Lapas attēli
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NOTE: Annual Report Form H (Express) 1 as amended was prescribed for the year ended December 31, 1940, and succeeding years until further order, by Order, Feb. 3, 1941; 6 F.R. 840.

§ 120.52 Carriers by water; quarterly freight and passenger statistics. (a) Each and every carrier by water within the scope of section 313, Part III of the Interstate Commerce Act, is required to file a report every three months until further notice of its total freight and passenger revenue separately, the total number of tons of freight carried, and the number of passengers carried, in accordance with Quarterly Report form QWS, which is hereby approved and made a part of this order.

(b) Each said quarterly report shall be filed, in duplicate, in the Bureau of Statistics, Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C., within thirty days after the close of the period to which it relates, the first report to be for the three months ended June 30, 1941. (Sec. 313, 54 Stat. 944; 49 U.S.C. 913) [As amended May 5, 1941; 6 F.R. 2523]

EXPLANATORY NOTE: Copies of Quarterly Report Form QWS are furnished to carriers to render reports to the Commission. Additional copies may be obtained from the Bureau of Statistics, Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C. Filed as a part of the original document with the Division of the Federal Register, The National Archives.




§ 122.1 Revenues and expenses. Each and every Class I steam railway, exclud

1 EXPLANATORY NOTE: Copies of these forms are furnished to the carriers to render reports to the Commission. Copies are also available by purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Annual Report Forms C, D, E, G, and H were filed as part of the respective original documents with the Division of the Federal Register, The National Archives.

ing Class I switching and terminal companies, subject to the provisions of section 20, Part I of the Interstate Commerce Act, is required to file monthly reports of revenues and expenses in accordance with the form of report which is attached hereto and made a part of this order. Such monthly reports shall be made under oath, and filed in duplicate in the Bureau of Statistics, Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C., on or before the twenty-sixth day of the month next succeeding the month for which made. (Sec. 20, 24 Stat. 386, sec. 7, 34 Stat. 593, 35 Stat. 649, sec. 14, 36 Stat. 555, secs. 434, 435, 41 Stat. 493, 494; 49 U.S.C. 20 (1)-(8)) [As amended Nov. 18, 1941, effective Jan. 1, 1942; 6 F.R. 6715]

EXPLANATORY NOTE: Copies of form for Monthly Report of Revenues and Expenses are furnished to carriers to render reports to the Commission. Copies of the form are available by purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Filed as a part of the original document with the Division of the Federal Register, The National Archives.

§122.2 Selected income and balance sheet items. Beginning with the month of January 1941, and thereafter unless otherwise ordered, all steam railway companies of Class I, excluding switching and terminal companies, within the scope of Section 20, Part I of the Interstate Commerce Act, are required to file monthly reports of selected income and balance-sheet items in accordance with Form I. B. S., Monthly Report of Selected Income and Balance-Sheet Items, which is hereby approved and made a part of this order. Said monthly reports shall be made under oath and filed in duplicate in the Bureau of Statistics, Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C., within fortyfive days after the end of the month to which they relate. (Sec. 20, 24 Stat. 386, sec. 7, 34 Stat. 593, 35 Stat. 649, sec. 14, 36 Stat. 555, secs. 434, 435, 41 Stat. 493, 494; 49 U.S.C. 20 (1)-(8)) (As amended Nov. 4, 1940, effective Jan. 1, 1941; 6 F.R. 690]

[Preceding section, in small type, superseded by following section during period covered by this Supplement]

§122.2 Selected income and balance sheet items. Beginning with the month of January 1942, and thereafter until further order of this Commission, each and every Class I steam railway company, excluding Class I switching and terminal companies, subject to the provisions of section 20, Part I of the Interstate Commerce Act, is required to file monthly reports of selected income and balance-sheet items in accordance with Form I. B. S., Monthly Report of Selected Income and Balance-Sheet Items, which is hereby approved, and made a part of this order. Said monthly reports shall be made under oath, and filed in duplicate in the Bureau of Statistics, Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C., within forty-five days after the end of the month to which they relate. (Sec. 20, 24 Stat. 386, sec. 7, 34 Stat. 593, 35 Stat. 649, sec. 14, 36 Stat. 555, secs. 434, 435, 41 Stat. 493, 494; 49 U.S.C 20 (1)-(8)) [As amended Nov. 25, 1941, effective Jan. 1, 1942; 6 F.R. 6715]

EXPLANATORY NOTE: Copies of forms for Monthly Report of Selected Income and Balance-Sheet Items are furnished to carriers to render reports to the Commission. Copies of the form are available also by purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Filed as a part of the original document with the Division of the Federal Register, The National Archives.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ohio-Indiana State Marion, Ohio.

