sions, conditions, restrictions, and requirements: (a) Area open to hunting. The Federally-owned lands within the following subdivisions in LaCrosse and Vernon Counties, Wisconsin, within the refuge shall be open to the hunting of upland game birds: Sections 4, 5, 8, and 9, T. 14 N., R. 7 W., and Sections 28, 29, 32, 33, and 34, Τ. 15 Ν., R. 7 W., 4th P. M. (b) Compliance with State laws and regulations. Any person who hunts within the refuge shall have in his possession a valid hunting license issued by the State of Wisconsin authorizing him to hunt upland game, which said license shall serve as a Federal permit for hunting upland game birds on the refuge. The license must be exhibited upon the request of any representative of the Wisconsin Conservation Department authorized to enforce the State game laws or of any representative of the Department of the Interior engaged in the administration or the enforcement of laws or regulations applicable to the refuge. The licensee must comply in every respect with the State laws and regulations governing the hunting of upland game birds and must upon the request of any of the aforesaid representatives exhibit for inspection all game killed by him or in his possession. (c) Penalties. Failure of any person hunting upon the refuge to comply with any of the conditions, restrictions, or requirements of the regulations in this section will be sufficient cause for removing such person from the refuge and for refusing him further hunting privileges on the refuge. (Sec. 3, 43 Stat. 650; 16 U.S.C. 723, Reorganization Plan No. II, 53 Stat. 1433; 3 CFR, 1939 Supp., p. 256) [As added Oct. 1, 1941; 6 F.R. 5150] and inserting in lieu thereof the date "April 15," Sept. 8, 1941; 6 F.R. 4788. CROSS REFERENCE: For authority to change names of certain Federal wildlife refuges, see Proc. 2416, 3 CFR, 1940 Supp., p. 49. SENEY NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, MICHIGAN § 26.825 Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan; fishing. Noncommercial fishing is permitted in the waters of the Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan, specified herein, during the hours from 6 a. m. to 8 p. m. from May 15 to March 15 of the year next following, inclusive, in accordance with the provisions of Part 12 of this chapter, for the administration of national wildlife refuges under the jurisdiction of the Fish and Wildlife Service, and subject to the following conditions and restrictions: (a) Waters open to fishing. All the waters of the refuge lying and being east of the west bank of the Driggs River to its confluence with the Manistique River and thence with the west bank of the Manistique River to the boundary of the refuge, shall be open to fishing, as specified in permits issued by the officer in charge of the refuge. (b) State fishing laws. Any person who fishes within the refuge must comply with the applicable sport fishing laws and regulations of the State of Michigan. Fishing shall be by the use of hook and line (including rod and reel) only, as defined by State law. (c) Fishing licenses and permits. Any person who fishes within the refuge shall be in possession of a valid fishing license issued by the Michigan Commission of Conservation, if such license is required, and a permit issued by the officer in charge of the refuge. The permit issued by the officer in charge shall specify the water or waters in which the permittee may fish and the period or periods during which such fishing may be performed. The officer in charge may limit the number of permits issued or refuse to issue permits for any particular waters during such periods as, in his discretion, such action is necessary for the protection of refuge roads and property or to prevent disturbance to concentrations of waterfowl using such waters or areas. The license and permit must be carried on the person of the licensee while so fishing and must be exhibited upon the request of any representative of the Michigan Commission of Conservation or of the Fish and Wildlife Service. (d) Routes of travel. Persons entering the refuge for the purpose of fishing shall follow such routes of travel as shall be designated from time to time by suitable posting by the officer in charge of the refuge. (e) Use of boats. Holders of fishing permits may use boats (other than motorboats) or floating craft for fishing purposes but may place such boats or craft on the waters of the refuge only at such points as may be designated by suitable posting by the officer in charge. The use of