List of explosives and other dangerous articles and combustible liquids-Continued Ferrosilicon briquets. Haz. Ferrosilicon, containing between 45% and 48% or containing between 65% Haz. Ferrosilicon, containing between 48% and 65% silicon. and 70% silicon. Ferrosilicon, containing less than 45% or more than 70% silicon. Ferrous arsenate, solid *Fertilizer, ammoniating solution, containing free Ammonia scrap." Fibers, burnt. wet or damp.. Fibers (Jute, hemp, flax, sisal, coir, kapok and similar vegetable fibers) Film support, nitrocellulose base (See: "Pyroxylin plastics, rods, rolls, sheets, tubes.") Firecrackers. (See: Fireworks.) Firecracker salutes. (See: "Fireworks.") Fire extinguisher charges. Fire extinguishers, hand (containing nonliquefied gas). Fireworks... Fireworks, forbidden. Fish oils. Fish scrap, or fish meal (containing at least 6 and not more than 12% moisture). Fish scrap or fish meal, containing less than 6% or more than 12% moisture. Fish scrap, wet acidulated Flares. (See: "Fireworks.") Flares, aeroplane. (See: "Fireworks.") Flares, signal. (See: "Fireworks.") Flash cartridges (See: "Fireworks" and "low explosives.") Flash crackers. (See: "Fireworks.") Flash powder. (See: "Fireworks" and "low explosives.") Haz. Inf. S... Haz. 1 Unless otherwise exempt by the provisions of the detailed regulations. Yellow. List of explosives and other dangerous articles and combustible liquids-Continued Gazoline (export shipments only). (See: "Gasoline.") Gelatine dynamite. (See: "High explosives.") Gravure ink. (See: "Ink.) Grenades, empty, primed (see: "Primers"). Grenades, hand, explosive. (See "Explosive hand grenades.") Ground bituminous coal. (See: "Coal facings.") Guanyl nitrosamino guanylidene hydrazine. (See: "Initiating explo sive.") Insecticide, liquid (vermin exterminator). *Insecticide liquid (vermin exterminator). Instantaneous fuse. Insulation tape (varnished cloth type). (See: "Oiled textiles.") Iron oxide. (See: "Iron sponge.") Iron sponge... Haz. 1 Unless otherwise exempt by the provisions of the detailed regulations. 314664-43-SUPP. IV-BK. IV-10 Page 3751 List of explosives and other dangerous articles and combustible liquids-Continued Lacquer base, or lacquer chips, dry, nitrocellulose base Inf. S. Yellow Lacquer base or lacquer chips, plastic (wet with an inflammable liquid). Inf. L... Red. Lead arsenate, solid. Pois. B.. Poison. Lead arsenite, solid. Lead azide. (See: "Initiating explosive.") Lead cyanide. (See: "Cyanide of lead.") Lead dross... Haz. Lye. (See: "Caustic soda, solid.") Machines or apparatus (assembled for shipment containing not over 15 Noninf. G. pounds weight of gas or liquid for their operation). Magnesium arsenate, solid.. Magnesium metallic, powder. Magnesium nitrate (see: "Nitrates"). Oxy. M. Magnesium perchlorate. Oxy. M. Yellow. Magnesium peroxide. Oxy. M. Yellow. Manganese dioxide. Haz. Matches, block. (See: "Matches, strike-anywhere.") Matches, book. Matches, card. Matches, strike-on-box.. Mercuric acetate. Mercuric benzoate solid. Inf. S. Inf. S. Matches, strike-anywhere. Mercuric-ammonium chloride, solid. Mercuric bromide, solid Pois. B.. Poison. Mercuric cyanide, solid.. Pois. B... Poison. Mercuricyanamid, solid. Pois. B.. Poison. Mercuric iodide, solid... Pois. B Poison. Mercuric oleate, solid Mercuric oxide (red), solid. Pois. B Poison. Mercuric oxide (yellow), solid. Mercuric oxycyanide solid Mercuric-potassium iodide, solid. Mercuric salicylate, solid. Mercuric subsulfate, solid.. Pois. B Poison. List of explosives and other dangerous articles and combustible liquids-Continued Nitrostarch, dry. (See: "High explosives".) Nitrostarch, wet with an inflammable liquid (see: "Nitrocellulose wet Inf. L.... Red. with an inflammable liquid"). Nitrostarch, wet with water. Nitrosyl chloride. Nitrourea (Sce: "High explosives".) Nitrous oxide Nonliquefied gases. (See: "Compressed gases, N. O. S.".) 1 Unless otherwise exempt by the provisions of the detailed regulations. 1 List of explosives and other dangerous articles and combustible liquids-Continued Article *Paint, liquid.. *Paint, liquid *Paint, varnish, or lacquer reducing compounds. (See: "*Com pounds, lacquer, paint, or varnish reducing, liquid.") *Paint. varnish or lacquer removing compounds. (See: "*Com pounds, lacquer, paint, or varnish removing, liquid.") *Paint, varnish or lacquer thinning compounds. (See: "*Com pounds, lacquer, paint, or varnish thinning, liquid.") Paper cap ammunition for toy pistols. (See: "Toy caps.") Paper caps. (See "Toy caps.") Paper scrap (when dry, clean and free from oil) Paper stock, wet.. Paper waste (when dry, clean, and free from oil) Paper waste, wet Paraffin (export shipment only). (See: "Kerosine.") Paraldehyde. Paranitraniline, solid. Paris Green. solid. (See: "Copper acetoarsenite solid.") Pentaerythrite tetranitrate. (See: "Initiating explosive.") Pentane. Permanganates, n. o. s. (See: "Permanganates"). Permanganate of potash. (See: "Permanganates.") Permanganate of *Petroleum distillate.. ble vapors or finely divided combustible substance..) Photographic flash lamps (that will not, upon breakage, ignite inflamma. No restrictions. ble vapors or finely divided combustible substances). Photographic flash powder. (See: "Fireworks.") Picrates, dry. (See: "High explosives.") 1 Unless otherwise exempt by the provisions of the detailed regulations. |