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that Hervat and not Croatian is the proper name of their people. Horvatok" is the name given Croatians on the Magyar ethnographical map. In like manner as the forms Hervat, Horvath, and even Kharpath come from Hrvat, so such variations as Serb and Sorb came from Srp. In the Serbo-Croatian, as in other Slavic languages, a vowel is not written with this "r." The "h" easily passes into "kh" and "b" into "p" or "v." In these and similar words, therefore, are indicated the ancient relationships existing between widely different divisions of the Slavs; between the Serbs, Croats, or Hervats, and Slovenians or Winds of the Southern Division on the one hand, and, on the other, in the north, the disappearing Sorbs and Wends and the Slovaks, with their forerunners, who left their name in ancient Chrobatia and the Carpathians.

The technicalities of the stho, cha, and kay dialects of the Serbo-Croatian need not be entered into here. In a general way they correspond to: (1) The southern, Servian, or, better, that spoken in Herzegovina, which has become the 1 literary form of the Serbo-Croatian; (2) the western, Croatian, the use of which is gradually receding to the coast of Dalmatia; and (3) that found on the western border of Croatia, which is more properly called a separate language, the Slovenian.

Of the numerous names borne by Serbo-Croatian dialects and divisions of the population only a few need be given here. Some are merely names of political divisions. Thus the " Cernagorians" are simply the Montenegrins, the two words having the same meaning. "Tsrna Gora," in their language, means "black mountain." The Ragusans are the natives of the old city of Ragusa; Dubrovcans is another name for these. Others are the Syrmians, sometimes considered to be a fourth division of the Serbo-Croatians, named after a plain in Croatia-Slavonia; the Cices of Istria, and the Hranicares of the borders. Skipetar is a name applied to the Slavonized Albanians of the coast. An Istrian-that is, a native of Istria-may be of any race; more likely a SerboCroatian, Italian, or Slovenian.

The Morlaks, who call themselves "Vlah" or "Wlach," may be, as some claim, Slavonized Roumanians (Wallachs); but if so, the change has been quite complete, for they might be taken to-day as the primitive Servian stock, not only in physical appearance and dialect, but in character and customs. They form a considerable population in northern Dalmatia and adjacent territory, especially in Istria. Reclus says that they are amongst the least advanced peoples of Europe. Certain other names found amongst Serbo-Croatians really designate social groups rather than distinct races, dialects, or political divisions. Thus the well-known word "Haiduk," meaning originally in the Turkish language something like highwaymen or freebooter, was adopted by the Servians in the sense of defender of the home land. Formerly Servians of the best families became Haiduks and pillaged Turkish villages. The Tchetnitsi were a class of these that made a specialty of taking the heads of their slain enemies. The Uskoks were, like them, brigands before they settled down to agricultural pursuits. They fled from Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Montenegrin mountains for protection against the Turks.

The savage manners of the last century are still met with amongst some Serbo-Croatians of to-day. Armed conflicts are not uncommon. Political feuds are especially bitter. Murders resulting from private vendettas occur frequently in some localities. Illiteracy is prevalent and civilization at a low stage in retired districts. Yet some points like Belgrade, the capital of Servia, are centers of literary activity and avid of all that makes up western civilization.

In physical appearance the Serbo-Croatians are quite distinct from other Slavs. In fact, they would seem to be, at bottom, not Slavic, or “Eastern,” to use Deniker's terms, but "Adriatic." The latter differs from any other race in Europe in combining unusual stature with unusual breadth of head. Its purest representatives are found a little farther south amongst the Albanians, a remnant of the ancient Illyric race, using this word in its proper sense. In northern Albania, and especially in Herzegovina, are found some of the broadest heads in the world, with an average cephalic index of 87. The race is also one of the tallest of Europe, averaging 5 feet 9 inches. This type shades off in every direction, especially on the south, where both the Turks and the Greeks are shorter. The ancient Greeks belong to the long-headed “Mediterranean" race. On the north, the Albanian type is modified by the great Slavic wave of migration that brought with it the present Serbo-Croatian language of the country. But while the average height of the Slav is considerably less, the head is broad,

as it is also in the "Alpine" race, farther northwest, into which the SerboCroatian type insensibly passes. The type is brunette, but not of the darkest. Although not so strong or stockily built as the tallest men of northern Europe, the Serbo-Croatian is vigorous and well adapted to hard labor.

TABLE 5.-Distribution of Serbo-Croatian population in 1900.

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It is quite impossible to enter separate figures for the Servians in Turkey, where no census has been taken. Some estimates, especially by Servian partisans, place this number at over 500,000; others, as low as 40,000.

