APPROPRIATION BILL FOR 1946 HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE U, S, Congress, House. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS. SEVENTY-NINTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON THE THIRD URGENT DEFICIENCY 87389 Printed for the use of the Committee on Appropriations UNITED STATES WASHINGTON: 1946 COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS ----LOUIS LUDLOW, Indiana CLARENCE CANNON, Missouri, Chairman MALCOLM C. TARVER, Georgia MATTHEW M. NEELY, West Virginia JOHN TABER, New York RICHARD B. WIGGLESWORTH, Massachusetts FRANCIS H. CASE, South Dakota H. CARL ANDERSEN, Minnesota THIRD URGENT DEFICIENCY APPROPRIATION BILL, 1946 143 HEARINGS CONDUCTED BY THE SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, IN CHARGE OF DEFICIENCY APPROPRIATIONS, MESSRS. CLARENCE CANNON (CHAIRMAN), LOUIS LUDLÒW, EMMET O'NEAL, LOUIS C. RABAUT, JED JOHNSON, JOHN H. KERR, JOHN TABER, RICHARD B. WIGGLESWORTH, EVERETT M. DIRKSEN; ON THE DAYS FOLLOWING, NAMELY: WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1946. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT STATEMENTS OF A. B. STROM, COMMISSIONER OF THE BUDGET, OFFICE OF BUDGET AND ADMINISTRATIVE PLANNING; JOHN J. HAGGERTY, COMPTROLLER, BUREAU OF ACCOUNTS; AND WALTER KELLY, ASSISTANT TO SOLICITOR Mr. CANNON. Before proceeding with the hearings on the last general deficiency bill, we will take up some items which the Bureau of the Budget indicates should be disposed of as early as practicable and which could not wait until the last bill. So we will submit, with the approval of the committee, a third urgent deficiency bill and take up those matters that have to have immediate and urgent attention before the end of the fiscal year; then we will bring out in the latter part of the session the final deficiency bill. ANALYSIS OF ESTIMATED OBLIGATIONS, 1946 We have a number of items here for the Post Office Department contained in House Document No. 555, and commencing on page 12 of the committee print which is before the members. The additional amount involved is $34,426,000, all for the fiscal year 1946. There is a table on page 7 of the justifications which sets forth the details in a very comprehensive way, and we will include that in the record at this point. 1 (The matter above referred to is as follows:) Analysis of estimated obligations, funds available, and deficiency, fiscal year 1946, submitted for Third Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1946, H. Doc. 555 (as of May 9, 1946) 2 Overtime and lump-sum terminal-leave payments. 3 Overtime, lump-sum terminal-leave payments, and night-work differential. 4 Increase in regular and substitute employees; night-work differential pay; reduction of overtime; act of Mar. 6, 1946, Public Law 317. 5 Increase in number of employees; overtime, night-work differential pay, and lump-sum terminal-leave payments. • Increase in travel, supplies and materials, and equipment due to increase in city-carrier force. 7 Increase in number of regular and substitute employees; night-work differential pay; lump-sum terminal-leave payments, act of July 6, 1946, Public Law 317; reduction in • Increase in volume of mail reflected in emergency railroad service, temporary mail messenger service in connection with the carrying of mail by War Shipping Administration 11 Appropriation of sufficient funds deferred until rates of pay to carriers on certain routes has been fixed by CAB. No deficiency appropriation is being requested at this time. 13 Increase in number of regular employees; night-work differential pay, and regular overtime; reduction in substitute service and overtime in lieu of compensatory time. 14 Transportation of trucks for motor-vehicle service. 15 Increase in temporary employment and overtime; lump-sum terminal-leave payments; reduction in basic salaries of regular employees and night-work differential pay. 16 Increase in prices of operating supplies and services. 17 Deficiency appropriation of $34,426,000 requested; $3,933,529 in foreign air-mail transportation deferred, pending fixing of rates by Civil Aeronautics Board |