For a building for storing artillery vehicles and machine-gun

trucks, $3,000;

In all, $128,000.

Springfield Arsenal, Springfield, Massachusetts:

The appropriation of $5,500 for extension of wing of milling shop for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen is made available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen, together with the further sum of $4,500;

For a new power plant for the hill shops, $90,000;
For replacing worn-out and obsolete machine tools, $100,000;

In all, $194,500.

Watertown Arsenal, Watertown, Massachusetts:
For a locomotive crane, $14,500;

For one storehouse and its equipment, $90,000;

For a fire engine, $4,000;

For construction and repair of roads, sidewalks, and so forth, $10,000;

For an oil-storage equipment for the manufacturing plant, $12,000; The appropriation of $5,000 made in the Act approved July first, nineteen hundred and sixteen, for a building for housing electric engine and locomotive crane is reappropriated and made available for the construction of a building for housing automobile trucks and electric engine, together with the further sum of $1,000;

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