VES AND OTHER DANGEROUS ARTICLES-continued stored together. The letter X at an intersection of horizontal and vertical columns shows that rizontal column must not be loaded or stored with High Explosives (b) vertical column] • Cyanides or cyanide mixtures must not be loaded or stored with corrosive liquids. Projectiles, bombs, grenades, or other forms of ammunition containing incendiary charges, either with or without bursting charges, must not be loaded or stored with any dangerous explosive, class A, or less dangerous explosive, class B. X X X 41, effective July 1, 1941; 6 F.R. 1846, as follows: ed or stored with all articles named except those in columns b, c, e, f, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Xa X (Add) NOTE: When placards prescribed by previous requirements are used in conformity with authority granted in section 545 (e), the indorsement "Inflammable", "Acid", "Corrosive Liquid", "Compressed Gas", or "Poisonous", should be used. PART 5-REGULATIONS APPLYING TO NOTE: Sections 650 to 660 represent a complete revision of Part 5. 650. Purpose of regulations. To promote the uniform enforcement of law and to minimize the dangers to life and property incident to the transportation of explosives and other dangerous articles, by rail express carriers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce, these regulations are prescribed to define these articles for rail express transportation purposes, and to state the precautions that must be observed by the carrier in handling them while in transit. It is the duty of each such carrier to make the prescribed regulations effective and to thoroughly instruct employees in relation thereto. 651. Explosives and other dangerous articles, except such as will not be accepted, may be offered for transportation to rail express carriers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce and transported, provided they are in proper condition for transportation and are certified that these regulations have been complied with, and provided their method of manufacture, packing, and storage, so far as they affect safe transportation, are open to inspection by a duly authorized representative of the nitial carrier or of the Bureau of Explosives. Shipments that do not comply with these regulations must not be accepted for transportation or transported. 652. These regulations apply to all shipments of explosives and other dangerous articles as defined herein, including carriers' material and supplies. 653. (a) Labels. Labels prescribed by the Commission's regulations, Part 3, must be applied to rail express shipments, unless exempt from these regulations, and in addition the shipper must certify to compliance with the regulations by writing, stamping, or printing his name underneath the certificate printed thereon. (b) Carriers must keep on hand an adequate supply of labels. Lost or detached labels must be replaced from information given on revenue or other waybill. 654. (a) Receipts. A receipt upon the form prescribed by the originating express carrier must be issued to the shipper for each shipment of explosives or other dangerous articles accepted for transportation. Before a receipt is issued, the shipper must apply the label prescribed herein to each package containing any article covered by these regulations. (b) Each receipt must show the proper and definite name of commodity, as listed in these regulations, and the color of the label affixed to the package if any is required. 655. (a) Handling packages. In handling packages containing explosives or other dangerous articles, care must be taken to prevent them from falling or from being broken. They must not be thrown, dropped, or rolled. (b) Packages protected by labels must be so loaded that they can not fall to the car floor and in such manner that other freight can not fall onto or slide against them. (c) Unless sealed cars are equipped with a suitable guard or screen to prevent the lading coming in contact with hot steam pipes, or heat exits used in electrically-heated equipment, packages containing explosives or other dangerous articles must not be transported in them. (d) Shipments of explosives or other dangerous articles, except poisons and noninflammable compressed gases, when transported in passenger-carrying trains, should be loaded in the car occupied by an express employee and in a place that will permit their ready removal in case of fire. They must not be loaded in cars or stored in stations near steam pipes or other sources of heat. No placards are required on such cars when occupied by an express employee. Shipments bearing poison label, when practicable, should be loaded in sealed cars; when loaded in cars occupied by messenger, care should be taken to prevent any contents sifting or leaking from containers. (e) When an express or baggage car containing any package requiring a label prescribed by these regulations is not occupied by an express employee and is handled in a passenger, mixed, or freight train, the