The foregoing statistics are significant because the Southern Slavs typify the new character of American immigration that has replaced the tide from northwestern Europe. The Southern Slavs not only outnumber any other race in the Balkan Peninsula, but they constitute about one-half its population if we add to them the small Albanian population to which they are physically related. The Greeks do not make up one-third of the population, while the Turks are hopelessly in the minority, estimated by some as only one-seventh as many as the Slavs. Its 8.000,000 or 8,200,000 of population puts the Serbo-Croatian race about tenth in rank among all European races as of size. It may, therefore, be reckoned with as a steady and important source of future immigration. In immigration statistics Croatians and Slovenians are counted together. During the twelve years 1899-1910, 335,543 immigrants of both races were admitted to the United States.

At present the Southern Slavic rate of immigration is high only in the most northwestern group, that of Croatia, Slavonia, and the Slovenian territory. In 1907 the Croatian-Slovenian rate of immigration was about 13 per 1,000 of population, exceeding that of any other race or people except two, the Hebrew and the Slovak. There are said to be already 270.000 Croatians in the United States.


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The terms "Bosnian," "Dalmatian," Herzegovinian," and "Montenegrin," as shown above, are not names of races, but rather of nationalities found within the Serbo-Croatian ethnical territory. The same is true, of course, of the Servian, the Croatian, and the Slavonian as nationalities. Further details are necessary concerning each, especially as to their ethnical and religious elements. Keeping constantly in mind that by the so-called Servian and Croatian races are generally meant only the Orthodox (Greek) and Roman Catholic divisions, respectively, of the one Serbo-Croatian race, the reader will better understand the following statistics from the Austrian and Hungarian censuses of 1900: TABLE 6.-Distribution of Serbo-Croatians, by religion.

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To these may be added the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1,568,092, of whom the 334,142 Roman Catholics may be counted roughly as Croatians and the 673,246 Oriental Orthodox as Servians. But very few of the 548,632 Moham


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medans are Turks, although generally calling themselves by that name. It is said that the Bosnian nobility became Mohammedans in order to preserve their feudal rights, but that they differ in more respects than race from Turkish Mohammedans. For instance, they do not practice polygamy.

Of the Servian nationality—that is, of the citizens of Servia-90 per cent are Servian by race and 98 per cent Orthodox in religion. The Roumanians in Servia number only 90,000. The Gypsies come next with half that number. The Roumanians (see), like the Servians, are for the most part Orthodox. While the Turks proper number only 1,000 in Servia, there are 15,000 Mohammedans. The small independent principality of Montenegro has had no census. It is estimated that nearly 90 per cent of the population of 250,000 are Orthodox. The remainder are Roman Catholics or Mohammedans, the latter being Albanians. In Dalmatia 96 per cent of the population is Serbo-Croatian by race and 84 per cent Roman Catholic in religion. These probably all call themselves "Croatian." Nearly all the rest of the people are Greek (not "United") in religion. Less than 3 per cent of the population are Italians. These live along the coast in cities like Ragusa. There are no Turks in Dalmatia according to the census.

In the Hungarian provinces of Croatia and Slavonia, besides the Serbo-Croatian population, which, as shown above, is 87 per cent of the whole, about 5 per cent of the population, or 134,000, are German, and 4 per cent "Hungarian.” This is the classification by mother tongue. Classified by religion, all the Servians are "Oriental Greek," while 99 per cent of the "Croatians" are Roman Catholic, as are also 80 per cent of the Germans and Hungarians. No Turks or Mohammedans appear as such by name in the census. Finally, in the Coastland, including Istria, while nearly one-half of the population is Italian, the most of the remainder are Serbo-Croatians (143,000) and Slovenians. - Nearly 99 per cent are Catholic.

CUBAN. Defined by the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization as follows: "The term 'Cuban' refers to the Cuban people (not Negroes)." This definition covers, however, only 60 per cent of the population of Cuba-that is, the native whites-for 13 per cent are Negroes, 16 per cent mulattoes, and 10 per cent foreign-born whites. It also excludes Indians. The term is generally used in a wider sense to include all natives of Cuba, regardless of color, especially including those of mixed blood.

In race, therefore, the population of Cuba is mainly composed of pure Spanish stock, if Catalans and Basques may be called pure Spanish, for these are the most important stocks that have come to the island from Spain. It is popularly supposed that there is much Indian blood in Cuba, as in Mexico and in the Countries farther south. This is not the case, for the sufficient reason that the Indian aborigines were almost entirely killed off in war and at forced labor within fifty years from the landing of Columbus. Negroes to some extent have suffered the same fate, for it is estimated that fully 900,000 were brought to the island as slaves. In 1817 they outnumbered the white population.

