Lapas attēli


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Dec. 2


932.9. Part 947.


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Duluth-Superior marketing area, notice of hearing with respect to a pro- ΑΟ 153.
posed marketing agreement, regulating the handling of milk prepared
and proposed by the Twin Ports Cooperative Dairy Assn. and the

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Arrowhead Cooperative Creamery Assn.

California, notice of hearing on proposed amendments to the marketing agreements and order regulating the handling of Tokay grapes.

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Colorado, notice of hearing with respect to proposed amendments to the marketing agreement and order regulating the handling of peaches

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grown in the County of Mesa.

Colorado, Counties of Alamosa, Rio Grande, Conejos, Costilla, Custer, AO 13-A-1-......

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and Eagle-notice of hearing with respect to proposed amendments to

marketing agreement and order, regulating the handling of fresh peas

and cauliflower.

Idaho, notice of hearing with respect to proposed marketing agreement, AO 154. and proposed order regulating the handling of fresh prunes grown in

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the counties lying south of the southern boundary of Idaho county.

Cook-Du-Page Counties, Illinois marketing area, notice of hearing relat- AO 155..
ing to proposed marketing agreement and proposed order, regulating
the handling of milk, prepared and proposed by the Pure Milk Assn.

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of Chicago, III.

Chicago, Ill. marketing area, notice of hearing with respect to a proposal AO 101-A-2

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Louisville, Ky. marketing area, notice of hearing with respect to amend- AO 123-A-1... ing the tentatively approved marketing agreement, regulating the

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handling of milk.

New York Metropolitan milk marketing area, notice of hearing with AO 71-A-5..

May 6 2342

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Greater Boston, Mass. marketing area, notice of reopening of hearing AO 14-A-7RO

May 8 2370

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Docket No.


6 F.R. page

Kansas City, Mo., notice of hearing, proposal to amend the tentatively AO 23-A-2..
approved marketing agreements, regulating the handling of milk.
Fort Wayne, Ind. marketing area, notice of hearing with respect to a
proposal to amend the tentatively approved marketing agreement,
regulating the handling of milk.

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AO 33-A-6.

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Fall River, Mass. notice of reopening of the hearing with respect to a proposal to amend the tentatively approved marketing agreement and

AO 113-A, 1-RO May 14


order 47, regulating the handling of milk.

La Porte County, Ind. marketing area, proposal to amend the tentatively AO 47-A-4.

May 15


approved marketing agreement as amended, and order 20, as amended,

regulating the handling of milk.

Lowell-Lawrence, Mass. marketing area, notice of reopening of the hear- AO 83-A-2-RO-1

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Regulating the handling of Irish potatoes grown in the counties of Ya- ΑΟ 156

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Proposed marketing agreement and proposed order, regulating the AO 158..

June 19


handling of Irish potatoes grown in the counties of Deschutes, Crook

and Klamath in the State of Oregon, and Modoc and Siskiyou in the

State of California, notice of hearing.

Kansas City, Mo. marketing area, notice of reopening hearing with AO 23-A 2-RO-1 July 2


respect to a proposal to amend the tentatively approved marketing

agreement, regulating the handling of milk.

Sioux City, Iowa, marketing area, notice of hearing with respect to a AO 122-A-1.

July 2 3245

proposal to amend the tentatively approved marketing agreement and

order 13, regulating the handling of milk.

Omaha-Council Bluffs marketing area, notice of hearing with respect to AO 86-A-2.

July 2


a proposal to amend the tentatively approved marketing agreement,

regulating the handling of milk.

Oregon, California and Washington, notice of hearing, relative to obtain- AO 127-SO-2

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ing information pertinent to determination of salable quantity of 1941 crop of hops, and order regulating the handling of hops.

Cincinnati, Ohio marketing area, notice of hearing regulating the handling of milk.


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Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and North Dakota, hearing regarding proposed marketing agreement, regulating the handling of Irish potatoes.

New York Metropolitan area, notice of hearing, regulating the handling
of milk.

Chicago, III. marketing area, notice of hearing with respect to a proposal
to amend the tentatively approved marketing agreement as amended
and order 41, as amended, regulating the handling of milk.
Louisville, Ky. marketing area, regulating the handling of milk
Notice of reopening of hearing, regulating the handling of Irish potatoes
in the counties of Deschutes, Crook and Klamath in the State of
Oregon, and Modoc and Siskiyou in the State of California.

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Lowell-Lawrence, Mass, marketing area, notice of hearing with respect AO 83-A-3.

Aug. 20


to a proposal to amend the marketing agreement as amended and

order 34, as amended, regulating the handling of milk.

Greater Boston, Mass. marketing area, notice of hearing with respect to AO 14-A-8.

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a proposal to amend the tentatively approved marketing agreement, as amended and order 4, as amended, regulating the handling of milk. St. Louis, Mo. marketing area, notice of hearing with respect to marketing agreement, regulating the handling of milk.

AO 10-A-7.

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Fall River, Mass. marketing area, notice of hearing with respect to
marketing agreement, regulating the handling of milk.
Fort Wayne, Ind. marketing area, hearing regulating the handling of

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California, Oregon and Washington, notice of hearing with respect to the proposed amendments of the marketing agreement, as amended and the order, as amended, regulating the handling of walnuts.

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Quad cities marketing area, hearing to amend order No. 44, regulating the handling of milk.

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LaPorte County, Ind. marketing area, hearing to amend order 20, regulating the handling of milk.

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Dubuque, Iowa marketing area, notice of hearing with respect to proposal to amend the tentatively approved marketing agreement, regulating

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the handling of milk.

New Orleans, La. marketing area, notice of hearing with respect AO 103-A-3.....

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Docket No.


6 F.R. page

Philadelphia, Pa. marketing area, notice of hearing with respect to AO 160...

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proposed marketing agreement, regulating the handling of milk.

Louisville, Ky. marketing area, proposal to amend the tentatively AO 123-A-2.

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approved marketing agreement, as amended, regulating the handling

of milk, notice of hearing.

Duluth-Superior marketing area, notice of hearing on proposal to amend AO 153-A-1.

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the marketing agreement and regulating the handling of milk.

Georgia, notice of hearing with respect to a proposed marketing agree

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ment and a proposed order, regulating the handling of fresh peaches.

New York Metropolitan marketing area, notice of hearing on proposed AO 71-A-7..

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amendments to order 27, as amended and to the tentatively approved marketing agreement, regulating the handling of milk.

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Change in effective date of air commerce regulations. C-34, Supp. 1. Oct. 31

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110.26, 110.33,

110.37, 110.38,

110.39, 114.2,

114.3, 114.4,

114.5, 118.2,

120.7, 120.8,

120.9, 120.14,

120.15. 120.38,

120.39, 120.41, Parts 125,

128, 142.11, 142.16, Part 153, Part 165, 168,10, 168.11, 168.21, Part 172, Part 174. 370.1, 378.1, 379.2, 380,1,

382.3, 383.4.

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