Annual Report of the American Bar Association: Including Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting, 77. sējumsHeadquarters Office, 1952 |
No grāmatas satura
1.3. rezultāts no 86.
305. lappuse
... officers are assigned include military justice , procurement , international law litigation , process- ing of claims , patents , preparation of opinions to various commanders and legal advice and assistance to all mili- tary personnel ...
... officers are assigned include military justice , procurement , international law litigation , process- ing of claims , patents , preparation of opinions to various commanders and legal advice and assistance to all mili- tary personnel ...
308. lappuse
... officers and 150 Reserve officers . The Regu- lar Navy strength remains fairly con- stant as a result of a statutory limita- tion upon the overall strength of all specialists . The current law specialist strength is set administratively ...
... officers and 150 Reserve officers . The Regu- lar Navy strength remains fairly con- stant as a result of a statutory limita- tion upon the overall strength of all specialists . The current law specialist strength is set administratively ...
309. lappuse
... officers of the Marine Corps Reserve are at- torneys . Particular emphasis in the recruit- ment of officers for the Supply Corps and for work in intelligence has been placed upon a background of legal education . In the years ...
... officers of the Marine Corps Reserve are at- torneys . Particular emphasis in the recruit- ment of officers for the Supply Corps and for work in intelligence has been placed upon a background of legal education . In the years ...
PORTRAIT OF THE PRESIDENT 195152 Frontispiece | 1 |
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82nd Congress action activities Administration adopted amendment American Bar Association Annual Meeting approved Asso Attorney Bar Asso Barkdull bill Board of Governors Broad St Calif Chairman Charles Chicago ciation Circuit City Commerce Commission Conference Congress Constitution criminal Detroit 26 Director Dist District employees executive agreements federal funds gambling Harold L HARRISON TWEED House of Delegates James John Judge Judicial Judiciary Justice LaSalle St Law School lawyers legal aid legislation Louis Main St membership ment Midyear Meeting mittee Nat'l Bank Bldg National nomination officers Ohio organized crime Philadelphia practice present President procedure proposed Public Relations recom recommendation resolution Resolved Robert Scope and Correlation Secretary Section Senate South Dakota Special Committee Standing Committee Supreme Court term ending Texas tion treaty Trust Bldg Trust Law Union Commerce United United States Code Univ vacancy Vice-Chairman Washington William York