Lapas attēli

Such delivery must be accompanied by a shipping paper showing thereon at least the following information:

Name of consignee.
Number of packages.
Name of commodity in accordance with
the regulations in this part.

Shipments offered to an initial carrier vessel that comprise a full cargo or sufficient to occupy a full compartment or hold, or that exceed one hundred (100) packages, need not show the name and address of the consignee upon the individual packages, provided delivery is made to a connecting carrier or a consignee in not less than truck load or carload consignments.

(3) Packages containing inflammable liquids in inside containers of one quart capacity or larger and corrosive liquids in any quantity, except when packed in carboys not completely boxed, shall be marked on top "This Side Up."

(4) Each package shall show the specification marking as required if a specification container is prescribed.

(5) Additional shipping information not inconsistent with the regulations in this part may be shown on a container if so desired.but no such label or marking shall be of a design, or form, or size, as may be confused with the labeling and marking required by the regulations in this part.

(f) The marking of containers of "Combustible Liquids" or "Hazardous Articles" shall be as follows: (1) Each outside container of a combustible liquid, as defined herein, shall be marked with either the proper shipping name as shown in the commodity list herein or the legend "Combustible Liquid." This marking shall be in block letters not less than 12 inch high and may be printed or stenciled or stamped upon the container.

(2) Each outside barrel, box, or bag containing a hazardous article as defined herein shall be marked with the proper shipping name as shown in the commodity list herein. These markings shall be in block letters not less than 11⁄2 inch high and may be printed or stenciled upon the container.

(3) Except as otherwise exempted by the provisions of the regulations in this part, outside containers of hazardous ar

ticles or combustible liquids shall show the name and address of the consignee or in lieu thereof the shipping marks and number. Packages comprising carloads and highway truck loads need not be so marked when delivered to a vessel, provided the vessel delivers the shipment complete to a connecting carrier or a single consignee. Such delivery must be accompanied by a shipping paper showing thereon at least the following information:

Name of consignee.
Number of packages.
Name of commodity in accordance with
the regulations in this part.

(4) Packages containing combustible liquids or hazardous articles in liquid form packed in inside containers of 1 quart capacity or larger shall be marked on top "This Side Up".

(5) Additional shipping information not inconsistent with the regulations in this part may be shown on an outside container if so desired but no such markings shall be of a design or form or size as may be confused with the marking required by the regulations in this part.

(g) Each package containing "Any Other Dangerous Article" as defined by the regulations in this part shall be conspicuously labeled by the shipper as follows except as otherwise provided: (1) "Red Label" as described and illustrated in § 146.05-17 (f) on containers of inflammable liquids except when exempted by the regulations in this part.

(2) "Yellow label" as described and illustrated in § 146.05-17 (g) on containers of inflammable solids and oxidizing materials, except when exempted by the regulations in this part.

(3) "White label" as described and illustrated in § 146.05-17 (h) on containers of acids or corrosive liquids except when exempted by the regulations in this part.

(4) "Red label" as described and illustrated in § 146.05-17 (j) on containers of inflammable compressed gases except when exempted by the regulations in this part.

(5) "Green label" as described and illustrated in § 146.05-17 (k) on containers of noninflammable compressed gases ex

cept when exempted by the regulations in this part.

(6) "Poison gas" label as described and illustrated in § 146.05-17 (1) on containers of Class A poisons.

(7) "Poison" label as described and illustrated in § 146.05-17 (m) on containers of Class B poison liquids or solids, except when exempted by the regulations in this part.

(8) "Tear gas" label as described and illustrated in § 146.05-17 (n) on containers of Poisons, Class C.

(9) "Bung label" as described and illustrated in § 146.05-17 (s) on metal barrels or drums containing inflammable liquids the vapor pressure exceeding 16 lbs. per sq. inch absolute.

(10) "Empty label" as described and illustrated in § 146.05-17 (r) shall be applied to empty containers when such application is required by the regulations in this part.

(h) Labels are not required on packages comprising shipments received and delivered in carloads or highway truck loads when such shipments are in conformity with the provisions of § 146.05-15 (d) (3), §146.05-15 (e) (2) or § 146.05-15 (f) (3).This exception does not apply to Class A or Class C poisons.

§ 146.05-16 Labels for mixed packing. (a) Use Red label only when red and other labels are prescribed.

(b) Use White acid label only (corrosive liquid) when white acid and yellow or poison labels are prescribed.

(c) Use Yellow label only when yellow and poison label are prescribed.

§ 146.05-17 Labels. (a) Shippers shall furnish and attach the labels prescribed for their packages.

(b) Labels shall not be applied to packages containing articles which are not subject to the regulations in this part.

(c) Shippers shall not apply labels which by their size, shape and color, may readily be confused with standard caution labels prescribed herein.

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contents of this package

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§ 146.06-1 Acceptance on board vessels. Explosives or other dangerous articles or substances or combustible liquids that are permitted by the regulations in this part to be placed on board vessels, or to be on board a vessel within the navigable waters of the United States, may be accepted and transported or stored on board vessels subject to the regulations in this part when such articles are described upon the shipper's originat

ing shipping order or a transfer shipping paper or otherwise in writing by a shipping name as shown in the commodity list of explosives and other dangerous articles herein, and provided label notations are shown on the shipping paper as

they apply to the various substances. The owner, charterer, agent, master or person in charge of a vessel shall ascertain to his own satisfaction that the outside container is one of the acceptable containers as shown in the tables for the particular substance named on the shipping paper. Shipments tendered in United States ports to vessels which are initial carriers shall not be accepted unless the originating shipping order carries the shipper's certification as to description, packing, marking and condition as required by § 146.05-11. Shipments tendered in United States ports to vessels which are connecting carriers shall not be accepted unless the transfer shipping paper contains sufficient information to identify the preceding shipping paper. Shipments originating in a foreign port shall not be transported, carried, conveyed, or stowed by any vessel upon the navigable waters of the United States unless accompanied by bills of lading upon which the shipper or his agent has certified that the goods are described, packed and marked in accordance with the regulations in this part.

§ 146.06-2 Εxplosives prohibited on any vessel. No explosive or explosive composition expressly prohibited by the provisions of subsection 3 of R.S. 4472 as amended shall be transported, carried, conveyed, stored, stowed or used on board any vessel.

§ 146.06-3 Articles not permitted on vessels. No high explosive or other explosive or other dangerous article or substance or combustible liquid shall be transported, carried, conveyed, stored, stowed or used on board any vessel unless such transportation, carriage, conveyance, storage, stowage or use is permitted by the regulations in this part.

§ 146.06-4 Acceptance of permitted articles. The commodity list and the tables forming part of the regulations in this subchapter indicate the explosives and other dangerous articles and combustible liquids that are permitted to be transported, carried, conveyed, stored, stowed, or used on board any vessel. No such articles shall be transported, carried, conveyed, stored, stowed, or used on board any vessel unless they comply

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