Lapas attēli

List of explosives and other dangerous articles and combustible liquids-Continued


Classed as

Label req.1

Picric acid, dry. (See "High explosives.")

Picric acid, wet with not less than 10% water, in excess of 16 ounces but Inf. S......

not exceeding 25 pounds

Picric acid, wet with not less than 10% water, over 25 pounds. (See:

"High explosives.")

*Pine oil..

Pintsch gas.

Pinwheels. (See: "Fireworks.")

Poisonous liquid or gas, n. o. s..

Poisonous liquids, n. o. s....

Poisonous liquids, n. o. s...
Poisonous solids. n. o. s...

Poisonous solids, n. o. S..
Police grenades (liquid).
Police grenades, tear gas..
*Polish, furniture, liquid..
*Polishing compounds, liquid
*Polishing compounds, liquid.
Polish, metal, liquid.
*Polish, stove. liquid..
Potassium arsenate, solid.
Potassium arsenite, solid.


[blocks in formation]

Potassium bromate.

Oxy. M.


Potassium chlorate (see: "Chlorates").

Oxy. M.


Potassium cyanide. (See: "Cyanide of potassium.")

Potassium hydroxide. (See: "Caustic potash, solid.")

Potassium hydroxide solution. (See: "Caustic potash, liquid.")

Potassium metallic.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Potassium sulfide (fused or concentrated but not ground-May be Inf. S...

[blocks in formation]

List of explosives and other dangerous articles and combustible liquids-Continued

[blocks in formation]

Sludge acid.

Cor. L...


Small-arms ammunition. (See: "Ammunition for small arms.")
Small-arms ammunition, tear gas cartridges (see: "Ammunition for Expl. C.

Expl. C.

Tear gas.

small arms").

[blocks in formation]

Syphon bottle charges. (See: "Carbon dioxide syphon bulbs.")

Tankage fertilizers (containing 8% or more of moisture) (see: "Tankages"). Haz.
Tankage fertilizers (containing less than 8% moisture) (see: "Tankages"). Inf. S..


*Tank cars, empty.


Tank trucks, empty.


*Tar, liquid. (See: "Road asphalt or tar, liquid.")

1 Unless otherwise exempt by the provisions of the detailed regulations.

List of explosives and other dangerous articles and combustible liquids-Continued

[blocks in formation]

Treated paper (manufactured articles properly dried to prevent sponta

neous heating) (see: "Oiled clothing").

Classed as

Pois. C.

Tear gas.

Pois. C.

Tear gas.

Cor. L...


Pois. B.



Pois. B...


Pois. B.


Comb. L.

Expl. C.

Cor. L....


Cor. L....


[blocks in formation]

Treated textiles (manufactured articles properly dried to prevent spon- Haz.

[blocks in formation]

"Label req.", delete "Poison". Add the following article: "Gazolina (export shipments only). (See: "Gasoline".)". Article: Gasoline (export shipments only). (See: "Gasoline".); correct spelling to read "Gazoline (export shipments only). (See: "Gasoline".)". Article: Insecticide, liquid (vermin exterminator); classed as: "Comb. L.", italicize to read: Insecticide, liquid (vermin exterminator). Article: *Insecticide, liquid (vermin exterminator); classed as "Inf. L", italicize to read: *Insecticide, liquid (vermin exterminator). Add the following article: Nafta (export shipments only). (See: "Gasoline".). Article: Photographic flash lamps (that will not, upon breakage, ignite inflammable vapors or finely divided combustible substances); classed as: "Haz.", delete "Haz." and insert in lieu thereof "No restrictions". Article: Small-arms ammunition. (See: "Ammunition for small arms."); in column headed, "Classed as", insert "Expl. C." Article: Small-arms ammunition, tear gas cartridges (see: "Ammunition for small arms."); in column headed, "Label req." insert "Tear gas".

§ 146.04-5 was further amended by Order 129, June 28, 1941, effective July 1, 1941; 6 F.R. 3182, to read as follows:

Following the article "Amyl acetate" add: Amyl chloride, Inf. L., Red, 128.

Following the article "Dichloropentanes" add: Diethylamine, Inf. L., Red, 139.

Following the article "Chlorate powders" add: Chlorate of potash (See: "Chlorates"), Oxy. M., Yellow, 181. Chlorate of soda (See: "Chlorates"), Oxy. M., Yellow, 181.

Following the article "Nitrogylcerin spirits of," add: Nitroguanidine, dry (See "High explosives").

Following the article "Nitrosyl chloride" add: Nitrourea (See: "High explosives"). Following the article "Oil of Vitriol" add: Oleum (See: "Sulfuric acid").




