Lapas attēli


not to be lottery

SEC. 189. No postmaster shall act as agent for lotany tery office or under any color of purchase or otherwise agents. vend lottery tickets; nor shall he knowingly receive or send R.S., s. 3851. any lottery scheme, circular, or ticket. Whoever shall violate the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment.


Use of mails to

promote frauds.

R. S., s. 5480.
sat, 9, 4. 1;
Supp., 694.
Re Henry, 123
S., 372; US

2 Mar., 1889; 25


Hess, 124 U. S.,

S., 157 U. S., 187;

U. S., 128; Dur

U. S., 306; Brand

Rep., 394; U. S. v.

888; U. S. v. Jones, Fed. Rep., 469;

U.S. v.

S. v. Owens, 17

S. v. Fleming, 18

U.S. v. Martin, 28

U.S. v. Wooten, 29

Haynes, 30 Fed.

Hoeflinger, 33

S. v. Watson, 35

SEC. 190. Whoever having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud or for obtaining money or property by means of false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, or to sell, dispose of, loan, exchange, alter, give away, distribute, supply, or furnish or procure for unlawful use any counterfeit or spurious coin, 483; Stokes v. U. bank note, paper money, or any obligation or security of Streep v. U. S., 160 the United States, or of any State, Territory, municipality, land v. U. S., 161 company, corporation, or person, or anything represented. U. S., 4 Fed. to be or intimated or held out to be such counterfeit or Nye, 4 Fed. Rep., spurious article, or any scheme or artifice to obtain money 10.5.0. Stickle, 15 by or through correspondence by what is commonly called Fed. Rep., 798; U. the "saw-dust swindle," or "counterfeit-money fraud," Fed. Rep., 72; U. or by dealing or pretending to deal in what is commonly Fed. Rep., 907; called "green articles," "green coin," "green goods," Fed. Rep., 812; "bills," "paper goods," "spurious Treasury notes," Fed. Rep.,702; Re "United States goods," "green cigars," or any other Rep., 767; U. S. v. names or terms intended to be understood as relating to Fed. Rep., 469; U. such counterfeit or spurious articles, shall, for the pur- Fed. Rep., 358; pose of executing such scheme or artifice or attempting so 36 Fed. Rep., 492; to do, place, or cause to be placed, any letter, packet, Fed. Rep., 151; postal card, package, writing, circular, pamphlet, or Fed. Rep., 41; U. advertisement, whether addressed to any person residing Fed. Rep., 195; U. within or outside the United States, in any post-office, or Fed. Rep., 561; U. station or substation thereof, or street or other letter box Fed. Rep., 740; of the United States, or authorized depository for mail 62 Fed. Rep., 740 matter, to be sent or delivered by the post-office establish- Fed. Rep., 348; ment of the United States, or shall take or receive any Fed Charles; such therefrom, whether mailed within or without the 74 Fed. Rep., 142; United States, or shall knowingly cause to be delivered by 75 Fed. Rep., 986; mail according to the direction thereon, or at the place Fed. Rep., 990; at which it is directed to be delivered by the person ... Bernard, to whom it is addressed, any such letter, packet, postal 84 Fed. Rep., 634; card, package, writing, circular, pamphlet, or advertise- Fed. Rep., 320; ment, shall be punished by a fine of not more than thousand dollars, or by imprisonment for not more five years, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 11313-01- -7

U. S. v. Ried, 42

U.S. v. Finney, 45

S. v. Staples, 45

S. v. Smith, 45

S. v. Beatty, 60

Weeber v. U. S.,

[blocks in formation]

2 Blatch., 107, 27 carrier; nor shall any newspaper, circ

[ocr errors]

Fed. Cas., 451;

U. S. v. Noelke, publication of any kind containing any

ed. Rep., 426;

7 S. v. Patty,


Fed. Rep., 45;

19 Fed. Rep., 39;

20 Fed. Rep., 625;

2 Fed. Rep., 664; any lottery or gift enterprise of any ki U. S. v. Duff, & dependent upon lot or chance, or conta U. S. v. Moore, prizes awarded at the drawings of any su U. S. v. Dauphin, enterprise, whether said list is of any pa U.S.. Mason, drawings, be carried in the mail or deliv U. S. v. Clark, master or letter carrier. Whoever sha 22 Fed. Rep., 708; U. S. v. Jackson, posit or cause to be deposited, or shall k U. S. v. Zeisler, cause to be sent, anything to be conveye U. S. 2. Jones, mail in violation of this section, or shall 31 Fed. Rep., 718;