proper placards must be attached thereto as required by these regulations for the transportation of such articles by rail freight. (f) Packages containing dangerous articles, as defined by these regulations, that are loaded in sealed cars for express movement from the point of origin, must be loaded in a place that will permit of their ready removal in case of fire, wreck, or unloading, and near the car door, if possible. (g) Not to exceed 10 gas identification sets may be transported in any car at any time. (h) It is important to prevent contact of contents of packages bearing either yellow or white corrosive liquid labels with combustible substances, such as sawdust, shavings, or sweepings, that may be present in express cars. 656. Removal at destination. Shipments of explosives and other dangerous articles as defined by these regulations which are refused by the consignees, or which can not be delivered within 48 hours after arrival at destination, must be promptly disposed of (1) by return to the shipper, if in proper shipping condition, or (2) by storage, provided a suitable storage place for such articles is available off the carrier's property, or (3) by sale, or (4) when necessary to safety, by destruction: Provided, That charged electric batteries may be held for 30 days after arrival at destination, pending delivery or disposition. 657. Waybills. The revenue, or other waybilling, when prepared for such shipments, and the waybill, transfer sheet, or interchange record used for transferring such shipments to a connecting carrier, must properly describe the articles by name as shown in these regulations, and show color of label applied. 658. Connecting line shipments. Shipments of dangerous articles offered by connecting express or other transportation lines must comply with these regulations. 659. Astray shipments. Any astray shipment of dangerous articles must be forwarded promptly to destination, if known, provided a careful inspection shows the package to be in proper condition for safe transportation. If the package is not labeled and the exact nature of the contents is unknown, the red label must be applied. 660. Reporting violations and accidents or fires. Serious violations of these regulations, facts relating to leaking or broken containers, and accidents or fires in connection with the transportation or storage on express or railway property of explosives or other dangerous articles, must be reported promptly by the express carrier to the Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York, N. Y. PART 6-REGULATIONS APPLYING TO RAIL CARRIERS IN BAGGAGE SERVICE 700. Purpose of regulations. To proshipments in rail baggage service of dangerous articles in rail baggage service on passenger-carrying trains of carriers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce, the following regulations are prescribed to define these articles for rail baggage transportation purposes, and to state the precautions that must be observed by the carrier in handling them while in transit. 701. These regulations apply to all shipments in rail baggage service of dangerous articles as prescribed herein. Shipments of explosives, other than those Hydrogen....... Oxygen.. Anhydrous ammonia. Ethylene___--- Methyl chloride____ Nitrous oxide.. Ogygen.. Sulphur dioxide_____ authorized for transportation by rail express, or dangerous articles, except as provided herein, must not be accepted for transportation in rail baggage service. The Commission will make provision as occasion and safety may require for dangerous articles other than those described herein. Carriers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce must make these regulations effective and must provide for the thorough instruction of their employees. NOTE.-Explosives or other dangerous articles, consisting of carrier's materials and supplies such as are acceptable for rail express transportation, may be transported in baggage cars when packed, marked, and labeled as prescribed by regulations for rail express shipments. 702. No dangerous article described by these regulations shall be accepted for transportation or transported in rail baggage service except the following which must be packed, marked and labeled as required herein: 703. (a) Acceptable articles. The following articles may be transported in rail baggage service under these regulations: Red gas label_. (b) (1) Compressed gases: Green gas label____ Green gas label_ Red gas label.. Green gas label___ Red gas label.. Red gas label_ Green gas label. Green gas label. Green gas label_ (b) (2) Motion-picture films, yellow label. In containers as prescribed by sec. 703 (e) to (h). (c) Compressed gases must be shipped in metal cylinders complying with specifications and regulations as prescribed for freight shipments. (d) Mine-rescue equipment. Cylinders of compressed gas for mine rescue or medical work may be shipped when packed with other equipment pertaining to such work; cylinders not over 41⁄2 by 22 inches may be