Lapas attēli


[blocks in formation]

Rule permitting closed-end management investment companies to file June 9


copies of their registration statements, general rules and regulations,

Securities Exchange Act, 1934.

Amendment No. 4 to regulations S-X.

[blocks in formation]

Rules relating to the filing of copies of sales literature with the Commission, Investment Company Act of 1940.

June 20


§§270.8B-2, 270.8




210.6-02, 210.6-04, 210.12-19 to 210.

[blocks in formation]

Regulation exempting certain notes and bonds from requirements of

[blocks in formation]


registration under the Securities Act of 1933.

Amendment to rule governing solicitation in connection with a reorganization or transaction which is the subject of an application of declaration under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935.

[blocks in formation]

Adoption of revised form U-6B-2.

[blocks in formation]

Amendments to rules of practice.

July 22


Amendment to rule regarding loans, general rules and regulations

July 23


Rules and regulations, amendment

[blocks in formation]

Adoption of rules relating to the classification of management companies as either diversified or non-diversified, Investment Company Act of 1940.

Aug. 6


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Amendment to rule governing reports of certain stabilizing activities, Sept. 10

[blocks in formation]


$240.17a-2 Part 249

[blocks in formation]

Adoption of rule granting exemption of Employees' Securities Co., pending determination of application, Investment Company Act of 1940.

Dec. 1

[blocks in formation]

Amendment to instructions for use of form T-1

[blocks in formation]

Amendment to rule govering nondisclosure of contracts affecting national defense in connection with registration statements, general

Dec. 15


Part 269 (note). $230.581.

rules and regulations.

Rule conditionally exempting one class of investment companies from Dec. 22



certain requirements relating to the selection of independent public accountants, general rules and regulations, Investment Company

Act of 1940.

[blocks in formation]

Allyn, A. C. & Co., Inc..

Alice Chester Trust....

Alleghany Corp....
Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Corp.....

Allender Co., Inc.

Order setting hearing on application by De-
troit Stock Exchange to extend unlisted
trading privileges.

Order revoking registration.

notice of and order for hearing.

Allied International Investing Corp. Order extending temporary exemption and
Allied Stores Corp..

Order setting hearing on application to strike

from listing and registration.

Order granting application to strike from

listing and registration.

Order changing place of hearing....

Order approving plans..

[blocks in formation]

Notice of and order for hearing.

[blocks in formation]

American Airlines, Inc.

American & Foreign Power Co., Inc. Notice regarding filing...

American Centrifugal Corp Hearing..

American Co......

Order granting application to strike from

Order designating new trial examiner...
Supplemental notice and order for hearing...
Order setting hearing on application by
Philadelphia Stock Exchange to extend
unlisted trading privileges.

[blocks in formation]

Order permitting declaration to become effec-

[blocks in formation]

listing and registration.

Notice of and order for hearing.

[blocks in formation]

American Electric Share Co


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Notice of and order for hearing..
Notice regarding filing subject to rule U-8...
Order permitting declaration to become effec-

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

812-44 Nov. 1


[blocks in formation]

American Light & Traction Co... Order postponing date for reconvened hear

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Appalachian Electric Power Co.... Order disposing of application by the New

Appliance Credit Corp____

Arcturus Radio Tube Co........

York Curb Exchange to extend unlisted
trading privileges.

Hearing reconvened..
Order setting hearing on application to
strike from listing and registration.
Granting application to strike from listing
and registration.

Arizona General Utilities Co Order denying application and refusing to

Arkansas Fund, Inc., The

permit declaration to become effective. Notice of and order for hearing and consolidation.

Order denying application for exemption.... Arkansas General Utilities Co... Order denying application and refusing to

Arkansas Utilities Co......

Arkansas Western Gas Co...

Armour & Co. (Illinois).

Associated Electric Co...

permit declarations to become effective.
Notice regarding filing....
Order granting application and permitting
declaration to become effective.

Notice regarding filing.
Order approving application.

Supplemental order..

[blocks in formation]

Order setting hearing on application by San 7-576 to 7-603 Oct. 27
Francisco Stock Exchange to extend un-
listed trading privileges.


Notice regarding filing..

Order granting application and permitting
declaration to become effective.

Associated Gas & Electric Co Order setting hearing on application to

strike from listing and registration.

Notice of and order for hearing....
Order granting application to strike from

listing and registration.


Notice regarding filing.

Order exempting transactions.

Notice regarding filing.

Order consenting to withdrawal of motion...

Order permitting declaration to become


[blocks in formation]


Dec. 1


[blocks in formation]

Notice of and order for hearing.

[blocks in formation]

Notice of filing of answer and order for hear

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Order denying application.

[blocks in formation]

Associated Gas and Electric Corp.. Notice regarding filing.

[blocks in formation]

Notice of and order for hearing.

[blocks in formation]

Order granting application and permitting

[blocks in formation]

declaration to become effective.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Associated Gas and Electric Corp.- Order denying intervention, but permitting

[blocks in formation]

limited participation in hearing.

Order postponing date of hearing...

[blocks in formation]

Correcting order.

[blocks in formation]

Notice of filing and order for hearing.......

[blocks in formation]

Order granting application to intervene, 59-32, 70-455

Dec. 26


directing hearing regarding certain mat

ters, consolidating said hearing with cer

tain other proceedings, and postponing

date of hearing.

[blocks in formation]

Notice regarding filing...

[blocks in formation]

Power Corp.

Notice of and order for hearing.

[blocks in formation]

Associated Power Corp.....

Notice regarding filing.

[blocks in formation]

Order consenting to withdrawal of motion...

[blocks in formation]

Order permitting declaration to become

[blocks in formation]



Associated Utilities Corp Order consenting to withdrawal of applica

Notice of, and order for hearing.
Order requiring dissolution of holding com-

Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Order setting hearing on application by the
Railway Co.

[blocks in formation]


Notice regarding filing.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Chicago Stock Exchange to extend un

listed trading priviléges.

Atlanta Gas Light Co........

Notice regarding filing....

[blocks in formation]

Order granting application and permitting

[blocks in formation]

declaration to become effective.

[blocks in formation]
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