General Acts and Resolutions Adopted by the Legislature of FloridaOffice of the Floridian and Journal, 1893 |
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Act shall take agent amount appoint Approved June Approved May 30 Assessor Attorney authorized ballot Board of County bonds by-laws capital stock Carrabelle cent certificate CHAPTER Circuit Court City Council Clerk common carrier common seal Comptroller construction corporation County Commissioners DeSoto county district ditch duty Duval county election electors enacted Escambia county expenses fees filed Florida be amended Fund Governor grade granted hereby repealed Hillsborough county impleaded incorporated Inspector issue Jacksonville Jurors lands laws in conflict Lee county Legislature levy license lien Manatee county manner Mayor ment misdemeanor Monday oath ordinance owner paid Pasco county passage and approval payment Penalty person or persons Plant City prescribed president purpose Railroad Company read as follows receive regulations Revised Statutes road salary SECTION successors take effect immediately Tallahassee term thereof thousand dollars tion Town Council Treasurer trustees or trust viewers vote Warrant
Populāri fragmenti
92. lappuse - Any person who violates any of the foregoing provisions shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by fine not exceeding $1,000, or by both such imprisonment and fine...
169. lappuse - ... by the trustees of the internal improvement fund of the State of Florida.
179. lappuse - Company," and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and shall be able to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, in all courts of law and equity within the United States, and may make and have a common seal.
138. lappuse - Each locomotive, engine or car so sold, leased or hired, or contracted to be sold, leased or hired as aforesaid shall have the name of the vendor, lessor, or bailor plainly marked on each side thereof followed by the word "owner" or "lessor" or "bailor
155. lappuse - ... and in which the cause of action accrued or the defendant resides in his district; and in such criminal cases except felonies, as may be prescribed by law...
137. lappuse - ... may, as paid, be applied and treated as purchase money, and that the title to the property shall not vest in the lessee or bailee until the purchase...
371. lappuse - I, ~, do solemnly swear [or affirm] that I will support, protect, and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States...
25. lappuse - State, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in the sum of not less than one hundred dollars...
142. lappuse - Municipal and other corporations and Individuals invested with the privilege of taking private property for public use shall make just compensation for property taken, injured or destroyed by the construction or enlargement of their works, highways or improvements, which compensation shall be paid or secured before such taking, injury or destruction.
144. lappuse - ... nothing then said by such witness shall at any time be received or given in evidence against him in any prosecution against the said witness, except on an indictment for perjury in any matter to which he may have testified...