FEDERAL REPORTER, VOLUME 124. JUDGES OF THE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURTS OF APPEALS AND THE CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS. FIRST CIRCUIT. Hon. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, Circuit Justice.. Hon. LE BARON B. COLT, Circuit Judge.... Hon. WILLIAM L. PUTNAM, Circuit Judge... Hon. CLARENCE HALE, District Judge, Maine Hon. EDGAR ALDRICH, District Judge, New Hampshire.. Hon. ARTHUR L. BROWN, District Judge, Rhode Island. Washington, D. C. . Bristol, R. I. .Portland, Me. ... Portland, Me. .Littleton, Ν. Η. Boston, Mass. ......Providence, R. I. Hon. GEORGE B. ADAMS, District Judge, S. D. New York Washington, D. C. Hon. EDWARD B. THOMAS, District Judge, E. D. New York....29 Liberty St., New York. Hon. HOYT H. WHEELER, District Judge, Vermont. .Brattleboro, Vt. Hon. JOHN R. HAZEL, District Judge, W. D. New York. ........... Buffalo, N. Y. THIRD CIRCUIT. Hon. HENRY B. BROWN, Circuit Justice Hon. MARCUS W. ACHESON, Circuit Judge. Hon. GEORGE M. DALLAS, Circuit Judge. Hon. GEORGE GRAY, Circuit Judge Hon. EDWARD G. BRADFORD, District Judge, Delaware.. Hon. ANDREW KIRKPATRICK, District Judge, New Jersey. ..Washington, D. C. Pittsburgh, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Newark, N. J. Hon. JOHN B. MCPHERSON, District Judge, E. D. Pennsylvania...... Philadelphia, Pa. Hon. ROBERT WODROW ARCHBALD, District Judge, M. D. Pennsylvania.. Scranton, Pa. Hon. JOSEPH BUFFINGTON, District Judge, W. D. Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh, Pa. 124 F. (iii) |