Lapas attēli

schedules has in the past been met in part by lending, for short periods, our office copies. It is hoped soon to have the necessary printed schedules to meet this situation.

In evidence of this interest, it is a pleasure to supplement the lists given in previous reports by the following names of institutions that have recently adopted the Library of Congress system of classification:

Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, Ohio.
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Novia Scotia.

Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa.

Nanking University, Nanking, China.

North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering, Raleigh, N. C.

Wittenburg College, Springfield, Ohio.

Numerous requests have been received for the printed or typewritten schemes, as also various inquiries respecting the printing of those yet in manuscript and the reprinting of those no longer available for distribution.

Inquiries received in the division also indicate increasing interest in Great Britain in our system of classification and we are informed that it is at present in use in the following institutions:

British Library of Political Science.
Cardiff Public Libraries (in part).

Edinburgh Public Libraries.

London School of Economics.
National Library of Wales.

St. Andrews University, Scotland.
University College of Wales.
University of Birmingham.
Wigan Public Libraries.

The facts set forth justify the hope that all of the schemes may be made available in printed form just as soon as appropriations can be devoted to this object, and members of the classification staff can spare from current routine work the necessary and very considerable time for revision and preparation.

Furthermore, classification schemes are not static. They require constant additions and modifications to meet increasing accessions and new phases and developments of science, art, and letters. Manifestly, libraries

using our system of classification are greatly interested in the additions thereto, especially so since the printed cards of the library will not infrequently bear a classification symbol not found in the printed schemes. This is a fruitful source of correspondence, and we believe that the publication at regular intervals of a list of the additions made to the schemes would materially facilitate their use by other libraries. The library now issues from time to time a list of additions made to the subject headings, and the issue of a similar list of additions to or changes in the classification schemes would be of similar value.


(From the report of the chief, Mr. HASTINGS)

During the year the number of subscribers to printed cards has increased from 3,593 to 3,715. Fully 60 per cent of the new subscribers are libraries of colleges, high schools, and teachers' colleges.

The value of the cards shipped, exclusive of those supplied to libraries of the United States Government, was $165,907.37, an increase of about 12 per cent over the shipments of last year. The cash sales, representing cards sold and paid for during the year, amounted to $161,381.94.

The sale of cards to libraries of the departments of the United States Government, paid for by transfer of credits, amounted to $3,056.36.

Cards for 33,445 different titles were added to the stock during the year, including 2,890 cards printed for libraries in the District of Columbia and 800 printed for other cooperating libraries.

The whole number of different titles represented in the stock on June 30, 1926, was 997,933. The average stock of each card is estimated at 70 copies, making the total number of cards in stock about 69,855,310.

The work of assembling the depository sets assigned to North Carolina University and Toronto University has been completed. The list of full depository sets is appended. Following that is given a list of partial de

pository sets assigned to libraries maintained by the United States Government and a list of sets assigned as aids to bibliographical undertakings.

The fifth edition of the pamphlet, L. C. Printed Cards, and the sixth edition of the Handbook of Card Distribution were printed and distributed.

In spite of efforts to that end, no gain was made in overcoming the arrears of printing and reprinting. The amount of copy on hand on June 30 again stood at about 10,000 new entries and 1,000 reprints. There would have been a substantial increase in arrears had the expedient not been adopted of sending to the main Government Printing Office several thousand reprints that were being reproduced without change. A sixth linotype machine was supplied to the Library Branch in May. This addition to the equipment of the Library Branch and some assistance from the main office on the reprints should render practicable during the coming year a substantial decrease in the arrears.


American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass.

Bowdoin College Library, Brunswick, Me.

Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Brown University Library, Providence, R. I.

Buffalo Public Library, Buffalo, N. Y.
California State Library, Sacramento, Calif.
California University Library, Berkeley, Calif.
Chicago University Library, Chicago, Ill.
Cincinnati Public Library, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland, Ohio.
Columbia University Library, New York City.
Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Conn.
Cornell University Library, Ithaca, N. Y.
Dartmouth College Library, Hanover, N. H.1
Harvard University Library, Cambridge, Mass.

Hebrew University Library, Jerusalem, Palestine.

Illinois University Library, Urbana, Ill.

Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, Ind.

Institut International de Bibliographie, Brussels, Belgium.

Iowa State College Library, Ames, Iowa.

Iowa State University Library, Iowa City, Iowa.

John Crerar Library, Chicago, Ill.

Johns Hopkins University Library, Baltimore, Md.

Kansas State Historical Society Library, Topeka, Kans.
Kyoto University Library, Kyoto, Japan.1

Los Angeles Public Library, Los Angeles, Calif.1
McGill University Library, Montreal, Canada.
Massachusetts State Library, Boston, Mass.
Michigan University Library, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Minnesota University Library, Minneapolis, Minn.
Missouri University Library, Columbia, Mo.1
Nebraska University Library, Lincoln, Nebr.
New York Public Library, New York City.
New York State Library, Albany, N. Y.

North Carolina University Library, Chapel Hill, N. C.
Northwestern University Library, Evanston, Ill.
Ohio State University Library, Columbus, Ohio.
Oklahoma University Library, Norman, Okla.
Peking University Library, Peking, China.

Pennsylvania University Library, Philadelphia, Pa.
Philadelphia Free Library, Philadelphia, Pa.
Philippine Library and Museum, Manila, P. I.1
Pittsburgh Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Princeton University Library, Princeton, N. J.
St. Louis Public Library, St. Louis, Mo.

Seattle Public Library, Seattle, Wash.

Stanford University Library, Stanford University, Calif.1
Syracuse University Library, Syracuse, N. Y.

K. Tekniska Högskolans Bibliotek, Stockholm, Sweden.
Texas University Library, Austin, Tex.

Tokyo Imperial University Library, Tokyo, Japan.1
Toronto University Library, Toronto, Canada.

Virginia State Library, Richmond, Va.

Wesleyan University Library, Middletown, Conn.1
Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison, Wis.
Yale University Library, New Haven, Conn.

Army War College.


Bureau of Animal Industry.

Bureau of Education.2

Bureau of Entomology.

Bureau of Fisheries.

Bureau of Mines.2

Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D. C.

Bureau of Plant Industry.

Bureau of Plant Industry, Economic and Systematic Botany. Bureau of Science (Manila, P. I.)

1 Proof-sheet depository only.

2 Dictionary set.

Bureau of War Risk Insurance.

Civil Service Commission.

Coast and Geodetic Survey.

Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va.

Department of Agriculture."

Department of Commerce.
Department of Labor.2

Department of State.

District Forester's Office, Logan, Utah.

Engineer School.

Federal Trade Commission.

Geological Survey.2

Government Hospital for the Insane.

Hydrographic Office.

International High Commission.

Interstate Commerce Commission.

Military Academy, West Point.

National Bureau of Standards.2

National Museum.2

National Research Council, Washington, D. C.

Naval Academy, Annapolis.

Naval Observatory..

Naval War College, Newport, R. I.

Pan American Union.

Panama Canal Office, Washington, D. C.

Patent Office.

Public Health Service.

Shipping Board.

Surgeon General's Office.

Treasury Department.

Weather Bureau.


American Library in Paris: All cards required for a dictionary
catalogue of the library.

International Institute of Agriculture, Rome, Italy: Cards re-
lating to agriculture.

League of Nations, Geneva, Switzerland: Cards relating to
international law and relations and certain other groups in
political and social sciences.


(From the report of the Chief of the Division of Accessions and

The following table exhibits the comparative statistics
of the distribution of publications of the Library of
Congress for the past three fiscal years:

2 Dictionary set.

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