Lapas attēli


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National marketing quota for peanuts 1941... Form PN-514, Supp. 2. Aug. 25


§§729.3, 729.17, 729.24-729.25, 729.30-729.38.

National marketing quota for peanuts of the Form PN-514, Supp. 3 Oct. 11 crop planted in the calendar year 1941.

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National marketing quota for peanuts, nor

Nov. 6

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mal yield per acre, etc. National marketing quota for peanuts, procedure for the determination of acreage allotments for 1942.

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tobacco acreage allotments for 1941.

Fire-cured and dark air-cured tobacco, de- 41-Tob-33-Supp. 1 Mar. 25

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termination of fire-cured and dark air-cured

[blocks in formation]

Fire-cured and dark air-cured tobacco, mar- 41-Tob-60.

Oct. 21


§§ 726.368-726.400.

keting quota regulations.

Fire-cured and dark air-cured tobacco, national marketing quota for fire-cured tobacco.

Fire-cured and dark air-cured tobacco, national marketing quota for dark air-cured tobacco for the 1942-43 marketing year.

Fire-cured tobacco, notice of marketing quota

regulations, fire-cured tobacco.

Fire-cured and dark air-cured tobacco, mar- 41-Tob-60.
keting quota regulations, dark air-cured

Determination of the apportionment of the
national marketing quota of fire-cured to-

Determination of the apportionment of the national marketing quota of dark air-cured tobacco.

Determination of acreage allotments for 1942, fire-cured and dark air-cured tobacco. Determination of acreage allotments, fire

cured and dark air-cured tobacco.

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Marketing quota regulations, fire-cured to- 41-Tob-59, Supp. 1 Dec. 16 6472

bacco 1941-42, marketing year, fire-cured

and dark air-cured tobacco.

Fire-cured and dark air-cured tobacco, market- 41-Tob-60, Supp. 1. Dec. 16 6473 ing quota regulations, dark air-cured to

bacco 1941-42 marketing year.

§§726.321, 726.322, 726.326.

§§726.371,726.372, 726.376.

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Farm acreage allotments, regulations.....

Wheat, 1942.

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Wheat marketing quotas for the 1941 crop, reg- Wheat 507, Supp. 2 Sept. 8



1942 county normal yields of wheat.

Dec. 31


§§728.311-728.316. §§728.251, 728.265.


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TABLE 1. Regulations and Orders.



TABLE 2. Determinations.

TABLE 3. Notices.

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and for Puerto Rico.

Sugar consumption requirementsand quotas for the calendar year 1941.

mestic beet sugar area.

the 1941 sugar quotas for Puerto Rico.

Sugar consumption requirements for the GSQR Series 8, No. 2 Jan. 16 calendar year 1941 for Territory of Hawaii

Sugar quotas, proration of 1941 deficit for
Philippine Islands.

Sugar marketing quotas, decision and order,
allotting the 1941 sugar quota for the do-

Sugar quotas, decision and order allotting PRSO 17.

Sugar quotas, allotting the 1941 sugar quota

for the mainland cane sugar area.

Sugar consumption requirements and quotas for 1941.

Sugar quotas, proration of additional 1941 deficit for Philippine Islands.

Sugar marketing quotas, domestic beet sugar


General sugar regulations governing the entry of sugar into the continental United States. Sugar consumption requirements for the calendar year 1941 for the Territory of Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

Sugar quotas 1941, sugar consumption requirements.

GSQR Series 8, No. 2,
Rev. 1.

GSQR Series 8, No. 1, Aug. 6
Rev. 3.

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GSQR Series 8, No. 1,

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Rev. 1, Supp. 1.

GSQR Series 8, No. 1,

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Rev. 1.

[blocks in formation]

GSQR Series 8, No. 1,

[blocks in formation]

Rev. 2.

GSQR Series 8, No. 1,

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Rev. 2, Supp. 1.

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Sugar determinations, determinations of fair and reasonable wage rates in the Jan. 4
production of sugarcane in the mainland cane sugar area during the calendar
year 1941.

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Determination of fair and reasonable wage rates in the production, cultivation, or harvesting of sugarcane in Hawaii in 1941.

Jan. 24

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Determination of fair and reasonable wage rates in the production, cultivation or harvesting of sugar beets during the crop year of 1941.

[blocks in formation]

Sugar determinations, determination of fair and reasonable prices for the 1940 and
1941 crops of sugar beets, exclusive of the State of California.
Sugar determinations, determination of fair and reasonable wages in the produc-
tion, cultivation or harvesting of sugarcane in Puerto Rico in 1941.

[blocks in formation]

Sugar determinations, determination of fair and reasonable wage rates in the pro-
duction, cultivation, or harvesting of the 1941 crop of sugar beets.
Sugar determinations, determination of farming practices in the production
of sugarcane during the crop year 1941 for the Territory of Hawaii.
Sugar determinations, determination of farming practices in States other than
California in the production of sugar beets during the crop year 1941.
Sugar determinations, determination of fair and reasonable prices for the 1940-
1941 crop of Puerto Rican sugarcane.

[blocks in formation]

Sugar determinations, determination of a farm for the purposes of the Sugar Act of 1937, as amended.

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Sugar determinations, determination of sugar commercially recoverable from sugarcane in Puerto Rico for the 1940-41 crop year.

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Sugar determinations, determination of farming practices in the production of the 1941 crop of sugarcane in the mainland cane sugar area.

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Sugar determinations, determination of normal yields of commercially recover

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able sugar per acre for sugar beets 1941 sugar beet program.

Sugar determinations for 1941 crop of Hawaiian sugarcane.
Sugar determinations, determination of fair and reasonable wage rates for har-
vesting sugarcane in the mainland cane sugar area between Sept. 1, 1941 and

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June 30, 1942.

Sugar determinations, determination of proportionate shares for farms of Hawaii

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for the 1941 crop.

Sugar determinations, determination of proportionate shares for farms in the domestic beet sugar area for the 1941 сгор.

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Determination of proportionate shares for farms in the mainland cane sugar area

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for the 1941 crop, revised.

Sugar determinations, determination of fair and reasonable prices for sugarcane

Oct. 24



for sugar for the 1941 crop in Louisiana.

Sugar determinations, determination of farming practices in the production of Dec. 27



sugarcane during the crop year 1941 for the Territory of Hawaii.

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TABLE 2. Marketing Orders, Proclama

TABLE 3. Termination and Suspension of


tions, Determinations and TABLE 4. Notices of Hearings.

Marketing and Marketing Agreements


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Food stamp plan, revised regulations and conditions, second amend- Apr. 8 1887

§ 1101.100.

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