(NOTE: Publication of contract summaries has been discontinued. For companies affected, see 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER Index.) Table 3-SUMMARY OF CONTRACTS OUTSIDE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF UNITED STATES (NOTE: Publication of contract summaries has been discontinued. For companies affected, see 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER Index.) Consumer credit, instalment sale credit, certain exceptions, etc Aug. 9 5507 Title 12: Consumer credit, definitions, registration and general requirements, Sept. 1 4443 Consumer credit, maximum credit value of automobiles... Sept. 20 4838 6620 §§222.2, 222.4-222.6, 222.8-222,11. Part 222. §222.11. §§222.4, 222.5, 222.8. CHAPTER III-FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Table 1-RESOLUTIONS AND ORDERS |