NOTE: § 55.19-8 (d) was amended by deleting Tables P-3, P-4, P-5, P-6, P-7, P-7-A, and by substituting Tables P-3, P-4, P-5, P-6, P-7, P-8, P-9, P-10, P-11, as set forth above, by Order 84, Mar. 10, 1941; 6 F.R. 1404-1406. Table P-3, as amended by Order 84, Mar. 10, 1941; 6 F.R. 1404, was superseded by Table P-3, as amended by Order 124, June 7, 1941; Figure P-9: Copper or brass pipe and valves, and fittings of the same material or of bronze alloys for use in Class I piping service may be joined by the braze-weld method shown in figure P-9 for steam pressures not exceeding 150 pounds per square inch at temperatures not exceeding 406° F., or for other services not exceeding 300 pounds per square inch at temperatures not exceeding 150° F. The bore of the valve or fitting shall be machined to the depth required for a threaded fitting, leaving a shoulder for the end of the pipe to butt against. An annular groove equal to the depth of the thread for a threaded pipe of the same type and size shall be machined in the wall of the valve or fitting. A preinserted ring of brazing metal having a fusion point of not less than 1,000° F. and of sufficient quantity to twice fill the clearance between the pipe and the wall of the fitting shall be inserted in the groove, after which the pipe shall be placed in the fitting and sufficient heat shall be applied to the outside to melt the brazing metal until it completely fills the clearance between the wall of the fitting and the pipe. To insure a good joint a suitable flux shall be applied to the surfaces to be joined. [As amended by Order 84, Mar. 10, 1941; 6 F.R. 1406] [Preceding paragraph, in small type, superseded by following paragraph, also in small type, during period covered by this Supplement] Figure P-9: Copper or brass pipe and valves, and fittings of the same material or of bronze alloys, for use in Class I piping service may be joined by the braze-weld method shown in Figure P-9 for steam pressures not exceeding 150 pounds per square inch at temperatures not exceeding 406° F., or for other services at higher pressures at temperatures not exceeding 150° F. The bore of the valve or fitting shall be machined to the depth required for a threaded fitting, leaving a shoulder for the end of the pipe to butt against. An annular groove equal to the depth of the thread for a threaded pipe of the same type and size shall be machined in the wall of the valve or fitting. A preinserted ring of brazing metal having a fusion point of not less than 1,000° F., and of sufficient quantity to twice fill the clearance between the pipe and the wall of the fitting shall be inserted in the groove, after which the pipe shall be placed in the fitting and sufficient heat shall be applied to the outside to melt the brazing metal until it completely fills the clearance between the wall § 55.19-9 Bolting. (a) Bolts used in connection with valves, fittings, flanges, or other appurtenances shall, where practicable, conform to the dimensions and spacing requirements in Tables P-3 to P-11, inclusive. For cases where the requirements of the tables are not practicable, the bolts shall not be subjected to a stress greater than 7,000 pounds per square inch calculated in the smallest cross-sectional area of the bolts. [As amended by Order 84, Mar. 10, 1941;6 F.R. 1406] (c) Where the local inspectors are not otherwise satisfied, each length of piping having a diameter exceeding 4 inches shall be drilled, for the purpose of gaging, and fitted with a screw plug to extend beyond the pipe covering. Where bends are used, the test holes shall be drilled in the outer wall of the bend: Provided, That the drilling of such pipes may be omitted where pipes which are intended for bending comply with § 55.19-6 (f). [As amended by Order 84, Mar. 10, 1941; 6 F.R. 1406] Table P-8. Minimum number of pipe threads for connections to boilers. [Redesignated] NOTE: $55.19-10 (j) was amended by redesignating Table P-8 to Table P-12, by Order 84, Mar. 10, 1941; 6 F.R. 1406. § 55.19-11 Class II piping. (a) Scope: Class II piping within the meaning of this part shall include all piping for pressures and temperatures not requiring Class I piping. [As amended by Order 138, Aug. 18, 1941; 6 F.R. 4264] Table P-9. Dimensions of screwed companion and blind flanges. [Redesignated] NOTE: § 55.19-11 (d) (4) was amended by redesignating Table P-9 as Table P-13, by Order 84, Mar. 10, 1941; 6 F.R. 1406. Table P-10. Dimension of screwed companion and blind flanges. [Redesignated] NOTE: $55.19-11 (d) (4) was amended by redesignating Table P-10 as Table P-14, by Order 84, Mar. 10, 1941; 6 F.R. 1406. § 55.19-14 Fire-extinguishing syStems. ** * (a) All vessels shall be provided with powerful pumps available for use as fire pumps. Passenger vessels of less than 4,000 gross tons shall have 2, and larger passenger vessels at least 3 independently driven pumps connected to the fire main. Cargo vessels and towing vessels of less than 1,000 gross tons shall have 1, and larger cargo or towing vessels at least 2 such pumps so arranged. Each pump shall be capable of delivering two powerful jets of water simultaneously from the highest outlets on the fire main at a Pitot tube pressure of approximately 50 lbs. per square inch through nozzles, each having an orifice of not less than 7/8 in. diameter where the internal diameter of the hose exceeds 