Q.M.C. Historical Studies ...Historical Section, Office of the Quartermaster General, 1944 |
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American Meat Institute Army Spread boned beef boneless beef Brig butter carcass beef Carl Carter's Spread cheese chicken and turkey chili con carne corned beef Corps Area defense hams degrees Fahrenheit dehydrated dried eggs dried milk Federal Specification fish flavor fluid milk Fort George G Fort Sheridan fresh frozen Grade ground meat hams and bacon Hardigg Ibid Isker Jesse H July June lambs lard maneuvers manufacture meat packers messes method military moisture content Office OQMG ounces overseas hams overseas shipment packaging packed Paul percent pork poultry pounds prepared processing procurement purchased QMC Tentative Specification quantities ration reconstituted milk refrigeration Research Report resulted roasting salt satisfactory sausage shank meat shipped skimmed milk sodium nitrate stewing and boiling storage Subsistence Branch Subsistence Research Laboratory Swift & Company temperature trimmed United weight whole milk wrapped
Populāri fragmenti
1. lappuse - It consists of eighteen ounces of bread or flour ; one pound and a quarter of beef, or three-quarters of a pound of pork ; one gill of rum, brandy, or whiskey, and at the rate of two quarts of salt, four quarts of vinegar, four pounds of soap, and one pound and a half of candles, to every hundred rations.
1. lappuse - making further and more effectual provision for the protection of the frontiers of the United States.
36. lappuse - The conferences were sponsored by the Committee on Public Health Relations of the New York Academy of Medicine, with the assistance of the Josiah Macy, Jr.
1. lappuse - Eaton and disgust at his own undue ambition to bid a second time can be imagined. The result was the saving of many thousands of dollars to the government. I have stated that by Army Regulations the soldiers were entitled to either three-quarters of a pound of pork or bacon or one and one-fourth pounds of fresh or salt beef. I have also stated, in substance, that when the army was settled down for a probable long stop company cooks did the cooking. But there was no uniformity about it, each company...
2. lappuse - That the President may make such alterations in the component parts of the ration as a due regard to the health and comfort of the army and economy may require.
1. lappuse - That the army ration shall be increased as follows, viz: Twenty-two ounces of bread or flour, or one pound of hard bread, instead of the present issue; fresh beef shall be issued as often as the commanding officer of any detachment or regiment shall require it, when practicable, in place of salt meat; beans and rice or hominy shall be issued in the same ration in the proportions now provided by the regulation, and one...
1. lappuse - ... and at the rate of one quart of salt, two quarts of vinegar, two pounds of soap, and one pound of candles, to every hundred rations.
1. lappuse - ... such things as nuts, apples, and cider, which make a little variety in the daily rations. They are well fed, having a good supply of substantial food corned beef and pork four days in a week, salt fish one day, and fresh beef two days. As milk is out of the question in the winter, they are allowed one pound and a half of beef, or eighteen ounces of pork every day. A half pint of rice, or a pint of Indian meal, is given them for a week, a quart of spruce beer daily, or nine gallons of molasses...
6. lappuse - It was evident, therefore, that a boning method had to be perfected that would result in the economical use of the edible meat of the carcass and at the same time produce pieces of meat suitable for roasting or for slicing into steaks.
17. lappuse - In the dry salt cure the curing agents are applied directly to the surface of the meat, which is then piled upon racks or on the floors of curing cellars.