Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1992: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, First Session, 2. daļaU.S. Government Printing Office, 1991 |
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additional agencies analysis annual appropriations arrearage automated bill BILLINGTON Blind and Physically BOWSHER budget request building Capitol Police Capitol Police Board cataloging CD-ROM Center Chairman Clerk COLA Congressional Record copies Copyright cost depository libraries documents Economic electronic employees energy equipment estimates Expenditures FAZIO Federal fiscal year 1992 funding going Government GPO's Houk In-WATS increase issue Joint Committee Legislative Branch LEWIS Librarian Library of Congress Library Technicians Library's mass deacidification Members million National Office operations percent personnel Physically Handicapped printing production Public Printer Purchase questions and responses Regional Library REISCHAUER salaries Senate SMITH of Florida staff Subcommittee Talking Book Telephone tion Total U.S. CAPITOL POLICE Unexpended balances unfinanced positions users