L Containing documents of general applicability and legal effect issued by Federal Agencies and filed with the Division of the Federal Register during the calendar year 1941, including Presidential proclamations, Executive DOCUMENTS DIVISION TABLE OF CONTENTS A4 supp Additional copies of this volume may be procured from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. PREFACE This Supplement, printed in 4 books, contains a codification of docu-ments having general applicability and legal effect, issued by Federal agen-cies and published in the FEDERAL REGISTER, which were filed during the calendar year 1941, except that notices having temporary effect are not included herein. This Supplement also contains the full text of all Presidential proclamations, Executive orders, and other Presidential documents published in the FEDERAL REGISTER which are filed during this period. Executive orders filed but not published in the FEDERAL REGISTER are not carried in full text but are identified by subject and number in the table of Presidential documents preceding Chapter I of Title 3. All documents published in the FEDERAL REGISTER which were filed during the calendar year 1941, regardless of whether they appear in this Supplement, are listed under respective title and chapter heads in the tables preceding the index. This Supplement should be used not only in conjunction with the first edition of the Code of Federal Regulations, but also in conjunction with all other supplements and with the daily issues of the FEDERAL REGISTER. I Farm Credit Administration, Department of Agriculture II Commodity Credit Corporation, Department of Agriculture IV Rural Electrification Administration, Department of Agriculture TITLE 7-Agriculture SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of Agriculture SUBTITLE B-Regulations of the Department of Agriculture I Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture III Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Department of Agriculture IV Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Department of Agriculture VI Soil Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture VII Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Department of Agriculture VIII Sugar Division, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Department of Agri culture IX Surplus Marketing Administration, Department of Agriculture TITLE 8-Aliens and Nationality I Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Justice TITLE 9-Animals and Animal Products I Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture II Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture (Regulations under the Packers and Stockyards Act) III Bureau of Dairy Industry, Department of Agriculture |