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§ 21.563a Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge, Washington; hunting of deer. Deer may be taken in the open season prescribed therefor by the State Game Commission of Washington during the calendar year 1941 on lands of the United States within the exterior boundary of the Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge, Washington, under the following special provisions, conditions, restrictions, and requirements:

(a) Compliance with State laws and regulations. Any person who hunts on the refuge shall have in his possession a valid hunting license issued by the State of Washington authorizing him to hunt deer, which said license shall serve as a Federal permit for hunting deer on the refuge. The license must be exhibited upon the request of any representative of the Washington State Game Commission authorized to enforce the State game laws or of any representative of the Department of the Interior. The licensee shall comply in every respect with the State laws and regulations governing the hunting of deer and must also upon request of any of the aforesaid representatives exhibit for inspection all game killed by him or in his possession. Failure of any person hunting upon the refuge to comply with any of the condi

tions, restrictions, or requirements of the regulations in this part will be sufficient cause for removing such person from the refuge and for refusing him further hunting privileges on the refuge.

(b) Disorderly conduct, intoxication. No person who is visibly intoxicated will be permitted to enter upon the refuge for the purpose of hunting hereunder, and any person who indulges in any disorderly conduct on the refuge will be removed therefrom by the officer in charge and dealt with as prescribed by law.

(c) Entry upon refuge. Persons entering the refuge for the purpose of hunting, as permitted by the regulations in this part, shall use such established routes of travel as may be designated by suitable posting by the officer in charge and shall not otherwise enter upon the refuge. (Sec. 84, as amended by 43 Stat. 98; 18 U.S.C. 145, Reorganization Plan No. II, 53 Stat. 1431; 3 CFR, 1939 Supp., p. 256) [As amended Aug. 28, 1941; 6 F.R. 4616]



§ 22.96 Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge, Montana, hunting of waterfowl and coots within specified areas per

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Migratory waterfowl (except those species for which no open season is prescribed by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act Regulations), and coots may be taken on and in all lands and waters of the Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge embraced within the boundary designated 'public shooting ground' on the diagram dated 1941 made a part of this section when, in manner, by means, and to the extent not prohibited either by Federal or State law or by regulations, and under the following special provisions, conditions, restrictions, and requirements. [As amended Oct. 3, 1941; 6 F.R. 5096]

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governing fishing, subject to the following exceptions, conditions, and requirements:

(1) Area closed to fishing. All lands and waters within the boundary of the refuge in Township 2 North, Range 2 West of the Boise Meridian, are closed to fishing and, without the written permission of the officer in charge of the refuge, to entry for any purpose.

(2) State fishing license; exhibition. Any person who fishes within the refuge shall be in possession of a valid fishing license issued by the State of Idaho, if such license is required. This license shall serve as a Federal permit for fishing in the refuge and must be carried on the person of the licensee while so fishing. The license or permit provided for herein must be exhibited upon the request of any representative of the Idaho State Fish and Game Commission or the United States Department of the Interior, authorized to enforce State or Federal fish and game laws.

(3) Routes of travel. Persons entering the refuge for the purpose of fishing shall follow such routes of travel as may be designated by suitable posting by the officer in charge.

(b) Permits for private operations. Cutting and removal of willow and other growth necessary for proper wildlife management and the cutting and removal of ice may be allowed without charge under permit of the refuge manager within such areas and at such times as he may designate, and no person shall enter the refuge for these purposes without such written permission. The erection, occupancy, and/or maintenance of any building within the refuge must be under appropriate permit issued by the Director or Regional Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service except that such permit is not required for official structures erected or used by the Federal or State Government or by the Boise Project Board of Control, nor for temporary structures as tents that may be erected, occupied, and used without permit on designated public use areas or camp sites.

(c) Public use. The following public uses of the refuge are permitted at the times and places and in the manner specified:

(1) Motorboats. Motorboats properly equipped with mufflers to eliminate excessive noises may be operated without permit from sunrise to sunset of each day during the period April 16 to August 31, inclusive, of each year, except that boats and motorboats are not permitted to operate within the closed area on Township 2, Range 2 West of the Boise Meridian nor within 100 yards of any water control structure, nor in areas designated by the officer in charge by posting where wave action will wash or otherwise damage the slopes of the reservoir. The refuge officer in charge may issue free-use permits authorizing motorboat racing, wherein motorboats may operate without mufflers in such areas and at such times during said period as he may designate: Provided, Such motorboat racing is officially sponsored by a recognized civic organization or motorboat club.

