Lapas attēli
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Face. O, sir, we are defeated! all the works Are flown in fumo, every glass is burst: Furnace, and all rent down! as if a bolt Of thunder had been driven through the house. Retorts, receivers, pelicans, bolt-heads, All struck in shivers!

[SUBTLE falls down as in a swoon. Help, good sir! alas, Coldness, and death invades him. Nay, sir MamDo the fair offices of a man! you stand, [mon, As you were readier to depart than he.

[Knocking within. Who's there? my lord her brother is come.

Mam. Ha, Lungs!

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Will cure the itch,-though not your itch of mind,
It shall be saved for you, and sent home. Good
This way, for fear the lord should meet you. [sir,

Sub. [Raising his head.] Face!
Face. Ay.

Sub. Is he gone?

Face. Yes, and as heavily

As all the gold he hoped for were in's blood.
Let us be light though.

Sub. [Leaping up.] Ay, as balls, and bound
And hit our heads against the roof for joy :
There's so much of our care now cast away.
Face. Now to our don..

Sub. Yes, your young widow by this time Is made a countess, Face; she has been in travail Of a young heir for you.

[blocks in formation]

Face. Why, you can do't as well, if you would I pray you prove your virtue. Sub. For your sake, sir.

[set to't.


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Sur. Lady, you see into what hands you are fall'n;
'Mongst what a nest of villains! and how near
Your honour was t'have catch 'd a certain clap,
Through your credulity, had I but been
So punctually forward, as place, time,
And other circumstances would have made a man;
For you're a handsome woman: would you were
I am a gentleman come here disguised, [wise too!
Only to find the knaveries of this citadel;
And where I might have wrong'd your honour,
and have not,

I claim some interest in your love. You are,
They say, a widow. rich; and I'm a batchelor,

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Sub. How doth my noble Diego,
And my dear madam countess? hath the count
Been courteous, lady? liberal, and open?
Donzel, methinks you look melancholic,
After your coitum, and scurvy: truly,
I do not like the dulness of your eye;
It hath a heavy cast, 'tis upsee Dutch,
And says you are a lumpish whore-master.
Be lighter, I will make your pockets so.

[Attempts to pick them. Sur. [Throws open his cloak.] Will you, don bawd and pick-purse? [strikes him down.] how now! reel you?

Stand up, sir, you shall find, since I am so heavy, I'll give you equal weight.

Sub: Help! murder!

Sur. No, sir,

There's no such thing intended: a good cart,
And a clean whip shall ease you of that fear.
I am the Spanish don that should be cozen'd,
Do you see, cozen'd! Where's your captain Face,
That parcel broker, and whole-bawd, all rascal!
Enter FACE, in his uniform.

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Come, now, wherewith you cheat abroad in taverns. 'Twas here you learn'd t' anoint your boot with brimstone,

Then rub men's gold on't for a kind of touch, And say 'twas naught, when you had changed the colour,


That you might have't for nothing. And this doc-
Your sooty, smoky-bearded compeer, he
Will close you so much gold, in a bolt's-head,
And, on a turn, convey in the stead another
With sublimed mercury, that shall burst in the heat,
And fly out all in fumo! Then weeps Mammon;
Then swoons his worship. [FACE slips out.] Or,
he is the Faustus,

That casteth figures and can conjure, cures
Plagues, piles, and pox, by the ephemerides,
And holds intelligence with all the bawds
And midwives of three shires: while you send in-
Captain-what! is he gone?-damsels with child,
Wives that are barren, or the waiting-maid
With the green sickness.

[Seizes SUBTLE as he is retiring. Nay, sir, you must tarry, Though he be scaped; and answer by the ears, sir.

Re-enter FACE, with KASTRIL.

Face. Why, now's the time, if ever you will quarWell, as they say, and be a true-born child: [rel The doctor and your sister both are abused.

Kas. Where is he? which is he? he is a slave, Whate'er he is, and the son of a whore.-Are you The man, sir, I would know?

Sur. I should be loth, sir,

To confess so much.

Kas. Then you lie in your throat.

Sur. How!

Face. [to KASTRIL.] A very errant rogue, sir, Employ'd here by another conjurer [and a cheater, That does not love the doctor, and would cross him, If he knew how.

Sur. Sir, you are abused.

Kas. You lie :

And 'tis no matter.

Face. Well said, sir! He is
The impudent'st rascal-

Sur. You are indeed: Will you hear me, sir?
Face. By no means: bid him be gone.

Kas. Begone, sir, quickly.

Sur. This's strange!-Lady, do you inform your brother.