The Cuban census of 1907 gives a total population, in round numbers, of 2,000,000, of whom 1,200,000 are native whites, 200,000 foreign-born whites, 270,000 Negroes, 330,000 of mixed race, and 12,000 Chinese. Of the foreign-born whites, 80 per cent are Spaniards and 3 per cent (6,713) Americans. Cuba is therefore distinctly Spanish, or “Latin," in its sympathies and civilization. Comparatively few Cubans, not counting as such Spanish, English, and other foreign-born whites coming from Cuba, have emigrated to the United States. The same is true of immigrants from the rest of the West Indies. (See West Indian, Mexican, Spanish-American, and Negro.) The number of Negroes coming to the United States from Cuba can not be stated, but it is not large, for the total Negro immigration in 1907 was only 5,235, of whom 4,561 were from the West Indies, including Cuba. All aliens coming from Cuba are counted as immigrants, although, in common with persons coming from Canada, Newfoundland, and Mexico, they are for the most part exempted from the head tax. CZECH. (See Bohemian and Moravian.)

DALMATIAN. A political division of the Serbo-Croatians. (See Croatian.) DANISH. (See Scandinavian.)

DUTCH and FLEMISH (less accurately Hollander, Netherlander, and Belgian). The two westernmost races or peoples on the continent of Low German or Teutonic origin, the Dutch being the native people of Holland (the Netherlands) and the Flemish that of Flanders-that is, of the western part of Belglum. The Dutch and Flemish languages are intermediate between English

and Scotch on the one hand and German on the other. The chief differences between the Dutch and Flemish are those of political boundaries, customs, and religion, rather than of language or physique. Hollander, Netherlander, and Belgian are names of nationalities and not of races. Holland-Dutch is a term vulgarly used in America to distinguish Dutch from German, while Pennsylvania Dutch is a name wrongly given to the old Pennsylvania German families.


Etymologically Dutch is simply the German "Teutsch "—that is, "Teuton' and, therefore, might be used as a generic term to include all Germans. But in scientific usage the term is now limited to the people of Low German descent living in the Rhine delta. Germans themselves never extend the word "Deutsch" to the Netherlands. The Dutch or Netherlandish language is derived from Old Saxon, a division of the long extinct Old Low German. The word "Dutch" is sometimes wrongly used, especially in the United States, to mean the German language in all its forms.

Dutch is the literary and national language of Holland; it is also the language of the Dutch colonists in South Africa (Boers), and in the East and West Indies. Besides Dutch, there are other dialects of Low German origin used in Holland: Frisian, Saxon, Friso-Saxon, and Friso-Frankish. Frisian is said to have been the language of the early Teutonic people throughout Holland. It had a literature of its own in the fourteenth century, but has been pressed upon by the Saxon and Frankish until it exists to-day only as a patois in the province of Friesland and on some of the islands of the coast. Saxon and Friso-Saxon are spoken throughout the eastern and southeastern part of Holland. Friso-Frankish is spoken in Zeeland-that is, the island province north of Belgium, and in the western part of Holland. Dutch is spoken in the provinces of North and South Holland.

Physically, the northern Dutch are for the most part long-headed, oval faced, tallish, and blond. The Frisians also are good examples of this type. Southward in the western part of Holland there is more and more of an admixture of a round-headed brunette element, shorter and stouter than the northern type, which is thought to be descended from the ancient "Alpine" race, with more or less Teutonic admixture. Three-fifths of the people of Holland are Protestants; most of the remainder are Catholics. There are about 100,000 Jews in Holland. In social customs the Dutch show greater affinity to the English than to the German. They have been called the Englishmen of the mainland. Like the English, the Dutch have been great colonizers.

Holland is an independent kingdom. It is now called the Netherlands, a term formerly given to the lowland country comprising both Holland and Belgium, It is one of the smallest countries of Europe, having a superficial area of only 12,000 square miles. Its ethnographical boundaries coincide with its topographical formation: the Frieslanders hold the alluvial plains, the Saxons are confined to sandy tracts, while the lowlands of the delta of the Rhine have a population mixed in origin. The Dutch population of the world has been variously estimated at from 4,000,000 to 6,300,000. The population of Holland itself is 6,000,000, or 1,000.000 less than that of Belgium, and a third more than that of Ireland. Rudler and Chisholm estimate 71 per cent of the population to be Dutch, 14 per cent Frisian. 13 per cent Flemish, and 2 per cent other Low German. There are about 400,000 Boers in South Africa and 75,000 Dutch colonists in the East and West Indies. In Immigration Bureau statistics Dutch and Flemish are counted together, and in the twelve years 1899-1910, 87,658 immigrants of these races were admitted to the United States.