shipped when packed in traveling bags, suitcases, trunks, or other suitable outside containers. When so In cylinders not exceeding 12 by 51 inches, and with pressure not exceeding 300 pounds at 70° F. In cylinders not exceeding 41⁄2 by 22 inches. packed, the prescribed label must be placed on each outside container. (e) Inflammable motion-picture films must be packed in spark-proof metal cases or trunks complying with spec. 32A, 32B, or 32C. Not more than 12,000 feet of standard width (13/8 inches wide), 12 reels of approximately 1,000 feet each, or equivalent thereof, or more than 3 reels of stereoscopic film (21⁄2 inches wide and approximately 1,500 feet each), may be packed in one such outside container; or as follows: (f) In outside wooden boxes, spec. 15A, 15B, 15C, or 16A, provided each reel is placed in a tightly closed inside metal container. The gross weight of such a package must not exceed 80 pounds. Boxes must be equipped with handles, and covers securely fastened by metal hasp and staple with a strong lock or other efficient device. (g) When slow-burning (noninflammable) motion-picture films are packed in the same outside containers with inflammable motion-picture films, the outside packages must bear the yellow label, and the total contents of the outside container must not exceed the quantity or gross weight permitted for inflammable films. (See sec. 703 (e).) (h) Packages of motion-picture films with advertising matter attached to the outside container must not be offered or accepted for transportation. Shippers desiring to include advertising matter with their shipments of motion-picture films must place the advertising matter inside the outside box containing the films. 704. (a) Labels. All packages containing samples of explosives for laboratory examination, fireworks and other dangerous articles for which labels are prescribed herein, must be conspicuously labeled by the shipper. Labels should be applied when practicable to that part of the package bearing the consignee's name and address, or baggage check. The shipper must certify to compliance with these regulations by writing, stamping, or printing his name underneath the certificate printed thereon. Shippers must furnish and attach labels prescribed for their shipments. (b) Carriers must keep on hand an adequate supply of labels. Lost or detached labels must be replaced. 705. Placards. Placards ordinarily used to indicate the presence in cars of inflammable articles will not be required on baggage cars in charge of a railroad employee and moving in passenger trains, or on electric or gasoline motor cars in charge of an employee of the carrier, and which are run independently of cars carrying passengers. (See sec. 542 (d) for placarding of cars not occupied by carrier's employee.) NOTE: The former sec. 705 was amended to read as follows by Order, Mar. 31, 1941, effective July 1, 1941; 6 F.R. 1846: Placards ordinarily used to indicate the presence in cars of inflammable articles will not be required on baggage cars in charge of a railroad employee and moving in passenger trains, or on electric or gasoline motor cars in charge of an employee of the carrier, and which are run independently of cars carrying passengers. (See sec. 542A for placarding of cars not occupied by carrier's employee.) 706. (a) Handling of packages. In handling packages containing dangerous articles, care must be taken to prevent them from falling or from being broken. They must not be thrown, dropped, or rolled. (b) Packages containing dangerous articles when transported in baggage service in passenger-carrying trains must be loaded in the car occupied by a railway employee, and in a place that will permit their ready removal in case of fire. They must not be loaded in cars nor stored in stations near steam pipes or other sources of heat. (c) The originating carrier, when a shipment is offered to it that is known to contain dangerous articles as defined by these regulations, must see that the packages are marked and labeled as prescribed herein. (d) Shipments of dangerous articles offered by connecting transportation lines must comply with these regulations. (e) An astray shipment of dangerous articles or a shipment made in violation of these regulations without the knowledge of the carrier, must be forwarded promptly to destination, if known, provided a careful inspection shows the package to be in proper condition for safe transportation. (f) Unauthorized persons must not be allowed to have access to dangerous articles in transit at any time while such articles are in the custody of the carrier. 707. Reporting violations and accidents or fires. Serious violations of these regulations, facts relating to leaking or broken containers, and accidents or fires in connection with the transportation or storage on railway property of explosives or other dangerous articles, must be reported promptly by the rail carrier in baggage service to the Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York, N. Y. |