A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO The Science, Art, Philosophy and FRANK HERBERT PALMER, A. M., Editor VOLUME XLVI BOSTON THE PALMER COMPANY 120 BOYLSTON STREET 1926 CONTENTS 58, 126, 193, 259, 323, 384, 484, 514, 573, 637 Agassiz and the Poets. H. G. Good. Algebra in the Junior High Schools. John J. Birch American Diplomatic History, Place of in the Curriculum. Louis 313 375 170 American Notes-Editorial 55, 122, 188, 255, 319, 380, 439, 508, 568, 632 Babbitt Junior and the Small College. H. Guest Blockhead versus Nordic. Russell Burkhard 494 197 V Civics, How to Make it Function. R. C. Clark. Current Events, Vitalizing Instruction in. R. S. Kimball Dalton Plan, The. S. S. Stockwell . 538 English Grammar and Foreign Language Failures. Ernest R. Caverly 612 A Plea for. F. B. Riggs High School Counselor, The. Impressions of. Elsie J. Grover High School Education, Wastefulness of. John A. Kinneman 605 139 285 Luther, Martin. Evolution of as a Reformer. William R. Lingo. Macbeth, Religious Implications of. Rev. J. H. Benner Mathematics in Pre-Vocational Schools. Olive Nolan Modern Ideas, Origin of. Charles H. Douglas. Money, Why not Teach the Value of? J. E. Bullard Moral Teaching, Shall it be Camouflaged? Harold Saxe Tuttle. New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools: Fortieth Annual Meeting of. Discussions of following subjects: Individualization of Instructions in Elementary Schools, by Charles L. Spain, Deputy Superintendent of Schools, Detroit. Ditto in Secondary Schools. Alexander J. Stoddard, Superin- tendent of Schools, Bronxville, N. Y. . Ditto in Colleges. Dean Herbert E. Hawkes. Columbia College, Honors Courses in American Colleges. President F. Aydelotte, Special Honor System in Smith College. Eleanor S. Duckett 517 Pre-School in 1925. Genevieve L. Lyford. 118 Psychiatrist, Need of in the Schools. Henry Flury. 302 Public Schools, What is the Matter with? E. Schultz Gerhard 453 Race, A Momentous. Rembert G. Smith . 229 Rating Scale, for Practice Teachers. J. S. Kinder. 108 Roman Education. Wendell S. Brooks 476 Scientific Thinking, How to Promote it? W. G. Bowers. 532 Secondary Education, Paramount Objectives of. Frederick K. Bolton 261 Small College, Babbitt Junior and the. H. Guest 599 Tests, Cooperative, A Plea for. Annette Bennett. 277 281 University, A Modern, Thoughts about. John L. Patterson 502 |