(2) Recreational activities. Picnic, baseball, skating, camping, and other public uses may be conducted at any time without permit on such areas as the refuge officer in charge may from time to time officially designate by posting for such activities.

(3) Fires. The lighting of fires for any purpose is permitted only on officially designated public use areas.

(d) Artificial lights. The use of gas, oil, electric, or other lights, or portable artificial lights, is prohibited except that such lights may be used by agents of the State, United States, and the Boise Project Board of Control when performing their official duties and by persons within the officially designated public use areas, camp sites, and on roads leading thereto, and by ice-skaters.

(e) Revocation of previous regulations. The supplementary regulations of April 13, 1932, of the Acting Secretary of Agriculture entitled "Permitting Motorboating, Fishing, Skating, and Other Activities on the Deer Flat Reservation, State of Idaho," now the Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge by virtue of the Proclamation of the President, No. 2416,' of July 25, 1940, are hereby revoked. (Sec. 84, as amended by 43 Stat. 98; 18 U.S.C. 145, Reorganization Plan No. II, 53 Stat. 1431; 3 CFR, 1939 Supp., p. 256) [As amended May 16, 1941; 6 F.R. 2605]




§ 23.409 Havasu Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona and California; hunting. Migratory waterfowl (except those species for which no open season is prescribed by § 1.4 of this chapter) and coots may be taken within certain areas, hereinafter described, of Havasu Lake National Wildlife Refuge, in Arizona and California, during the period November 2 to December 14, 1941, inclusive, in accordance with the provisions of Part 12 of this chapter, for the administration of national wildlife refuges under the jurisdiction of the Fish and Wildlife Service and in accordance with the regulations promulgated pursuant to the authority contained in the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, when, in manner, by means, and to the extent not prohibited by either Federal or State law or regulation, and under the following special provisions, conditions, restrictions, and requirements:

13 CFR, 1940 Supp., p. 49.

(a) Areas open to hunting. All the lands of the United States within the following-described areas of the refuge shall be open to hunting:

(1) That part of the refuge extending from the Topock Highway Bridge south to the line common to Tps. 13 and 14 N., R. 20 W., extended;

(2) That part of the refuge extending from the line common to Tps. 12 and 13 N., R. 19 W., extended, south to the line common to Tps. 11 and 12 N., R. 18 W., extended;

(3) That part of the refuge lying and being east of the line common to secs. 9 and 10, and 15 and 16, T. 11 N., R. 18 W.; Gila and Salt River Meridian, Arizona.

(b) State laws. Any person while hunting within the refuge must comply with the applicable State laws and regulations.

(c) Hunting licenses and permits. Any person who hunts within the refuge shall be in possession of a valid State hunting license, if such license is required, and, if hunting migratory waterfowl, a properly validated migratory-bird hunting stamp. The license and the stamp shall serve as a Federal permit for hunting on the refuge and must be carried on the person of the licensee while so hunting. The license and the stamp must be exhibited upon the request of any representative of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission or of the California Department of Natural Resources authorized to enforce the State game laws, or of any representative of the Department of the Interior. Upon request of the officer in charge, the licensee must also exhibit for inspection all birds killed by him or in his possession.

(d) Disorderly conduct; intoxication. No person who is visibly intoxicated will be permitted to enter upon the refuge for the purpose of hunting, and any person who indulges in any disorderly conduct on the refuge will be removed therefrom by the officer in charge and dealt with as prescribed by law.

(e) Hunting dogs. Each person hunting on the public shooting grounds will be permitted to take his hunting dogs, not to exceed two in number, upon such areas for the purpose of retrieving dead or wounded birds, but such dogs shall

not be permitted to run at large on the public shooting grounds or elsewhere on the refuge.

(f) Entry upon refuge; firearms. Persons entering the refuge for the purpose of hunting shall use such routes of travel as may be designated by suitable posting by the officer in charge and shall not otherwise enter upon the refuge. The carrying or being in possession of firearms within the areas of the refuge not open to public hunting is prohibited, except that such firearms may be possessed or transported across such closed areas provided they are unloaded, and broken or properly encased. The carrying or being in possession of rifled firearms or the use of single-ball or slugload shotgun shells on the refuge is prohibited.