22 Fed. Rep., 707;

29 Fed. Rep., 503;

30 Fed. Rep., 499;

U. S. v. Horner, to be delivered by mail anything herein

44 Fed. Rep., 677;

U. S. v. Bailey carried by mail, shall be punished by a

47 Fed. Rep., 117;

U. S. v. Lynch, than five hundred dollars, or by impri

49 Fed. Rep., 851;

58 Fed. Rep., 942;

59 Fed. Rep., 273;

59 Fed. Rep., 458,

U. S. v. Wallis, more than one year, or by both such fi
U. S. v. Politzer, ment. Any person violating any of the
U. S. v. Conrad; section may be tried and punished either
MacDonald v. U. which the unlawful publication was mail
426; U. S. . Mc- was carried by mail for delivery according
Rep., 486; U. S thereon, or at which it is caused to be d

S., 63 Fed. Rep.,

Donald, 65 Fed.

v. Fulkerson, 74

Fed. Rep., 619; to the person to whom it is addressed.

Hoover v. Mc

Chesney, 81 Fed. Rep., 472.

Bringing lottery tickets into the country.

SEC. 188. Whoever shall cause to be br United States from abroad for the purpos 2 Mar., 1895, 28 the same, or shall cause to be deposited the mails of the United States, or carried

Stat. L., 191, s. 1; 2
Supp., 435.

or Territory of the United States or the D bia to any other State or Territory of th or the District of Columbia, any paperinstruments purporting to be or to re] chance, share, or interest in or dependen of a lottery, so-called gift concert, or offering prizes dependent upon lot or cause any advertisement of such lotter concert, or other enterprise offering p upon lot or chance, to be brought into th or deposited in or carried by the mail. States, or transported from one State or United States or the District of Colum State or Territory of the United States of Columbia shall be punished for the first of not more than one thousand dollars, ment for not more than two years, or b and imprisonment, and for the second: offenses by imprisonment for not more tha


SEC. 18. fe tery offe

vend lottery talang me any lottery sex violate the prot

prisonment for E fine and imprisonment.

SEC. 190. Where hongers
any scheme or artifice

or property by means of a
representations, or protes
exchange, alter, giveaway distin
procure for unlawful use

bank note, paper money, or a de
the United States, or of
company, corporation, or yo
to be or intimated or h
spurious article, or any
by or through corresponden
the "saw-dust swindle
or by dealing or pretending

called "green articles.

"bills," "paper goods." "I "United States par names or terms intended to be such counterfeit or spurious a pose of executing such scene

to do, place, or cause to be p postal card, package writing you advertisement, whether adired to within or outside the United station or substation thereaft of the United States, or

[ocr errors]

matter, to be sent or delivered in the ment of the United States, réal such therefrom, whether male wit United States, or shall knowing e mail according to the dire

at which it is directed to be dete to whom it is added any legg

card, package, writing, nier, ple ment, shall be punished by a fine of thousand dollars, or by imprisonment for five years, or by both such fine and

rious to life, health, or ngly deposit or cause to

very, or whoever shall ording to the direction ch it is directed to be is addressed, anything mailable, unless in actions hereby authorized ster-General, shall for a fine of not more than ment for not more than nd imprisonment; and r cause to be deposited shall knowingly cause the direction thereon, ted to be delivered by , anything declared by hether transmitted in ations authorized to be eral or not, with the

[ocr errors]

or in anywise hurt, , deface, or otherwise 7, shall for every such t more than five thouor not more than ten risonment. Any perof this section may be unished, either in the tter was mailed, or to r delivery according to it is caused to be deaddressed.

money orders.

ntent to defraud, forge Counterfeiting y postmaster, assistant

pon or to any money

issued by or under the

R. S., s. 5463.

3 Jan., 1887; 24

Stat. L., 354, c. 13,


2; 1 Supp., 518.

18 June, 1888;

rtment of the United 25 Stat. L., 187, c. 394, s. 2; 1 Supp.,

y and payable in the 593. U. S. v. Morris,

nature or endorsement 16 Blatch., 133, 26 Fed. Cas., 1321; o any receipt or certifi- Ex parte Hibbs, 26 Fed. Rep., 421; shall falsely alter, or U. S. v. Long, 30 tered in any material Woodruff v. U.S.

in falsely so altering with intent to defraud, ged or altered money

Fed. Rep., 678;

58 Fed. Rep., 766;

Vives v. U. S., 92

Fed. Rep., 355.

