A BILL TO AMEND TITLE 17 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE WITH RE- OCTOBER 30, 1985; MARCH 25 AND AUGUST 4, 1986 Serial No. J-99-69 Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary S. HRG. 99-1019 HOME AUDIO RECORDING ACT HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY AND ITS SUBCOMMITTEE ON PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS AND TRADEMARKS NINETY-NINTH CONGRESS FIRST AND SECOND SESSIONS ON S. 1739 A BILL TO AMEND TITLE 17 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE WITH RESPECT TO HOME AUDIO RECORDING AND AUDIO RECORDING DEVICES AND MEDIA, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES OCTOBER 30, 1985; MARCH 25 AND AUGUST 4, 1986 Serial No. J-99-69 Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office PAUL LAXALT, Nevada PATRICK J. LEAHY, Vermont STEVEN J. METALITZ, Chief Counsel and Staff Director (II) STATEMENTS OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mathias, Hon. Charles McC., a U.S. Senator from the State of Maryland PROPOSED LEGISLATION S. 1739, a bill to amend title 17 of the United States Code with respect to home audio recording and audio recording devices and media, and for other CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF WITNESSES WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1985 Morrison, Hon. Bruce A., a Representative in Congress from the State of Oman, Hon. Ralph, Register of Copyrights, Library of Congress, Washington, DC, accompanied by Dorothy Schrader, general counsel, Copyright Office, and Marilyn Kretsinger, senior attorney, General Counsel's Office.. Gortikov, Stanley M., president, Recording Industry Association of America, New York, NY; Dr. Alan Greenspan, of Townsend & Greenspan, New York, NY; and George Davis Weiss, president, Songwriters Guild of America, New Battaglia, Jack C., general manager, Memtek Products, Campbell, CA; Len Feldman, L. Feldman Electronics, Great Neck, NY; Charles D. Ferris, Esq., of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky & Popeo; Carol Tucker Foreman, of Foreman & Co., Washington, DC; and J. Scott Graves, manager, Vesco's Gortikov, Stanley M., president, Recording Industry Association of America, Inc., New York, NY; and Dr. Donald S. McCoy, general manager, CBS Technology Center, Stamford, CT.... Drake, Ervin, composer and past president, Songwriters Guild of America, Great Neck, NY, accompanied by Jack Golodner, director, Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO, Washington, DC; and Robert Summer, president, RCA Red Seal, New York, NY Ferris, Charles D., attorney, representing Audio Recording Rights Coalition, Washington, DC; and Barry Mann, principle, David Mann Audio, Philadel- 1, 529 19, 546 26, 546 |