Lapas attēli

TITLE 26-Internal Revenue




Bureau of Internal Revenue, Department of the Treasury

United States Processing Tax Board of Review, Department of the

III United States Board of Tax Appeals

TITLE 27-Intoxicating Liquors

I Federal Alcohol Administration, Department of the Treasury

TITLE 28-Judicial Administration

I Department of Justice



TITLE 29-Labor

SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of Labor
SUBTITLE B-Labor Regulations

United States Employment Service, Department of Labor
National Labor Relations Board

III National Railroad Adjustment Board

TITLE 30-Mineral Resources

I Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior

II Geological Survey, Department of the Interior

III National Bituminous Coal Commission, Department of the Interior IV Petroleum Conservation Division, Department of the Interior



TITLE 31-Money and Finance: Treasury

SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of the Treasury
SUBTITLE B-Regulations Relating to Money and Finance

Monetary Offices, Department of the Treasury

Office of the Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Department of the

III Public Debt Service, Department of the Treasury

IV Secret Service, Department of the Treasury

TITLE 32-National Defense

I National Munitions Control Board, Department of State

II National Guard, War Department

III Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior

IV National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics

V American Battle Monuments Commission

TITLE 33-Navigation and Navigable Waters

I Coast Guard, Department of the Treasury

II Corps of Engineers, War Department

III Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, Department of Commerce IV Bureau of Lighthouses, Department of Commerce

V Coast and Geodetic Survey, Department of Commerce

I Department of the Navy

TITLE 34-Navy

TITLE 35-Panama Canal

I Canal Zone Regulations

TITLE 36-Parks and Forests

I National Park Service, Department of the Interior
Forest Service, Department of Agriculture


TITLE 37-Patents and Copyrights

I Patent Office, Department of Commerce
Copyright Office, Library of Congress



TITLE 38-Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief

I Veterans' Administration

TITLE 39-Postal Service

I Post Office Department

TITLE 40-Prisons

I Federal Prison Industries, Inc.

TITLE 41-Public Contracts

I Procurement Division, Department of the Treasury
II Division of Public Contracts, Department of Labor

TITLE 42-Public Health

I United States Public Health Service, Department of the Treasury
II United States Children's Bureau, Department of Labor


St. Elizabeths Hospital, Department of the Interior
Freedmen's Hospital, Department of the Interior

[blocks in formation]

TITLE 45-Public Welfare

I Office of Education, Department of the Interior

II Civilian Conservation Corps

III Works Progress Administration

[blocks in formation]

I Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, Department of Commerce United States Maritime Commission


TITLE 47-Telecommunication

I Federal Communications Commission

TITLE 48-Territories and Insular Possessions

I Division of Territories and Island Possessions, Department of the Interior II Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration, Department of the Interior

TITLE 49-Transportation and Railroads

I Interstate Commerce Commission

TITLE 50-Wildlife

I Bureau of Biological Survey, Department of Agriculture (including Alaska Game Commission)

II Bureau of Fisheries, Department of Commerce

III International Fisheries Commission



THUS: 49 CFR 1.1

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