Stat. L., 873, c.


person violating any of the provisions of this section may be tried and punished either in the district in which the unlawful matter was mailed or to which it was carried by mail for delivery according to the direction thereon, or at which it is caused to be delivered by mail to the person to whom it is addressed. And no letter, packet, postal card, package, circular, pamphlet, advertisement, or other publication, concerning or in any wise relating to any of the schemes, artifices, or devices hereinbefore described shall be carried in the mail, or delivered at or through any post-office, station or substation thereof, or by any letter carrier.

Fraudulently SEC. 191. Whoever, for the purpose of conducting, proassuming fictitious address. moting, or carrying on, in any manner, by means of the 2 Mar., 1889; 25 post-office establishment of the United States, any scheme 393, s. 2; 1 Supp., or device mentioned in the preceding section, or any other unlawful business whatsoever, shall use or assume, or request to be addressed by, any fictitious, false, or assumed title, name, or address, or name other than his own proper or shall take or receive from any post-office or station or substation thereof of the United States, or any other authorized depository of mail matter, any letter, postal card, packet, package, or other mail matter addressed to any such fictitious, false, or assumed title, name, or address, or name other than his own legal and proper name, shall be punished in the manner provided in the section last preceding.

Poisons and explosives nonmailable.



SEC. 192. All kinds of poison, and all articles and compositions containing poison, and all poisonous animals, (See R. S., s. insects, and reptiles, and explosives of all kinds, and inflammable materials, and infernal machines, and mechanical, chemical, or other devices or compositions which may ignite or explode, and all disease germs or scabs, and all other natural or artificial articles, compositions, or materials of whatever kind which may kill, or in anywise hurt, harm, or injure another, or damage, deface, or otherwise injure the mail or other property, whether sealed as first-class matter or not, are hereby declared to be nonmailable matter, and shall not be conveyed in the mails or delivered from any post-office or station or substation thereof, nor by any letter carrier; but the Postmaster-General may permit the transmission in the mails, under such rules and regulations as he shall prescribe as to preparation and packing, of any articles hereinbefore described which are not outwardly or of

their own force dangerous or injurious to life, health, or property. Whoever shall knowingly deposit or cause to be deposited for mailing or delivery, or whoever shall cause to be delivered by mail according to the direction thereon, or at any place at which it is directed to be delivered by the person to whom it is addressed, anything declared by this section to be nonmailable, unless in accordance with the rules and regulations hereby authorized to be prescribed by the Postmaster-General, shall for every such offense be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than two years, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and whoever shall knowingly deposit or cause to be deposited for mailing or delivery, or whoever shall knowingly cause to be delivered by mail according to the direction thereon, or at any place to which it is directed to be delivered by the person to whom it is addressed, anything declared by this section to be nonmailable, whether transmitted in accordance with the rules and regulations authorized to be prescribed by the Postmaster-General or not, with the design, intent, or purpose to kill, or in anywise hurt, harm, or injure another, or damage, deface, or otherwise injure the mails or other property, shall for every such offense be punished by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than ten years, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section may be proceeded against, and tried and punished, either in the district in which the unlawful matter was mailed, or to which it has been carried by mail for delivery according to the direction thereon, or to which it is caused to be delivered by the person to whom it is addressed.

money orders.

R. S., s. 5463.

3 Jan., 1887; 24

Stat. L., 354, c. 13,



2: 1 Supp., 518.

18 June, 1888;

Stat. L., 187, c.

394, s. 2; 1 Supp.,

U. S. v. Morris,

SEC. 193. Whoever shall, with intent to defraud, forge Counterfeiting or counterfeit the signature of any postmaster, assistant postmaster, chief clerk, or clerk upon or to any money order or blank therefor provided or issued by or under the direction of the Post-Office Department of the United States, or of any foreign country and payable in the 593. United States, or any material signature or endorsement 16 Blatch., 133, 26 thereon or any material signature to any receipt or certifi- Ex parte Hibbs, cate of identification thereon; or shall falsely alter, cause or procure to be falsely altered in any respect, or knowingly aid or assist in falsely so any such money order; or shall, with intent to defraud, pass, utter, or publish any such forged or altered money

Fed. Cas., 1321;

26 Fed. Rep., 421;

or U. S. v. Long, 30



Fed. Rep., 678;

Woodruff v. U.S.,

58 Fed. Rep., 766;

Vives v. U. S., 92

Fed. Rep., 355.

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