Michigan-Indiana Battle Creek,






Grand Trunk Western.

State line (north

of Granger, Ind.).


[blocks in formation]


& Georgia-North Blue Ridge, Ga.


Carolina State line

[blocks in formation]

Michigan-Indiana Niles, Mich.

(f) Georgia. From the last-mentioned point west along said State boundary line to the west boundary of Georgia; thence southerly along said State boundary line to the southwest corner of the State.

(g) Florida. From the last-mentioned point southerly along the main channel of the Apalachicola River to Apalachicola Bay and the Gulf of Mexico.

(h) Operating exceptions-(1) Lines east of boundary excepted from eastern zone. Those portions of the lines of railroad, below named, located east of the zone boundary line above described, shall, for operating purposes only, be excepted from the United States standard eastern time zone and included within the United States standard central time zone, viz:

Georgia-Tennessee Elizabeth, Ga.

State line (north

of Kyle, Ga.).

Do......... Tennga, Tenn.....

[blocks in formation]

Northern limits

of Atlanta, Ga. Apalachicola River. Benton Harbor, Mich.

Northern limits of Atlanta, Ga. Georgia Tennessee State line west of Hooker, Ga. Bellevue, Ohio.

Ohio-Indiana State Toledo, Ohio.

line (west of

Willshire, Ohio).

Do......... Ohio-Indiana State Sandusky, Ohio.


line (west of Fort

Recovery. Ohio).

Ohio-Indiana State Bradford, Ohio.

line (east of Union

City, Ind.).

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



Pere Marquette.



Ohio-Indiana Elkhart, Ind.

Michigan-Indiana Fort Wayne.

State line (south

of Sturgis.



State line (at

Dixon, Ohio).



Ohio-Indiana Richmond, Ind.

State line (west

of New Paris, Ohio).

Ohio-Indiana State line (west of Campbellstown, Ohio). Richmond, Ind... Michigan Indi ana State line (south of New Buffalo, Mich.). do

Seaboard Air Line. Georgia - Alabama State line (west of Esom, Ga.).


Georgia - Alabama State line (west of Omaha, Ga.).


Adams, Ind. Porter, Ind.

La Crosse, Ind. Jacksonville. Pell City, and Bessemer,


Montgomery, Ala.

(i) Points on boundary line. The following-n a med municipalities located upon the above-described zone boundary line shall be considered as within the United States standard eastern time zone: Williamson, W. Va., Dungannon, Va., Bristol, Va.-Tenn., Asheville and Franklin, N. C., and Apalachicola, Fla. All other municipalities located upon the above-described zone boundary line, not specifically named, shall be considered as within the United States standard central time zone. (Secs. 1, 2, 4, 40 Stat. 450, 451, sec. 1, 41 Stat. 1446, sec. 3, 42 Stat. 1434; 15 U.S.C. 261-265) [As amended Oct. 15, 1941, and Oct. 31, 1941; 6 F.R. 5346, 5731]

NOTE: The table to § 139.3 (h) (2) was amended by adding Apalachicola Northern, Oct. 31, 1941; 6 F.R. 5731.




§ 141.27 Intermediate application of rates. Tariffs may provide for the application of class or commodity rates from or to intermediate points by incorporating in such tariffs the appropriate one (or more) of the rules below set forth, subject to the limitations of this section.