12 in. and not less than 5% in. in diameter where the internal diameter of the hose does not exceed 1/2 in. (b) On oil-burning passenger vessels, where two or more pumps are required, they all shall not be located in the same compartment. Where the engine and fire rooms are not entirely separated by steel bulkheads, or if fuel oil can drain from the fire room bilges into the engine room, one of the fire pumps shall be located in an accessible space in a separate compartment. On oil-burning cargo vessels, where two pumps are required, they may be lo PART 56-BOILER CODE: FUSION (f) Longitudinal joints of corrugated furnaces may be made by any approved process of fusion welding, provided the welding complies with the requirements of $ 56.20-4 for Class I welding. (R.S. 4405, 4417a, 4418, 4429, 4433, as amended; 46 U.S.C. 375, 391a, 392, 407, 411) [As added by Order 84, Mar. 10, 1941; 6 F.R. 1406] § 56.20-5 Nondestructive tests. NOTE: $56.20-5 was amended by revoking paragraph (0), and by redesignating (p)-(u) as (o)-(t), by Order 84, Mar. 10, 1941; 6 F.R. 1406. §56.20-13 Stress relieving. (i) Nozzles or welded attachments for which stress relief is required, may be locally stress relieved by heating a circular area around the nozzle or attachment provided any part of the welded edge thereof is not less than 12t (t= Thickness of plate) from the nearest adjacent welded joint or other element that would tend to restrict the free expansive movement of the heated area. The outside dimensions of this annular ring to be heated shall be at least 6t away from the outermost weld but not less than 5 in., and the entire area shall be heated simultaneously. [As amended by Order 138, Aug. 18, 1941; 6 F.R. 4265] (j) All vessels for lethal or noxious gases or lethal or noxious liquids shall be stress relieved. (R.S. 4405, 4417a, 4418, 4429, 4433, as amended; 46 U.S.C. 375, 391a, 392, 407, 411) [ As added by Order 138, Aug. 18, 1941; 6 F.R. 4265] § 56.20-14 Hydrostatic and hammer tests. NOTE: Fig. W-31, appearing in § 56.20-14, was amended by Order 138, Aug. 18, 1941; 6 F.R. 4264. See § 56.20-13. § 56.20-19 Welded piping. (a) Piping may be connected by means of fusion welding for any pressure and for temperatures not exceeding 960° F., provided it is done in accordance with the rules in this section. (b) The rules in this section apply to piping for pressures in excess of 100 pounds per square inch. (Class I piping.) They do not apply to piping used to .58 STRESS RELIEVE ALL VESSELS TO RIGHT OF CURVE .1 .2.3 .4.5 . 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 THICKNESS/INCHES in connection with working pressures of 100 pounds or less, operated at normal temperatures. (Class II piping.) (c) Qualification of welding processes: (1) Before a contractor may weld piping under the rules in this section a representative of the Bureau shall visit the part of his works in which welding is done for the purpose of inspecting the welding plant to make sure he has suitable equipment and to witness the series of tests outlined in subparagraph (2) below. VERTICAL HORIZONTAL 1 1 weld of the pipe while same is in a fixed position with its axis in an approximately horizontal plane, he will be certificated to weld pipe not exceeding three-fourths inch in thickness in any position; if the pipe is "rolled" with its axis in an approximately horizontal plane, or if "fixed" with its axis in an approximately vertical plane, while being welded, the operator will be certificated in accordance with the position in which the test specimens were prepared. (See Fig. W-32.) NOTES: INDIVIDUAL WELDERS AND WELDING PIPE FIXED, WITH ITS AXIS IN AN PIPE AN ROLLED; WITH ITS AXIS IN APPROXIMATELY HORIZONTAL PLANE HORIZONTAL ROLLED ONLY PIPE FIXED, WITH ITS AXIS IN AN FIG. W-32.-Positions for which welders and welding processes will be qualified. (2) The tests for qualifying a welding process shall be those embodied in the rules in this section for the testing of welding operators for piping. (d) Qualification of welding operators: The tests for qualifying welding operators shall be as follows: Test No. 1. For pipe or tubing not exceeding three-fourths inch in thickness. Test No. 2. For pipe more than threefourths inch in thickness. (e) Test No. 1: For certification to weld pipe not exceeding three-fourths inch wall thickness, the applicant will be required to weld a piece of 6 inch pipe having a wall thickness of from 0.350 inch to 0.380 inch, inclusive, and of known physical and chemical properties. If the applicant makes a satisfactory (f) Test No. 2: For certification to weld pipe of any thickness, the applicant will be required to weld a piece of 6-inch pipe or a piece of plate of at least 1 inch in thickness and of known physical and chemical properties. If the applicant makes a satisfactory weld in the pipe while same is in a fixed position with its axis in an approximately horizontal plane, or with the plate in a similar position overhead, he will be certificated to weld pipe of any thickness in any position. If the pipe is "rolled" with its axis in an approximately horizontal plane, or if "fixed" with its axis in an approximately vertical plane, he will be certificated in accordance with the position in which the test specimens were prepared. (See Fig. W-32.) (g) Bend tests to determine quality of weld: Root-, face-, and where required, |