motorboats, either inboard or outboard, is prohibited on all waters of the refuge except for official purposes. (f) Revocation of previous order. The order of the Secretary of Agriculture, dated November 29, 1938, authorizing fishing on the Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan, is hereby revoked. (Sec. 10, 45 Stat. 1224; 16 U.S.C. 7151, Reorganization Plan No. II, 53 Stat. 1433; 3 CFR, 1939 Supp., p. 256) [As amended Aug. 1, 1941; 6 F.R. 4046] § 26.825a Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan; hunting of deer. Deer may be taken during the open season prescribed therefor by the Commission of Conservation of the State of Michigan each year until further notice on lands of the United States within the Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan, under the following special provisions, conditions, restrictions, and requirements: (a) Area open to hunting of deer. 'The hunting of deer on the Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan, is permitted on the lands described as follows: All the lands of the United States situated west of the Driggs River to its confluence with the Manistique River and thence west of the Manistique River to the south boundary of the refuge in T. 44 N., Rs. 13 and 14 W., and in T. 45 N., R. 14 W.; all the lands of the United States situated in the following subdivisions: Secs. 1 to 6, inclusive, T. 44 N., R. 15 W.; all of T. 45 N., R. 15 W.; secs. 31 to 36, inclusive, T. 46 N., R. 15 W.; sec. 1, Т. 44 N., R. 16 W.; secs. 1, 12, 13, 24, 25, and 36, T. 45 N., R. 16 W.; and sec. 36, T. 46 N., R. 16 W.; Michigan Meridian. (b) Compliance with State laws and regulations. Any person who hunts on the refuge shall have in his possession a valid hunting license issued by the State of Michigan authorizing him to hunt deer, which said license shall serve as a Federal permit for hunting deer on the refuge. The license must be exhibited upon the request of any representative of the Michigan Commission of Conservation authorized to enforce the State game laws or of any representative of the Department of the Interior. The licensee shall comply in every respect with the State laws and regulations governing the hunting of deer and must also upon request of any of the aforesaid representatives exhibit for inspection all game killed by him or in his possession. Failure of any person hunting upon the refuge to comply with any of the conditions, restrictions, or requirements of this section will be sufficient cause for removing such person from the refuge and for refusing him further hunting privileges on the refuge. (c) Disorderly conduct, intoxication. No person who is visibly intoxicated will be permitted to enter upon the refuge for the purpose of hunting hereunder, and any person who indulges in any disorderly conduct on the refuge will be removed therefrom by the officer in charge and dealt with as prescribed by law. (d) Entry upon refuge. Persons entering the refuge for the purpose of hunting, as permitted by this section, shall use such established routes of travel as may be designated by suitable posting by the officer in charge and shall not otherwise enter upon the refuge. (Sec. 84, as amended by 43 Stat. 98; 18 U.S.C. 145, Reorganization Plan No. II, 53 Stat. 1431; 3 CFR, 1939 Supp., p. 256) [As added Sept. 3, 1941; 6 F.R. 4762] PART 27-SOUTHEASTERN REGION NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGES CAROLINA SANDHILLS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, SOUTH CAROLINA § 27.142 Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina; fishing. Noncommercial fishing is permitted in the waters of the Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina, specified herein during the hours from 6 a. m. to 8 p. m. on the days hereinafter designated, during the period July 11 to September 14, inclusive, 1941, in accordance with the provisions of Part 12 of this chapter, for the administration of national wildlife refuges under the jurisdiction of the Fish and Wildlife Service, and subject to the following conditions and restrictions: (a) Waters open to fishing. The waters of Martins Pond, Lake Bee, and Lake Twelve shall be open to fishing on the following dates: July 11, 12, 13, 25, 26, and 27; August 8, 9, 10, 22, 23, and 24; and September 5, 6, and 7; and the waters of Martins Pond, Lake Sixteen, and Lake Seventeen shall be open to fishing on July 18, 19, and 20; August 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, 17, 29, 30, and 31; and September 12, 13, and 14. No other waters of the