Face. There is not such a foist in all the town, The doctor had him presently; and finds yet, The Spanish count will come here.-Bear up, Subtle. [Aside.

Sub. Yes, sir, he must appear within this hour. Face. And yet this rogue would come in a disBy the temptation of another spirit, [guise,

To trouble our art, though he could not hurt it ! Kas. Ay,

I know-Away, [to his Sister,] you talk like a foolish mauther.

Sur. Sir, all is truth she says.

Face. Do not believe him, sir.

He is the lying'st swabber! Come your ways, sir. Sur. You are valiant out of company!

Kas. Yes, how then, sir?

Enter DRUGGER, with a piece of damask.

Face. Nay, here's an honest fellow, too, that knows him,

And all his tricks. Make good what I say, Abel, This cheater would have cozen'd thee o'the widow.[Aside to DRUG.

He owes this honest Drugger here, seven pound, He has had on him, in two-penny'orths of tobacco. Drug. Yes, sir.

And he has damn'd himself three terms to pay me. Face. And what does he owe for lotium?

Drug. Thirty shillings, sir;

And for six syringes.

Sur. Hydra of villainy!

Face. Nay, sir, you must quarrel him out o' the house.

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Sub. By your favour, Face,

Now she is honest, I will stand again.

Face. You will not offer it.

Sub. Why?

Face. Stand to your word, Or-here comès Dol, she knowsSub. You are tyrannous still.

Enter DoL, hastily.

Face. Strict for my right.-How now, Dol Hast [thou] told her,

The Spanish count will come?

Dol. Yes; but another is come,

You little look'd for!

Face. Who is that?
Dol. Your master;

The master of the house.
Sub. How, Dol!
Face. She lies,

This is some trick. Come, leave your quiblins,


Dol. Look out, and see. [FACE goes to the window. Sub. Art thou in earnest?

Dol. 'Slight,

Forty o' the neighbours are about him, talking.
Face. 'Tis he, by this good day.
Dol. 'Twill prove ill day

For some on us.

Face. We are undone, and taken.

Dol. Lost, I'm afraid.

Sub. You said he would not come,

While there died one a week within the liberties. Face. No: 'twas within the walls.

Sub. Was't so! cry you mercy.

I thought the liberties. What shall we do now, Face?

Face. Be silent: not a word, if he call or knock.
I'll into mine old shape again and meet him,
Of Jeremy, the butler. In the mean time,
Do you two pack up all the goods and purchase,
That we can carry in the two trunks. I'll keep

Off for to-day, if I cannot longer: and then
At night, I'll ship you both away to Ratcliff,
Where we will meet to-morrow, and there we'll


Let Mammen's brass and pewter keep the cellar;
We'll have another time for that. But, Dol,
'Prythee go heat a little water quickly;
Subtle must shave me: all my captain's beard
Must off, to make me appear smooth Jeremy.
You'll do it?

Sub. Yes, I'll shave you, as well as I can.
Face. And not cut my throat, but trim me?
Sub. You shall see, sir.


SCENE I.-Before LOVEWIT's Door. Enter LOVEWIT, with several of the Neighbours. Love. Has there been such resort, say you?

1 Nei. Daily, sir..

2 Nei. And nightly, too

3 Nei. Ay, some as brave as lords.

4 Nei. Ladies and gentlewomen.

5 Nei. Citizens' wives.

1 Nei. And knights.

6 Nei. In coaches.

2 Nei. Yes, and oyster women.

1 Nei. Beside other gallants.

3 Nei. Sailors' wives.

4 Nei. Tobacco men.

5 Nei. Another Pimlico!

Love. What should my knave advance,

To draw this company? he hung out no banners
Of a strange calf with five legs to be seen,
Or a huge lobster with six claws?

6 Nei. No, sir.

3 Nei. We had gone in then, sir.
Love. He has no gift

Of teaching in the nose that e'er I knew of.
You saw no bills set up that promised cure
Of agues, or the tooth-ach?

2 Nei. No such thing, sir.

Love. Nor heard a drum struck for baboons or 5 Nei. Neither, sir.


Love. What device should he bring forth now? I love a teeming wit as I love my nourishment: 'Pray God he have not kept such open house, That he hath sold my hangings, and my bedding! I left him nothing else. If he have eat them, A plague o' the moth, say I! Sure he has got Some bawdy pictures to call all this ging! The friar and the nun; or the new motion Of the knight's courser covering the parson's mare; The boy of six year old with the great thing: Or 't may be, le has the fleas that run at tilt Upon a table, or some dog to dance. When saw you him?

