Lapas attēli

Schedule of appropriations and funds available, fiscal year 1946 (as of May 23, 1946)

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Schedule of appropriations and funds available, fiscal year 1946 (as of May 23, 1946)—Continued

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1, 270, 309, 615 +8, 060, 000+1, 254, 400+2, 133, 759 -1, 775, 517 6, 674, 360

[blocks in formation]

1,276, 983, 975 +8, 060, 000 +1, 254, 400+2, 133, 759-1, 775, 517

1,286, 656, 617

[blocks in formation]


Mr. CANNON. Now, if you are going to have this amount of money available as of the end of the fiscal year, why could not that be subtracted from the $79,661,100 as your aggregate of the additional appropriations required?

Mr. STROM. I do not believe it could be used unless there is some provision in the law that would make it available for any appropriation wherever needed. Your proposal will complicate our accounting and budget work to some extent.

Mr. CANNON. If it were provided in this bill, would that reduce the amount you would require here for additional appropriations?

Mr. STROM. I think it would. I would like to ask Mr. Haggerty to state his opinion.

Mr. HAGGERTY. It would. If we have the authority to use that balance, why, we can reduce the amount of this estimate by that amount. In this case it would be something over $3,000,000 net as it stands now.

Mr. TABER. You mean by that that this figure of $2,751,894 in the next to the last column would have to be subtracted from this $5,769,000 you gave us?

Mr. HAGGERTY. Yes, sir. In submitting the cost of the pay bill, we absorbed that amount.

Mr. STROM. Do I understand, Mr. Chairman and Mr. Taber, that you want a statement similar to page 4 with reference to all appropriations, brought up to date?

Mr. TABER. I think it would be better if we had that instead of what we have been asking for before, so that we would just have one table instead of two. Then we would not be confused at all.

Mr. STROM. Personally I would be much more satisfied to have it that way, to take the revaluation.

Mr. TABER. Well, the record would appear better.

(The statement has been inserted previously in the record.) Mr. CANNON. Thank you, gentlemen.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1946.



Mr. CANNON. The next is estimate for the Federal Power Commission contained in House Document No. 553.

The CLERK. They ask for $1,000 for penalty mail. They have had $4,500 heretofore and, based on their expenditures thus far in the fiscal year and the estimated expense for the third and fourth quarters, they need another $1,000 to finish up. The statement they have furnished is quite complete.

Mr. CANNON. If it is merely a matter of penalty mail and they need that much additional to mail their stuff out, all they have to do is to mail the stuff out and then come in here with a deficiency appropriation. I do not guess there is much we can do about it. Mr. TABER. I do not see how we can do much about it.

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