refuge shall be open to such fishing. (b) State fishing laws. Any person who fishes within the refuge must comply with the applicable fishing laws and regulations of the State of South Carolina. Fishing shall be by hook and line (including rod and reel) only (as defined by State law). (c) Creel and size limits. No person shall take any black bass less than 10 inches in length or any bream less than 5 inches in length (all measurements shall be taken from the tip of the nose to the fork of the tail). No person may take more than ten legal fish a day, not more than five of which may be black bass. These limits, however, shall not be construed as permitting the taking of fish contrary to limits on number and size prescribed by the South Carolina State Game and Fish Department. Each fisherman before leaving the refuge must report his catch and submit it to the officer in charge for inspection and the recording of data with reference thereto. (d) Fishing licenses and permits. Any person who fishes within the refuge shall be in possession of valid fishing licenses issued by the South Carolina State Game and Fish Department and permits of the State Commission of Forestry, if such licenses or permits are required. These licenses and permits shall serve as Federal permits for fishing in the specified waters of the refuge on the days named for such waters and must be carried on the person of the licensee while so fishing. The licenses and permits must be exhibited upon request of any representative of the South Carolina State Game and Fish Department, of the State Commission of Forestry, or of the Fish and Wildlife Service. (e) Routes of travel. Persons entering the refuge for the purpose of fishing shall follow such routes of travel as may be designated by suitable posting by the officer in charge of the refuge. (f). Use of motorboats. The use of motorboats, either inboard or outboard, is prohibited on all waters of the refuge except for official purposes. (Sec. 10, 45 Stat. 1222; 16 U.S.C. 715i, Reorganization Plan II, 53 Stat. 1431; 3 CFR, 1939 Supp., p. 256) [As amended June 20, 1941; 6 F.R. 3216] PART 29-PLAINS REGION ΝΑTIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGES LOWER SOURIS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, NORTH DAKOTA § 29.573a Lower Souris National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota; hunting of deer. Deer may be taken during the open season prescribed therefor by the Game and Fish Department of the State of North Dakota during the calendar year 1941 on certain lands, hereinafter described of the United States within the Lower Souris National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota, under the following special provisions, conditions, restrictions, and requirements: (a) Area open to hunting. The following-described lands of the United States within the refuge shall be open to the hunting of deer: That part of the refuge south and east of Dam No. 320 except the area north of the Souris River between Dam No. 320 and the line common to secs. 29 and 30, and 31 and 32, Τ. 159 N., R. 76 W., 5th P. M. (b) Compliance with State laws and regulations. Any person who hunts on the refuge shall have in his possession a valid hunting license issued by the State of North Dakota authorizing him to hunt deer and a permit issued by the officer in charge of the refuge authorizing him to enter the refuge. The license and permit must be exhibited upon the request of any representative of the North Dakota Game and Fish Department authorized to enforce the State game laws or of any representative of the Department of the Interior. The firearms of .25 caliber or larger, shooting a projectile of not less than one hundred grains. permittee must comply in every respect with the State laws and regulations governing the hunting of deer and must upon request of any of the aforesaid representatives exhibit for inspection all game killed by him or in his possession. (c) Disorderly conduct; intoxication. No person who is visibly intoxicated will be permitted to enter upon the refuge for the purpose of hunting, and any person who indulges in any disorderly conduct on the refuge will be removed therefrom by the officer in charge and dealt with as prescribed by law. (d) Entry upon refuge. Persons entering the refuge for the purpose of hunting, as permitted by this section, shall use such routes of travel as may be designated by suitable posting by the officer in charge and shall not otherwise enter upon the refuge. (e) Limitation on firearms. Deer may