MINNESOTA REPORTS VOL. 76 39 CASES ARGUED AND DETERMINED IN THE SUPREME COURT OF MINNESOTA APRIL 7, 1899-JUNE 12, 1899 HENRY BURLEIGH WENZELL REPORTER ST. PAUL FRANK P. DUFRESNE 1900 COPYRIGHT 1900 BY ALBERT BERG SECRETARY OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, IN TRUST FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE Kee. Aug. 6, 1900. JUSTICES OF THE 229 SUPREME COURT OF MINNESOTA DURING THE TIME OF THESE REPORTS HON. CHARLES M. START, CHIEF JUSTICE. HON. WILLIAM MITCHELL. HON. LOREN W. COLLINS. HON. DANIEL BUCK. HON. THOMAS CANTY. DARIUS F. REESE, Esq., Clerk. ATTORNEY GENERAL, HON. WALLACE B. DOUGLAS. NOTE. By Laws 1895, c. 23, the reporter is required to report all cases argued and determined in the court. By the practice of the court, based on G. S. 1894, § 4826, the headnote in each case is prepared by the judge writing the opinion. The cases are reported in the order of their decision. The date of the decision follows the title of each case. The numbers given below the date indicate the number of the case in the files of the clerk of court and the number of the case in the general term calendar, the calendar numbers being enclosed in (). The case on page 1 is from the October, 1898, term calendar, and the other cases are from the April, 1899, term calendar. As required by Laws 1895, c. 23, the names of counsel are followed by their official designation, as subscribed by them to their respective briefs. In citations from the first twenty volumes of the Minnesota reports the page of the original edition is given, preceded by the corresponding page of the edition prepared by Chief Justice Gilfillan. Berryhill v. Carney......... 319 Carney, (Berryhill v.)....... 319 Bierbauer, (Carey-Lombard Carter, (Chase v.)..... Lumber Co. v.)........... 434 Carey-Lombard Lumber Co. Board of Commrs. of Henne v. Bierbauer.. pin County, (Falvey v.).... 257 Chase v. Carter. Board of Commrs. of Henne pin County, (Gould v.).... 379 Board of Commrs. of Henne ... 367 434 367 Chicago, M. & St. P. Ry. Co., (Northwestern Tel. Exch. 334 pin County, (Swift v.)..... 194 Chicago, St. P., M. & O. Ry. Board of Commrs. of Nicol Co., (Hopkins v.).......... 70 let County, (Dressen v.)... 290 Child, (Marshall & Ilsley Board of Commrs. of Nicol Bank v.)............... 173 let County, (Witty v.)..... 286 Christianson v. Nelson...... 36 Board of Commrs. of Ram 45 Citizens State Bank of Monsey County, (Wagener v.).. 368 ticello v. Bonnes......... Bollinger v. Wilson,........ 262 City of Minneapolis v. Olson 1 (v) 76 Μ. |