Philologists differ as to the position of Flemish, linguistically. Some consider it to be a branch of Old Low German, closely akin to Dutch, if not identical with it; others place it as a dialect of Dutch and say that it is now nearly extinct; while still others consider it to be a dialect of equal rank with Frisian and Saxon, but distinct from Dutch. The literary language of the Flemish people is now Dutch.

Physically the Flemish are of the prevailing Dutch type-tallish, blond, and round-faced the type so often portrayed by Rubens. The Flemish occupy the northern and western provinces of Belgium and the northeastern part of

France bordering on Flanders. There are over 3,000,000 in Belgium, 750,000 in Holland, and 200,000 in the northern part of France, making a total of over 4,000,000 Flemish in Europe-that is, about equal to the number of Dutch in Holland.


The term Belgian simply means a native or inhabitant of the Kingdom of Belgium. It has no significance as to physical race or language. The Belgian nation is represented by two chief linguistic stocks, a Teutonic (Flemish) which occupies the plains and the coast lands, and a French (Walloon) which occupies the uplands. The two peoples also differ in industries. The Flemings are characteristically tenant farmers; the Walloons are small proprietary farmers, miners, and manufacturers.

Belgium ranks eighteenth in superficial area and eighth in population amongst European countries. It is the most densely populated country in Europe, having a population of over 7,000,000 in an area of 11,300 square miles; that is, of about 600 to the square mile. The Kingdom is not evenly populated, the Flemish provinces being much more densely settled than the Walloon. Of the total number, 42 per cent speak Flemish only and 38 per cent French only, while 12 per cent speak both Flemish and French, and 6 per cent speak Flemish, French, and German. Both French and Flemish are official languages. All public documents are printed in both. Both are taught in the schools. At the University of Ghent the professors lecture in both French and Flemish. The Belgians are for the most part Catholics.

Despite its density of population Belgium is an exception amongst European countries in that it has more immigration than emigration. About 90 per cent of this movement is to and from Holland, France, and Germany. Only an insignificant number come to America, less than 1 per 1,000 of the population. In 1907 there were 4,162 emigrants from Belgium to the United States, of whom 2,929 are reported by the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization as Dutch and Flemish. In number of immigrants the Dutch and Flemish taken together stand twenty-first down the list-that is, above the French, but far below all the principal immigrant races or peoples.

EAST INDIAN. (See also Hindu.) Any native of the East Indies. The latter is a very broad and vague term which has come down from the time of Columbus, and embraces the vast populations of India, Farther India, and Malaysia; that is, of all the countries south of the Chinese Empire and lying between the Indus on the west and the island of New Guinea on the east. The last-named island falls to the domain, therefore, of the Pacific Islanders (see). Ethnologically the term "East Indian" has no meaning, although its convenience has perhaps justified its use while immigration to the United States from this part of the world was very small. Geographically it comprises races of the most diverse culture, from the dwarf Negrito of the Philippines, perhaps the lowest race of mankind in degree of civilization, to the European-like Hindu, who uses the Aryan speech and has a civilization older than our own. All the five great races or divisions of mankind, with the exception of the American Indian, are found represented in the East Indies. The great Caucasian population of India has just been mentioned. The inhabitants of Indo-China, Burma, and Siam are Mongolian. Those of the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago are Malay, with a small remnant of a true Ethiopian or black race, the Negrito, scattered here and there. The Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization puts all East Indians into the "Mongolic" grand division.

The population of the four great races found in the East Indies, with the exception of the black race, is immense, certainly over 350,000,000, forming with that of China about half the population of the entire earth. Of all the East indians, nearly six-sevenths are natives of India, and will claim chief attention here as a probable factor in future immigration. The peoples farther east have shown little tendency to emigrate. Of these, the densest population is that of Java, numbering nearly 30,000,000. Although the oldest in Malay civilization, this people nas neither the physical nor the mental energy of its kinsmen, the Filipinos, and, unlike the Hindus, they have shown little or no tendency to emigrate to other countries. The Indo-Chinese of the mainland, like the Malays, have less energy and enterprise than the true Chinese and do not migrate. Their country is not so densely populated. Practically none of these populations, with the exception of the Filipinos, are Christian or greatly influenced by western civilization,

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