ment shall be boxed in the same manner as the compartment is ceiled. Overhead ceiling need not be fitted when the over deck is weather tight. All nail and bolt heads shall be countersunk and all exposed metal shall be covered with wood. (e) Initiating and priming explosives of the Class A (Dangerous Explosives) group when stowed on board magazine vessels at the same time as high explosives are being stowed shall be stowed in a compartment separate from other explosives. Blasting caps and electric blasting caps shall be stowed in a location on board the magazine vessel that shall be separated from the other explosives on board the vessel by a horizontal distance of at least 25' from any bulkhead or partition forming a boundary of a compartment in which other explosives are stowed. (f) Magazine storage vessels having a dry storage space capable of being used for any purpose whatsoever shall have a cofferdam of the minimum width of 24" fitted between such dry storage space and the adjacent explosive stowage compartment. This cofferdam may be of wood or steel and be formed by two tight thwartship bulkheads extending from the skin of the vessel to the overdeck. A water tight hatch shall be fitted in the weather deck if such compartment extends thereto for access to such cofferdam. $146.20-27 Lighting in stowage compartments; magazine vessels. No artificial means of lighting shall be fitted within a compartment used for the storage of explosives. The use of oil or chemical burning lamps or lanterns is prohibited on board a magazine vessel except for required navigation, anchorage, warning lights and living quarters. Battery supplied, self-contained unit electric lanterns or hand flash lights are the only means of artificial light permitted in such storage compartments. § 146.20-28 Handling explosives; magazine vessels. In receiving and dispensing explosives on or from magazine vessels such explosives shall be handled in accordance with the regulations as set forth in §§ 146.20-1-146.20-100. $146.20-29 Living quarters on magazine vessels. Living quarters of magazine vessels shall be fitted on the inside with asbestos board or other fire resistant ma terial. Only bracketed ship's lamps shall be allowed in the living quarters. Stoves for heating or cooking shall be mounted not closer than 6" to the deck or sides of the house and shall be well and securely fastened. Smoke pipe for such stoves where passed through top of the house shall be kept clear from any woodwork a distance of not less than 3" all around and protected by a layer of asbestos, an air space of at least 1", a metal collar constructed of not less than No. 16 gauge sheet metal and so formed as to be secured only on the weather side at the top of house. No openings shall be permitted from any living quarters into the stowage compartments of the magazine vessel. § 146.20-30 Lamp box on magazine vessels. A metal lamp box constructed of sheet metal of not less than No. 16 U. S. S. gauge shall be provided and secured in place in an isolated location on the deck. All permitted portable oil lights and the oil supply for same shall, when not in use, be stowed therein. § 146.20-31 Storage of other dangerous articles. Magazine vessels having explosives stowed therein shall not be used for the stowage of other dangerous articles of cargo. § 146.20-32 Magazine vessels stores. Articles for use as stores on board magazine vessels shall conform to the conditions as set forth in Part 147. § 146.20-33 Matches. Safety matches requiring a prepared surface for ignition shall be the only type matches permitted on board a magazine vessel. They shall be kept in a metal box or can with a metal cover and stowed in the custodian's living quarters. § 146.20-34 Firearms. No fire arms or ammunition for same (except as cargo) shall be permitted on board magazine vessels. $146.20-35 Fire extinguishing equipment. No explosive shall be received or stored on or dispensed from any magazine vessel, unless four (4) 21⁄2 gallon extinguishers of the soda-acid type and four (4) 2 gallon pails filled with dry sand shall be distributed in strategic locations about the vessel. In locations where extinguishers are continuously exposed to a temperature lower than 40° F. such ex 1 tinguishers shall be of the anti-freeze type. § 146.20-36 Supervision of magazine vessels. Magazine vessels in which explosives are stored shall at all times be in charge of a custodian employed for that purpose by the owner or owners of the magazine vessel. § 146.20-37 Unauthorized persons on magazine vessels. Custodian of a magazine vessel shall not permit unauthorized persons to come on board a magazine vessel except in an emergency tending to preservation of life. § 146.20-38 Repacking of explosives on board magazine vessels. No explo sives shall be repacked on board a magazine vessel. Broken or damaged packages shall be placed in an open box and conveyed to a safe location for repacking or other disposition. § 146.20-39 Work boat. For purposes of safety, a work boat shall be part of the equipment of each magazine vessel. § 146.20-40 Life preservers. One approved type life preserver shall be provided for each person employed upon a magazine vessel. § 146.20-41 Fenders. Magazine vessels shall be fitted with fenders in such number and size as will prevent any Stowage and storage chart of explo [Explosives shall not be stowed together nor with other dangerous articles, except as indicat ed in this stowage and storage chart. (Provisions of this chart not applicable to barges.)] Low explosives or black powder. High explosives. 3 4 5 6 7 Initiating or priming explosives, wet. Diazodinitrophenol fulminate of mercury, guanyl nitrosamino guanylidene hydrazine, lead azide, lead styphnate nitro mannite nitrosoguanidine, pentaerythrite tetranitrate, tetrazene.. Blasting caps with or without safety fuse (including electric blasting caps) Ammunition for cannon with explosive projectiles, gas projectile, smoke projectiles or incendiary projectiles, ammunition for small arms with explosive bullets. Explosive projectiles, bombs, torpedoes, or mines, rifle or hand grenades (explosive).. Detonating fuzes, boosters (explosive). See footnote at end of table. X 6 7 8 X vessel tying up alongside from actually coming in contact hull to hull. §146.20-42 Authorization to load or discharge explosives. Shipments of Class A explosives in amounts exceeding five hundred (500) pounds shall not be laden on or discharged from any vessel at any point or place in the United States, its territories or possessions (not including the Panama Canal Zone or the Philippine Islands) until authorization for such loading or discharging has been obtained by the owner, agent, charterer, master, or person in charge of the vessel from the District Commander or other officer of the Coast Guard designated by sives and other dangerous articles the Secretary of the Treasury for such purposes. § 146.20-50 Stowage and storage chart of explosives and other dangerous articles. The following table shows the explosives and other dangerous articles which shall not be loaded or stored together. The letter X at an intersection of horizontal and vertical columns show that these packages must not be loaded or stored together, for example: blasting caps (4) horizontal column must not be loaded or stored with high explosive (2) vertical column. 1 Blasting caps or electric blasting caps in a quantity not exceeding 1,000 caps may be stowed or stored with all articles above named except those in columns (2), (3), (5), (6), (10), (16), (17), (18), (19) and (21). Corrosive liquids (white label) shall not be stowed with inflammable solids and oxidizing materials (yellow label), or with any explosives. NOTE: § 146.20-50 was amended by Order 129, June 28, 1941 6 F.R. 3182, as follows: In the left-hand or vertical column in item 4 delete "A", and outside the parenthesis insert the reference mark "1". In the top or horizontal column in item 4 delete "А". In footnote "1" after the word "columns" in the second line delete the reference "(1)"; in the second line following the reference Cyanides or cyanide mixtures shall not be stowed or stored with corrosive liquids. Note: Charged electric storage batteries shall not be stowed or stored with explosives Class A or Class B. Consult detailed regulations of other dangerous articles for provisions regardi ag "on deck stowage" of such articles on board vessels transporting explosives. "(5)" delete the word "and"; in the second line after reference "(6)" insert the refer ences "(10)", "(16)”, “(17)”, “(18)", "(19)" "and" "(21)". X X X X |