Lapas attēli

or over, Finns show a slightly smaller percentage having first papers only than is shown in the total.

The following table shows, by race cf individual, the present political condition of foreign-born males, in the households studied, who had been in the United States five years or over and who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming to this country.

TABLE 138.-Present political condition of foreign-born males who have been in the United States 5 years or over and who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual.


[By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States.]

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As showing the interest manifested in American citizenship by the 87 males for whom information was obtained in this locality, only one race, the Finns, show as many as 20 males reporting. Of the 21 Finns identically the same number, 5, or 23.8 per cent, report as being fully naturalized and having first papers only.


The extent to which the mine workers of foreign birth and of nonEnglish-speaking races have acquired the ability to speak English is exhibited by the series of tabulations next submitted. The first table presented shows, by sex and general nativity and race of individual, the percentage of persons 6 years of age or over in the households studied, who can speak English.

TABLE 139.-Per cent of persons 6 years of age or over who speak English, by sex and general nativity and race of individual.


[This table includes only non-English-speaking races with 40 or more persons reporting. The totals, however, are for all non-English-speaking races.]

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The preceding table shows that of the 511 persons for whom information was obtained, 60.9 per cent speak English-the males reporting 78.6 per cent as compared with 40 per cent of the females. As regards the foreign-born, it will be noted that both the males and females report a slightly smaller proportion with ability to speak English than is shown by the total for all persons. The native-born of foreign father, on the other hand, report a considerably larger proportion of males and a very much larger proportion of females with ability to speak English than the proportions shown in the total. While a very much smaller proportion of foreign-born females than males speak English, the proportion of females native-born of foreign father slightly exceeds the proportion of males.

Without a single exception, each race reports a larger proportion of males than females, with ability to speak English-the greatest difference being noted among the Croatians and the smallest among the Swedes. As regards the males with ability to speak English, the Swedes, with 95.2 per cent, show a considerably larger proportion than do the Slovaks, Finns, or Slovenians, and a much larger proportion than do the Croatians or South Italians, the South Italians reporting the smallest proportion, or 51.7 per cent. Of the females, the Croatians report the smallest proportion, or 7.8 per cent, with ability to speak English, while the South Italians show the next smallest proportion. As regards the other races, the same relative position as shown for the males is maintained.

The following table shows, according to race, the percentage of male employees who speak English:

TABLE 140.-Per cent of foreign-born male employees who speak English, by race.


[This table includes only non-English-speaking races with 40 or more males reporting. The total, however, is for all non-English-speaking races.]

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Of 1,449 foreign-born male employees from whom information was secured, 70.5 per cent speak English. The Slovenians show 79.5 per cent who can speak English, followed by the Slovaks, Finns, Poles, and Croatians, all of whom show over 70 per cent who are able to speak English. The North Italians and South Italians show over 50 per cent and the Montenegrins somewhat less than 50 per cent who can speak English.

The next table submitted furnishes a comparison of the ability at the present time to speak English of persons of foreign birth of non-English-speaking races according to their ages when they came to the United States. This table shows, by age at time of coming to the United States and race of individual, the percentage of foreignborn persons of non-English-speaking races, 6 years of age or over, in the households studied, who speak English.

TABLE 141.-Per cent of foreign-born persons 6 years of age or over who speak English, by age at time of coming to the United States and race of individual.


[This table includes only non-English-speaking races with 40 or more persons reporting. The total, however, is for all non-English-speaking races.]

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Information was obtained in this locality for 430 foreign-born persons. Of those who were under 14 years of age at time of coming to the United States, 82 per cent now speak English, as compared with 49.9 per cent of those who were 14 years of age or over at time of coming.

All Swedes and 92.3 per cent of Slovaks who were under 14 years of age at time of coming to the United States now speak English. This proportion of Slovaks, it will be noted, is slightly in excess of the proportion of Finns or South Italians, and very much larger than the proportion of Croatians. The Swedes who were over 14 years of age at time of coming to the United States, like those who were under 14, report a larger per cent who now speak English than is shown by any other race. The South Italians, on the other hand, while showing a much larger proportion of those who were under 14 and who now speak English than the Croatians, show a much smaller percentage of those 14 years of age or over at time of coming to the United States and who now speak English. The Slovaks who were 14 years of age or over at time of arrival, maintain the same relative position with regard to the Swedes who speak English as do those who were under 14 years of age at time of coming. This is equally true of the Finns, of whom a slightly larger proportion of those who were 14 years of age at time of coming to the United States now speak English than is shown by the Slovenians or Croatians.

The advancement made in ability to speak English after designated periods of the mine workers of the principal non-English-speaking races employed may be seen from the next table. This table shows, by years in the United States and race of individual, the percentage of foreign-born persons of non-English-speaking races, 6 years of age or over, in the households studied, who speak English.

TABLE 142.-Per cent of foreign-born persons 6 years of age or over who speak English, by years in the United States and race of individual.


[By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States. This table includes only non-English-speaking races with 40 or more persons reporting. The total, however, is for all nonEnglish-speaking races.]

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Upon information secured for 430 foreign-born persons in this locality it will be noted that 29.8 per cent of those who have been in the United States under five years speak English, as compared with 63.6 per cent of those with a residence of from five to nine years and 82.5 per cent of those with a residence of ten years or over. Thus it will be seen that as the length of residence in the United States increases so does the ability to speak English. As between the several races it will be noted that the proportion of those who have been in the United States under five years and who speak English varies little from the proportion shown in the total. As regards those who have been in the United States from five to nine years, the Slovaks, 82.4 per cent of whom speak English, show a slightly larger proportion than do the Croatians or Swedes, a considerably larger proportion than the Finns or Slovenians, and a much larger proportion than the South Italians, who report 37.5 per cent. Of those who have been in the United States ten years or over, it will be seen that the position of the Swedes and the Croatians is reveresd, the Swedes showing a slightly smaller proportion who speak English than the Slovaks and a slightly larger proportion than the Croatians. The Slovenians, who report identically the same proportion with ability to speak English as do the Croatians, show a considerably larger proportion than the South Italians, the last named reporting an even 50 per cent.

The following table shows, by age at time of coming to the United States and race, the percentage of foreign-born male employees of non-English-speaking races who speak English:

TABLE 143.-Per cent of foreign-born male employees who speak English, by age at time of coming to the United States and race.


[This table includes only non-English-speaking races with 100 or more males reporting. The total, however, is for all non-English-speaking races.]

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Of the male employees who are foreign-born and who were under 14 years of age at the time of coming to the United States, 97.6 per cent speak English, while of those who were 14 years of age or over at the time of landing 69.7 per cent speak English. Of 1,449 foreignborn male employees reporting, irrespective of age at time of coming to this country, 70.5 per cent speak English. Of foreign-born employees who were under 14 years of age at time of coming to the United States, the Finns show 87.5 per cent who can speak English, while of those who were 14 years of age or over at time of coming to this country, the Slovenians, Finns, and Croatians show between 70 and 80 per cent who can speak English, as contrasted with only 56.5 per cent of the North Italians having this ability. The totals for all foreign-born employees, irrespective of age at time of landing, show the Slovenians, Finns, and Croatians with over 70 per cent who can speak English and the North Italians with less than 60 per cent.

The table next presented shows, by years in the United States and race, the percentage of foreign-born male employees of non-Englishspeaking races who speak English:

TABLE 144.—Per cent of foreign-born male employees who speak English, by years in the United States and race.


[By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States. This table includes only non-English-speaking races with 100 or more males reporting. The total, however, is for all nonEnglish-speaking races.]

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