§ 146.05-1 Shipments in violation of the regulations in this part. No permitted explosives or other dangerous articles or substances and combustible liquids shall be tendered for shipment on board vessels except when in compliance with the provisions of the regulations in this part.

§ 146.05-2 Acceptable shipments. (a) Permitted explosives or other dangerous articles or substances may be offered to vessels for transportation and storage provided they are in proper condition for transportation or storage and are as defined and are packed, marked, labeled, described, certified and otherwise acceptable as provided for herein. Methods of preparation, packing, testing and records, insofar as they effect safety in transpor

tation shall be open to inspection by a duly authorized representative of the Bureau.

(b) When quantity limitations are specified in the regulations in this part by U. S. liquid measure or by avoirdupois weight, it is authorized that quantities measured by the metric system may be substituted, up to but not exceeding 1 gallon for liquids and 10 pounds for solids, on the basis of 1 liter per quart specified and 500 grams per pound specified. [As amended by Order 129, June 28, 1941, effective July 1, 1941; 6 F.R. 3182]

NOTE: § 146.05-2 was amended by adding paragraph (b), by Order 129, June 28, 1941, effective July 1, 1941; 6 F.R. 3182.

§ 146.05-3 Mixed packing. Outside containers having interior packages containing substances possessing different dangerous characteristics, the mixture of which is liable to cause evolution of heat or gas or produce a corrosive acting substance, shall not be offered for transportation or storage on board vessels to which the regulations in this part apply unless so packed as to prevent admixture.

§ 146.05-4 Prescribed containers. The regulations in this subchapter prescribe four groups of outside containers for use in shipping permitted explosives or other dangerous articles or substances as follows:

(a) I.C.C. specification containers. (b) Μ.Ι.N. specification containers. (See § 146.05-6.)

(c) C.F.C. specification containers. (See § 146.05-7.)

(d) Non-specification containers.

§ 146.05-5 ICC specification containers. (a) Interstate Commerce Commission containers authorized herein for use in the transportation of permitted explosives or other dangerous articles or substances must have been made and marked in compliance with specifications prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission in effect at date of manufacture of containers.

(b) Containers not specified herein, made previous to effective date of the regulations in this part and authorized for use under the regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission effective

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(c) For compressed gases when tank cars marked ICC-105A300 are authorized, tank cars marked ICC-105A400, 105A500, and 105A600 may also be accepted; when ICC-104A tank cars are authorized, tank cars marked ICC-105A300, 105A400, 105A500, and 105A600 may also be accepted; and when ICC-106A500 tank cars are authorized, tank cars marked ICC-106A800 may also be accepted.

(d) Tank cars. The regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission governing the transportation of explosives and other dangerous articles, effective January 7, 1941, authorize the use of fusion welded tanks of tank cars. The fusion welded tank cars corresponding to the specification shown in the tables herein as an acceptable container are also authorized for acceptance on board vessels. These cars will be marked by a "W" added to the specification marking; For Example, "ICC-103A" will carry the marking "ICC-103A-W", etc.

(e) Cylinders of foreign manufacture received from foreign countries for charging with compressed gas may be charged and shipped for export when in compliance with regulations governing such charging and shipping as promulgated by the Interstate Commerce Commission. Bill of lading or other shipping paper shall, when possible, identify the cylinder and shall carry the following certification:

These cylinders have been retested and refilled in accordance with the Interstate Commerce Commission requirements for export.

NOTE: § 146.05-5 (d) was amended by deleting the date "April 9, 1941" and substituting the date "January 7, 1941", by Order 129, June 28, 1941, effective July 1, 1941; 6 F.R.


§ 146.05-6 M. I. N. specification containers. Specification containers of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation are prescribed herein for use in

the transportation of combustible liquids and hazardous articles and for export shipments of inflammable liquids. Such containers shall be made and marked in compliance with specifications of these regulations. Containers that do not comply with such specifications shall not be marked to indicate compliance.

NOTE: Certain other specifications are also set forth herein such as for built-in magazines, portable magazines. portable multiunit containers, and metal lockers used in the stowage on board vessels of explosives or other dangerous articles.

§ 146.05-7 C.F.C. specification containers. (a) Metal barrels or drums, constructed and marked in accordance with specifications of the Consolidated Freight Classification, Rule 40, section 5, of capacities not exceeding 110 gallons, are permitted by the regulations in this part for use in transportation or storing combustible liquids on board passenger vessels. Single-trip containers, manufactured under Rule 30, are not authorized for such use.

(b) For shipments comprising C.F.C. specification metal barrels or drums the bill of lading or other shipping paper is required to show the following certificate over the written or stamped facsimile signature of the shipper or his duly authorized agent:

The C.F.C. metal barrels or drums used for this shipment are marked in compliance with requirements of Rule 40, section 5, of Consolidated Freight Classification.

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