PART I. The area and the distribution of population of the United Kingdom were as follows at the England, 50,867 square miles: Wales, 7,442 square miles; Scotland, 29,785 square miles; Ireland, 32,583 square miles; Isle of Man, 227 square miles; Channel Islands, 75 square miles. Total, 120,979 Population: England, 27,483,490; Wales, 1,519,035; Scotland, 4,025,647; Ireland, 4,704,750; Isle of Man, 55,608; Channel Islands, 92,234; military and naval abroad, 224,211. Total, 38,104,975. The estimated population at the end of June, 1898, was: England and Wales, 31,397,078; Scot- land, 4,249,946; Ireland, 4,541,903. Total United Kingdom, 40,188,927. The population per square mile in 1891 was 498; in 1881 was 446: in 1871 was 390; in 1861 was 345; Mulhall states the ratios of occupation in the entire United Kingdom for the years 1841 and 1891 as follows: Agriculture in 1841 was 37.8, and in 1891 was 15.1; manufactures, respectively, 34.8 and 53.7; trade, 7.6 and 9.9; professions, 2.5 and 7.4; domestics, 17.3 and 13.9. 1896.. 1897... 154,496 22,702 132,098 12,491 241,952 159,913 213.450 Revenue and Expenditure. The following table shows the actual revenue and expenditure for the years ending March 31. They are revised so as to exclude, in accordance with the system now adopted, the army and navy extra receipts, and the contributions by India for military charges, formerly brought to account 15,603,680 651 1,808 259,342 238,540 4,015 26,826,755 1897 10,901,094 16,103,412 1,502 1,792 272,183 240,866 4,247 27,435,096 1898. 11,388,126 16,396,726 1.366 1,521 287,924 243,216 4,263 28,323,142 ESTATES STAMPS Total Estate, Legacy, Suc etc. 1895. cession, etc. Bills of Ex'ge, Life and Rec'ts, Drafts, and other Other Total etc. Insur'ces. Penny Stamps. Receipts. Stamps. £3,266,957 £747,890 £194,405 £1,202,747 £421,342 £5,833,341 1896. 11,639,900 4,643,822 796,363 211,321 1,261,301 426,424 7,339,231 1897. 10,741,379 4,553,301 792,341 216,654 1,305,324 443,826 7,311,446 1898. 11,185,998 4,796,055 784,030 216,666 1,350,691 450,803 7,598,245 TAXES. Inhabited Property and Land Tax. House Duty. Income Tax. Total. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. £1,021,705 £1,462,373 £15,649,362 £18,133,440 1,020,801 1,486,948 15,982,940 18,490,689 1895. 1896 1897. 1898. 916,445 Post- £10,760,000 1,566,758 1,513,434 16,901,341 19,331,220 17,171,377 19,660,995 Telegraph Crown Suez Canal Service. Lands. Interest. £2,580,000 £410,000 £394,995 11,380,000 2,840,000 415,000 673,418 11,860,000 2,910,000 415,000 694,076 12,170,000 3,010,000 415,000 698,684 1895. 1896 1897 1898. MISCELLANEOUS. Fee and Receipts by Civil Patent Departments, Total Stamps. etc. Miscellaneous. £823,724 831,071 904,481 948,390 £1,042,062 £1,865,786 702,233 1,533,301 1,192,328 2,096,809 788,717 1,737,107 EXPENDITURES, YEARS ENDING MARCH 31. 1896. 6,422,410 6,442,138 7,149,743 7,261,159 National Debt Services 1895. Funded debt, interest. £16,220,544 Terminable annuities and trustee savings-bank, deficiency annuity. Unfunded debt.. Management of debt.. New sinking fund. Total. £25,000,000 £25,000,000 1897. 1898. £16,063,925 461,830 176,953 1,718,263 118,367 176,447 2,152,774 112,534 175,692 1,453,994 139,300 174,309 1,361,307 £25,000,000 £25,000,000 The following statement shows the oscillations of the national debt of the kingdom from 1748: The statement following shows the acreage in cereals and green crops in Great Britain and Ireland respectively: Since 1846 there has been a decline in acreage of nearly two millions, but this has been compensated by the increased pastoral industry. Below are shown the figures: The average production of crops and meat for the three years 1893-4-5 was: Wheat, 1,249,000 tons; barley, 1,820,000 tons; oats, etc., 4,460,000 tons; potatoes, 6,100,000 tons; turnips, 30,300,000 tons; hay, 12,300,000 tons: meat, 1,100,000 tons. Notwithstanding that the price of grain has fallen 40 per cent. since 1846, the gross value of farm products then was £218,000,000, as against £230,000,000, the average value for 1893-4-5. The following figures will show the relation between labor and production and the influence of machinery thereon: From these figures it may be deduced that two men now produce in quantity what five did then. The fluctuations of agricultural capital are shown below in millions pounds sterling: Quantities. --Iron Ore Value. Quantities. Value. £ Year. 1890. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. Tons. 181,614,288 188,277,525 189,661,362 195,361,260 202,129,931 74.953,997 3,926,445 62,720,759 12.367,308 3,190,647 57,231,213 12,615,415 2,865,709 57,190,147 13,700,764 3,150,424 59,740,009 14,008,500 ......... * Includes Isle of Man and Channel Islands. PIG IRON-PRODUCTION, EXPORTS, ETC. 1 IMPORTS, EXPORTS, CONSUMPTION, AND STOCK OF COTTON. The following shows the quantities of each description of cotton for 1897, in thousands of pounds, and the corresponding totals of previous years: Ellison & Co., of Liverpool, give the following estimate of the average price of cotton at that port for a series of years: Helmuth, Swartze & Co., London, give the following statements of the supply, export, and consumption of wool in the United Kingdom: The imports of these articles into the United Kingdom were as follows: 23,937 131,918 1,024,206 24,641 44,434 47.404 Holland. 2.660 2.754 5,301 Belgium.. 20,715 22,270 16,484 Other countries.. 1,101 1,505 1,276 140.386 188,695 1,078,219 849,856 32,754 30,610 Total. 98,802 95,199 102,622 3,203,184 3,117,316 3,270,840 Hemp-Dressed, undressed, and Tow or Codilla of From Russia.. 7,416 11.071 12,540 177,507 273,159 316,325 Germany 8.485 9.322 10,354 201,845 227.297 248,744 Italy. 15,975 11.025 10,914 419,154 339,969 355,580 British East Indies. 6,877 5,569 4,999 94,614 89.891 78,031 Philippine Islands.. 44.578 39.319 47,957 759,111 731,633 891,266 Other countries.. 6,575 15,411 11,187 111,228 289,557 197,721 Total.... 89,906 91.717 97,951 1,763,459 1,951,486 2,087,367 Jute.... Total of flax, hemp, and jute. 526,627 336,919 340,649 392,025 4,142,610 4,167,992 4,358,036 9,236,794 9,716,543 |