(g) Penalties. Failure of a permittee to comply with any of the conditions. restrictions, or requirements of the regulations in this section will be sufficient cause for removing him from the refuge and for refusing him further hunting privileges on the refuge. (Sec. 84, as amended by 43 Stat. 98; 18 U.S.C. 145, Reorganization Plan No. II, 53 Stat. 1431; 3 CFR, 1939 Supp., p. 256) [As added Oct. 1, 1941; 6 F.R. 5149]



§23.467 Imperial National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona and California; hunting. Migratory waterfowl (except those species for which no open season is prescribed by § 1.4 of this chapter) and coots may be taken within certain areas, hereinafter described, of Imperial National Wildlife Refuge, in Arizona and California, during the period November 2 to December 14, 1941, inclusive, in accordance with the provisions of Part 12 of this chapter, for the administration of national wildlife refuges under the jurisdiction of the Fish and Wildlife Service and in accordance with the regulations promulgated pursuant to the authority contained in the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, when, in manner, by means, and to the extent not prohibited by either Federal or State law or regulation, and under the following special provisions, conditions, restrictions, and requirements:

(a) Areas open to hunting. All the lands of the United States within the following-described areas of the refuge shall be open to hunting:

(1) That part of the refuge from the south boundary of the refuge to Reclamation River Station No. 4;

(2) That part of the refuge between Reclamation River Stations Nos. 9 and 11.

(b) State laws. Any person while hunting within the refuge must comply with the applicable State laws and regulations.

(c) Hunting licenses and permits. Any person who hunts within the refuge shall be in possession of a valid State hunting license, if such license is required, and, if hunting migratory waterfowl, a properly validated migratorybird hunting stamp. The license and the stamp shall serve as a Federal permit for hunting on the refuge and must be carried on the person of the licensee while so hunting. The license and the stamp must be exhibited upon the request of any representative of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission or of the California Department of Natural Resources authorized to enforce the State game laws, or of any representative of the Department of the Interior. Upon request of the officer in charge, the licensee must also exhibit for inspection all birds killed by him or in his possession.

(d) Disorderly conduct; intoxication. No person who is visibly intoxicated will be permitted to enter upon the refuge for the purpose of hunting, and any person who indulges in any disorderly conduct on the refuge will be removed therefrom by the officer in charge and dealt with as prescribed by law.

(e) Hunting dogs. Each person hunting on the public shooting grounds will be permitted to take his hunting dogs, not to exceed two in number, upon such areas for the purpose of retrieving dead or wounded birds, but such dogs shall not be permitted to run at large. on the public shooting grounds or elsewhere on the refuge.

(f) Entry upon refuge; firearms. Persons entering the refuge for the purpose of hunting shall use such routes of travel as may be designated by suit

able posting by the officer in charge and shall not otherwise enter upon the refuge. The carrying or being in possession of firearms within the areas of the refuge not open to public hunting is prohibited, except that such firearms may be possessed or transported across such closed areas provided they are unloaded, and broken or properly encased. The carrying or being in possession of rifled firearms or the use of single-ball or slug-load shotgun shells on the refuge is prohibited.

(g) Penalties. Failure of a permittee to comply with any of the conditions, restrictions, or requirements of the regulations in this section will be sufficient cause for removing him from the refuge and for refusing him further hunting privileges on the refuge. (Sec. 84, as amended by 43 Stat. 98; 18 U.S.C. 145, Reorganization Plan No. II, 53 Stat. 1431; 3 CFR, 1939 Supp., p. 256) [As added Oct. 1, 1941; 6 F.R. 5150]



§23.969 Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma; fishing.

NOTE: § 23.969 was amended by striking out the date "May 30" appearing therein and inserting in lieu thereof the date "May 24", May 23, 1941; 6 F.R. 2585.

Paragraph (a) (3) was amended by striking out the words "Crater Lake, Osage Lake, and Burford Lake" and adding thereto the words "Jed Johnson Lake, that part of Rush Lake east of the big-game fence, Little Medicine Creek within the refuge boundary, that part of Elmer Thomas Lake situated within the refuge boundary, West Post Oak Lake, and Treasure Lake", May 23, 1941; 6 F.R. 2585.



§ 24.919b Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge, Wisconsin; hunting of upland game birds. Upland game birds may be taken during the open season prescribed therefor by the Wisconsin Conservation Department during the calendar year 1941 on certain lands of the United States, hereinafter described within the Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge, Wisconsin, under the following special provi

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