(a) Intermediate rules to be used only where routing is provided. Effective on and after July 20, 1942, an intermediate point rule may not be published so as to result in establishing from (or to, as the case may be) an intermediate point, a rate from (or to) a more distant point unless the tariff contains specific routing instructions showing definitely in accordance with plan (1) of § 141.4 (k) the routes through the intermediate point over which the rate from (or to) the more distant point applies. [As amended July 18, 1941; 6 F.R. 3675]

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§ 142.12 Computation of 96-hour period for payment of demurrage charges on coal delivered to tidewater exchanges. The period of 96 hours fixed for the payment of transportation rates and charges, in so far as applicable to the payment of demurrage accruing at New York, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Baltimore, Md., and Sewalls Point (Norfolk), Va., on coal pooled for transshipment at those points under control of coal exchanges, may be computed from the first 4 p. m. following the day when the demurrage bills are presented by such exchanges to individual shippers, members thereof. (Sec. 405, 41 Stat. 479, sec. 1, 44 Stat. 1447; 49 U.S.C. 3 (2)) [Regs., 59 I.C.C. 456, Dec. 6, 1920]

NOTE: § 142.12 as originally codified was incomplete and should read as set forth above.

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(3) Wherever used in the regulations in this part the term "joint expressmotor rates" shall be understood to mean rates, rules or charges applicable to joint transportation between express companies listed in subparagraph (4) of this paragraph, on the one hand, and common carriers of property by motor vehicle other than such express companies, including transportation where such common carriers by motor vehicle participate only as intermediate carriers, on the other hand.

(4) Wherever used in the regulations in this part the term "local expressmotor. rates" shall be understood to mean rates, rules or charges applicable wholly over the lines of one or more of the following companies, viz: Railway Express Agency, Incorporated, Canadian National Railways (Express Department), Canadian Pacific Express Company, for transportation wholly by motor vehicle owned or leased by such express companies or partly by rail or water and partly by such motor vehicle. [As amended July 28, 1941, effective Oct. 1, 1941; 6 F.R. 4153]

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(b) When the application of commodity rates, either distance or specific, results in charges higher than those accruing under class rates, provision may be made for alteration of class and commodity rates either by the use of subparagraph (1) below in the commodity tariff or by use of subparagraph (2) below in a tariff containing rules by which the commodity tariff is governed.

(1) Except as otherwise provided herein, if the charges accruing under class rates, published in tariffs lawfully on file with the Interstate Commerce Commission, are lower than the charges provided herein, from and to the same points, such lower charges accruing under class rates will apply.

(2) Except as otherwise provided, if the charges accruing under class rates, published in tariffs lawfully on file with the Interstate Commerce Commission, are lower than the charges provided in commodity tariffs governed by and making reference to this tariff, such lower charges accruing under class rates will apply. (Secs. 5 (21), 6, 24 Stat. 380, sec. 1, 25 Stat. 855, sec. 2, 34 Stat. 586, sec. 9, 36 Stat. 548, sec. 11, 37 Stat. 566, secs. 408-411, 41 Stat. 482-483, sec. 203, 48 Stat. 220, sec. 221, 43 Stat. 1080, sec. 217, 49 Stat. 560, sec. 8, 54 Stat. 910; 49 U.S.C. 5 (21), 6 (1)-(13), 317) [As amended July 28, 1941, effective Oct. 1, 1941; 6 F.R. 4153]

NOTE: § 147.7 was amended by designating the former text as paragraph (a) and adding paragraph (b), and by adding the clause "Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section," before the first sentence of paragraph (a), July 28, 1941, effective Oct. 1, 1941; 6 F.R. 4153.

§ 147.8 Cancelations.

NOTE: $147.8 (d) was amended by substituting "§ 147.9 (m)" for "$ 147.9 (b)", July 28, 1941, effective Oct. 1, 1941; 6 F.R. 4153.

§ 147.9 Amendments and





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1 but not more than 4 5 but not more than 12...... 12 but not more than 16..... 17 but not more than 80..... 81 but not more than 200.Over 200...

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Tariffs of 13 or more pages: When the number of pages in the supplement which brings the volume of matter up to that authorized in Column 3 is not evenly divisible by four, that supplement may exceed the volume authorized to the extent of using additional pages within the next multiple of four. The smallest of three effective supplements to a tariff of more than 80 but not more than 200 pages shall contain not more than eight pages, and the smallest of four effective supplements to a tariff of more than 200 pages shall contain not more than 16 pages. (Secs. 5 (21), 6, 24 Stat. 380,

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