Based on the total number of households studied the average number of boarders or lodgers per household is 2.74. When compared with the native-born of native father the foreign-born show a very large average number. The average number of boarders or lodgers is largest in Croatian households, being 7.32, and smallest in English households, the average there being less than one person. Based on number of households keeping boarders or lodgers the average number of boarders or lodgers is 8.93 in Croatian households and 5.64 in South Italian households. SIZE OF APARTMENTS OCCUPIED. The table next presented shows, by general nativity and race of head of household, the range in the size of apartments occupied by the households studied. TABLE 117.-Per cent of households occupying apartments of each specified number of rooms, by general nativity and race of head of household. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 20 or more households reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.] The above table shows that the greatest proportion of households occupy apartments of from 2 to 5 rooms, a considerably smaller percentage occupy apartments of 1 and 6 rooms, while the proportion of households in apartments of 7 or more rooms is very small. Foreign-born show a considerably higher percentage of households Occupying apartments of from 1 to 4 rooms than native-born of native father, the latter showing a very much higher percentage of households in apartments of 5 rooms than foreign-born and a slightly higher percentage in apartments of 6 rooms. Foreign-born show a small proportion of households in apartments of 7 or more rooms as contrasted with no households of native-born of native father in apartments of this size. Slovenians and Finnish show the highest percentage of households in apartments with a small number of rooms and Slovaks and Croatians the highest percentage of households in large apartments. SIZE OF HOUSEHOLDS STUDIED. The range in the size of the households studied is set forth in the following table, which shows, by general nativity and race of head of household, the proportion of households of each specified number of persons: TABLE 118.-Per cent of households of each specified number of persons, by general nativity and race of head of household. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 20 or more households reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.] The preceding table shows that the greater proportion of households are composed of 3, 4, 5, and 10 or more persons; the percentage of households of 2, 6, 7, 8, and 9 persons is comparatively small. Nativeborn of native father show a higher percentage of households composed of from 2 to 5 persons than foreign-born, the latter showing certain proportions of households of 6, 7, and 9 persons as contrasted with no households of native-born of native father composed of this number of persons. Native-born of native father show a slightly higher percentage of households composed of 8 persons than foreign-born, the latter showing a very much higher percentage of households of 10 or more persons than the former. Of the foreign-born races Croatians show the highest percentage of households composed of a large number of persons and Finnish smallest. CONGESTION. The degree of congestion within the households studied has already been indicated by the preceding tables and discussions. The following series, however, deal more directly with the subject and set forth the extent of congestion in the households of the mine workers and its effect upon living arrangements. The table following shows, by general nativity and race of head of household, the average number of persons in the apartment per room and per sleeping room. TABLE 119.-Average number of persons per apartment, per room, and per sleeping room, by general nativity and race of head of household. The above table shows the average number of persons per apartment to be 6.57, the average number of persons per room 1.80, and the average number of persons per sleeping room to be 3.60. Foreignborn show a much higher average number of persons per apartment, per room, and per sleeping room than native-born of native father. Croatians show the highest average number of persons per apartment, per room, and per sleeping room than any of the foreign-born races, while the English show comparatively low averages in each case. The table next presented shows the range in the number of persons per room, according to general nativity and race of head of household. TABLE 120.—Persons per room, by general nativity and race of head of household. The preceding table shows an average of 180 persons per 100 rooms, foreign-born showing a considerably higher average number of persons per room than native-born of native father. Of the foreign-born races, Croatians and South Italians show considerably over 200 persons per 100 rooms and English only 88 persons per 100 rooms. The table further shows that 81.2 per cent of households have 1 or more persons per room, 40.4 per cent have 2 or more, 18.3 per cent 3 or more, and 7.3 per cent 4 or more persons per room. Foreign-born show a much higher per cent of persons in each specified number of rooms than native-born of native father. Croatians show greater congestion than any of the other foreign-born races. The following table shows, by general nativity and race of head of household, the range in the number of persons per sleeping room. TABLE 121.-Persons per sleeping room, by general nativity and race of head of household. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) The above table shows the average number of persons per sleeping room to be 3.60. Of the households studied, 89.9 per cent have 2 or more persons per sleeping room, 66.5 per cent have 3 or more, 43.1 per cent have 4 or more, 25.2 per cent have 5 or more, and 12.4 per cent have 6 or more. The table further shows much more crowded conditions in sleeping rooms of foreign-born households than those of native-born of native father, the percentage of households of foreign-born persons being higher for each specified number of persons per sleeping room than that of native-born of native father. Of the foreign-born races, the greatest congestion exists in sleeping apartments in Croatian households. Foreign-born show 373 persons per 100 sleeping rooms as contrasted with 241 persons per 100 sleeping rooms in households of native-born of native father. Croatians show 445 persons per 100 sleeping rooms and South Italians 408 persons per 100 sleeping rooms, as contrasted with 213 persons per 100 sleeping rooms in English households. The effect of crowding within the households upon living and sleeping arrangements is exhibited by the final table of the series, which will be found below. This table shows, by general nativity and race of head of household, the number and per cent of households regularly sleeping in all except each specified number of rooms. TABLE 122.-Number and per cent of households regularly sleeping in all except each specified number of rooms, by general nativity and race of head of household. The preceding table shows 3.65 rooms per household and an average of 1.83 sleeping rooms per household, 6 per cent of housholds sleep in all rooms, 35.3 per cent sleep in all but 1 room, and 34.9 per cent of households sleep in all except 2 rooms. Employees nativeborn of native father show a higher average number of rooms per household than foreign-born, the latter showing a higher average number of sleeping rooms than the former. Foreign-born show a considerably higher per cent of households sleeping in all rooms, all except 1 room, and all except 2 rooms than native-born of native father. Of the foreign-born races, English show the highest average number of rooms per household and Finnish the lowest, Croatians show the highest average number of sleeping rooms per household and Finnish the lowest. Slovenians show a higher per cent of households than any of the other races sleeping in all rooms. Croatians show the highest per cent of households sleeping in all except 1 room and Slovenian the greatest proportion of households sleeping in all except 2 rooms. |