1 Nei. Who, sir, Jeremy?

2 Nei. Jeremy butler?

We saw him not this month.


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Some three weeks since, I heard a doleful cry,
As I sat up a mending my wife's stockings.
Love. 'Tis strange that none will answer! Didst
A cry, sayst thou?
[thou hear

6 Nei. Yes, sir, like unto a man That had been strangled an hour, and could not speak.

2 Nei. I heard it too, just this day three weeks, Next morning. [at two o'clock

Love. These be miracles, or you make them so! A man an hour strangled, and could not speak, And both you heard him cry

3 Nei. Yes, downward, sir.

Love. Thou art a wise fellow. Give me thy What trade art thou on? [hand, I pray thee, 3 Nei. A smith, an't please your worship. Love. A smith! then lend me thy help to get this door open.

3 Nei. That I will presently, sir, but fetch my tools[Exit.

1 Nei. Sir, best to knock again, afore you break .Love. [Knocks again.] I will. [it.

Enter FACE, in his butler's livery.

Face. What mean you, sir?
1, 2, 4 Nei. O, here's Jeremy!
Face. Good sir, come from the door.
Love. Why, what's the matter?

Face. Yet farther, you are too near yet.
Love. In the name of wonder,

What means the fellow!

Face. The house, sir, has been visited.

Love. What, with the plague? stand thou then


Face. No, sir,

I had it not.

[blocks in formation]

Face. Sir,

Their wisdoms will not say so.

Love. To-day they speak

Of coaches, and gallants; one in a French hood
Went in, they tell me; and another was seen
In a velvet gown at the window: divers more
Pass in and out.

Face. They did pass through the doors then, Or walls, I assure their eye-sights, and their spectacles;

For here, sir, are the keys, and here have been,
In this my pocket, now above twenty days:
And for before, I kept the fort alone there.
But that 'tis yet not deep in the afternoon,

I should believe my neighbours had seen double
Through the black pot, and made these apparitions!
For, on my faith to your worship, for these three

And upwards the door has not been open'd.
Love. Strange!

1 Nei. Good faith, I think I saw a coach.

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The angry boy come too! He'll make a noise,
And ne'er away till he have betray'd us all. [Aside.
Kas. [knocking.] What rogues, bawds, slaves,
you'll open the door, anon!

Punk, cockatrice, my suster! By this light
I'll fetch the marshal to you. You are a whore
To keep your castle-

Facc. Who would you speak with, sir?

Kas. The bawdy doctor, and the cozening cap: And puss my suster, [tain,

Love. This is something, sure.

Face. Upon my trust, the doors were never

open, sir.

Kas. I have heard all their tricks told me twice

[Aside. By the fat knight and the lean gentleman. lover,

Sur. No, sir, he was a great physician. This, It was no bawdy house, but a mere chancel! You knew the lord and his sister.

Mam. Nay, good Surly

Sur. The happy word, BE RICH-
Mam. Play not the tyrant.-

Sur. Should be to-day pronounced to all your


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Love. Here comes another.


Face. Ananias too!

And his pastor!

Tri. [beating at the door.] The doors are shut against us.

Ana. Come forth, you seed of sulphur, sons of Your stench it is broke forth; abomination [fire! Is in the house.

Kas. Ay, my suster's there.
Ana. The place,

It is become a cage of unclean birds.

Kas. Yes, I will fetch the scavenger, and the Tri. You shall do well. [constable.

Ana. We'll join to weed them out.

Kas. You will not come then, puuk devise, my


Ana. Call her not sister; she's a harlot verily. Kas. I'll raise the street.

Love. Good gentleman, a word.

Ana. Satan avoid, and hinder not our zeal !

[Exeunt ANA. TRIB. and KAst.

Love. The world's turn'd Bethlem.

Face. These are all broke loose,

Out of St. Katherine's, where they use to keep
The better sort of mad-folks.

1 Nei. All these persons

We saw go in and out here.

2 Nei. Yes, indeed, sir.

3 Nei. These were the parties.

Face. Peace, you drunkards! Sir,

I wonder at it: please you to give me leave
To touch the door, I'll try an the lock be chang'd.
Love. It mazes me!

Face. [Goes to the door.] Good faith, sir, I believe There's no such thing: 'tis all deceptio visus— Would I could get him away.


Dap. [within.] Master captain! master doctor! Love. Who's that?

Face. Our clerk within, that I forgot! [Aside.]
I know not, sir.

Dap. [within.] For God's sake, when will her
Face. Ha!
Igrace be at leisure?

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