be taken only by the use of rifled (f) Penalties. Failure of any person hunting upon the refuge to comply with any of the conditions, restrictions, or requirements of the regulations in this section will be sufficient cause for removing such person from the refuge and for refusing him further hunting privileges on the refuge. (g) State cooperation in management of the shooting area. The provisions of the regulations in this section shall be incorporated in and deemed to be a part of any agreement between the Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service and the Commissioner of the Game and Fish Department of North Dakota for the regulation, management, and operation of the shooting area established hereunder. (Sec. 84, as amended by 43 Stat. 98; 18 U.S.C. 145, Reorganization Plan No. II, 53 Stat. 1431; 3 CFR, 1939 Supp., p. 256) [As added Nov. 6, 1941, 6 F.R. 5899] Subchapter K-Alaska Wildlife Protection PART 91-ALASKA GAME AUTHORITY: §§ 91.4 to 91.38, inclusive, issued under sec. 10, 54 Stat. 1103; 48 U.S.C. 198. SOURCE: $$ 91.4 to 91.38, inclusive, contained in Regulations, Secretary of the Interior, June 6, 1941; 6 F.R. 2913, except as noted in brackets following sections affected. Subpart A-General Provisions §91.4 Using game as food for dogs or land fur-bearing animals or as crab bait. No person is permitted to feed any mountain sheep (bighorn) or deer, or part thereof, to any dog or to any land fur-bearing animal held in captivity, and no person is permitted to feed any other game animal, protected bird, or part thereof, to a dog or to a land fur-bearing animal held in captivity, except the waste parts, such as hides, viscera, and bones; and no person is permitted to use any part of any game animal or protected bird for crab bait. Subpart B-Game Animals §91.8 Open seasons and limits on certain game animals. * (g) Bear (black, including its brown and blue, or glacier bear, color variations). In the First and Third Judicial Divisions of the Territory, September 1 to June 20, in rest of Territory, no close season. Limit: By nonresident, in First Judicial Division, 2 a season; elsewhere in Territory, 3 a season. By resident, in First and Third Judicial Divisions, 3 a season; elsewhere in Territory, no limit. § 91.9 Possession and transportation of game animals. (a) General. Game animals (except live animals) legally taken in numbers not exceeding the respective season limits prescribed in § 91.8, the hides, heads, and feet thereof, and articles made therefrom, may be possessed and transported by any person at any time within the Territory, and, as Mink, land otter, weasel (ermine), fox (red, cross, and silver), and lynx. December 10 to January 10. Marten. No open season. NOTE: The words "No open season" were previously changed to "Apr. 1 to Apr. 20", Mar. 15, 1941; 6 F.R. 1634. Wolf, coyote, wolverine, marmot, and squirrel. No close season; may be taken by any person at any time in a legal weasel (ermine) may be taken from November 16 to the last day of February in that part of fur district 5 lying south of the Unalakleet River. NOTE: The words following the semicolon were added Nov. 10, 1941; 6 F.R. 5900. Marten. No open season. Muskrat. North of the Unalakleet River drainage, April 1 to June 7; south of the Unalakleet River, including its drainage, April 1 to May 31. Beaver. March 11 to April 15. Limit. 10 a season. Wolf, coyote, wolverine, polar bear, marmot, and squirrel. No close season; may be taken by any person at any time in a legal manner. (f) Fur district 6. Open seasons: Mink, land otter, weasel (ermine), for (red, cross, silver, white, and blue), and lynx. November 16 to February 20. Marten. No open season. Muskrat. March 10 to May 31. Beaver. February 21 to March 31; except there shall be no open season in the Copper River drainage, or in that part of the Tanana River drainage east of the Richardson Highway from Richardson Monument (Mile 202 from Valdez) to Big Delta (Mile 280 from Valdez) and south and east of the Goodpaster River drainage. Limit. 10 a season. Wolf, coyote, wolverine, marmot, and squirrel. No close season; may be taken by any person at any time in a legal manner. (g) Fur district 7. Open seasons: Mink, land otter, weasel (ermine), for (red, cross, silver, white, and blue), and lynx. November 6 to February 20. Marten. No open season. Beaver. February 21 to March 31. Limit. 10 a season. Wolf, coyote, wolverine, marmot, and squirrel. No close season; may be taken by any person at any time in a legal manner. (h) Fur district 8. Open seasons: |