Lapas attēli


name, like the vessel itself, is of American origin, being from a New England word scoon, to skim or skip upon the water, to make ducks and drakes. The first vessel of the kind is said to have been built at Gloucester, Mass., by Captain Andrew Robinson, about 1713; and the name was given to it from the following circumstance:-Captain R. had constructed a vessel, which he masted and rigged in the manner that schooners now are, and on her going off the stocks into the water a bystander cried out, '0, how she scoons!' R. instantly replied, A scooner let her be;' and from that time this class of vessels has gone by that name. The name appears to have been originally spelled scooner, and to have been altered from an idea that the word was Dutch and derived from schoon, G. schön, beautiful. Scoon may be the A. Sax. scûnian, to shun.] 1. A vessel with two masts, and her chief sails fore-andaft sails, her mainsail and foresail being suspended by a gaff, like a sloop's mainsail, and stretched below by a boom. A fore-andaft schooner has either all her sails fore-andaft sails, or she may have a square-sail which can be set when required on the foremast. A top-sail schooner carries a square foretopsail, and often likewise a topgallant-sail and royal. Some schooners have three masts, but they have no tops. No kind of sailingvessel is swifter than the schooner; and this

Topsail Schooner.

rig is therefore very often used for yachts. 2. A tall glass used for lager-beer or ale, and containing about double the quantity of an ordinary tumbler. [United States.] Schorist (shō'rist), n. A name formerly given to the more advanced students in German Protestant universities who made fags of the younger students. See PENNAL. Schorl, Shorl (shorl), n. [G. schörl, Sw. skörl, perhaps from skör, Dan. skiör, brittle.] A mineral usually occurring in the sparry cavities and veins of the granitic rocks, and often found embedded in felspar and quartz. It is a prismatic, longitudinally-striated mineral, of a pitchy lustre and colour, brittle texture, and is capable of being rendered electric by heat or friction. Known also as Black Tourmaline.-Blue schorl, a variety of hauyne. Red and titanic schorl, names of rutile. - Violet schorl, axinite. - White schorl, albite.-Schorl rock, an aggregate of schorl and quartz. Sir C. Lyell. Schorlaceous (shor-la'shus), a. Schorlous. Schorlite (shorl'it), n. Same as Pycnite. Schorlous (shorl'us), a. Pertaining to or containing schorl; possessing the properties of schorl.-Schorlous topaz. Same as Schorlite.

Schorly (shorl'i), a. Relating to or containing shorl.-Schorly granite, granite consisting of schorl, quartz, felspar, and mica. Sir C. Lyell.

Schottish, Schottische (shot-tish), n. [G. schottische, Scottish.] A dance performed by a lady and gentleman, resembling a polka; also, the music suited for such a dance; it is time.

Same as Escrod and

Schrode (skrōd), n. Scrode. Schuchint (skuch'in), n. An escutcheon; a shield; a device on a shield. Spenser. Schweinfurth-green (shwin'furt-gren), n. A beautiful and velvety green, highly poisonous pigment, prepared by boiling together solutions of arsenious acid and acetate of copper: so called from Schweinfurth in Bavaria, where it was first made. Sciadopitys (si-a-dop'it-is), n. [Gr. skias, skiados, a canopy, and pitys, a pine-tree. ] A genus of conifers, known as the umbrella pine, introduced into our gardens from Ja


pan, where it has been cultivated from time immemorial round the temples. The trunk rises to a height of 100 to 150 feet, and the habit is pyramidal. It is evergreen and highly ornamental.

Sciana (si-e'na), n. A genus of fishes, the type of the family Scianidæ. Scianidæ (si-e'ni-dē), n. pl. [Gr. skiaina, an umber, a grayling, and eidos, resemblance.] A family of acanthopterous fishes, the type of which is the genus Sciana. They

Sciana aquila (Maigre)

are closely related to the Perches, but both the vomer and palatines are without teeth, the bones of the cranium and face are generally cavernous, and form a muzzle more or less protruding. Only two species are reckoned as British, the maigre and the bearded umbrina, both excellent for the table, as are many others of the family. Some members of the family possess a remarkable power of emitting sounds, as the maigre and drum-fish (which see). The Scianidæ are divided into many genera, and are widely distributed.

Scianurus (si-e-nú'rus), n. [Gr. skiaina, an umber, a grayling, and oura, a tail.] A genus of fossil fishes, representing the perch and other allied forms. Its remains are very common in the London clay of the Isle of Sheppey.

Sciagraph (si'a-graf), n. [See SCIAGRAPHY.] The section of a building to show its inside. Sciagraphic, Sciagraphical (si-a-graf'ik, si-a-grafik-al), a. Pertaining to sciagraphy. Sciagraphically (si-a-graf'ik-al-li), adv. In a sciagraphical manner.

Sciagraphy (si-ag'ra-fi), n. [Gr. skiagraphia -skia, a shadow, and graphō, to describe.] 1. The act or art of correctly delineating shadows in drawing; the art of sketching objects with correct shading.-2. In arch. the profile or section of a building to exhibit its interior structure; a sciagraph.3. In astron. the art of finding the hour of the day or night by the shadows of objects, caused by the sun, moon, or stars; the art of dialling.

Sciamachy (si-am'ak-i), n. See SCIOMACHY. Sciatheric, Sciatherical (si-a-the'rik, si-athe'rik-al), a. [Gr. skiathēras, a sun-dial, from skia, a shadow, and thera, a catching.] Belonging to a sun-dial. Also written Sciotheric.

Sciatherically (si-a-the'rik-al-li), adv. In a sciatheric manner.

Sciatic (si-at'ik), n. Same as Sciatica. Sciatic, Sciatical (si-at'ik, si-at'ik-al), a. 1. Pertaining to the hip; as, the sciatic artery or nerve.-2. Affecting the hip; as, sciatic pains.

Sciatica (si-at'ik-a), n. [L. L. sciatica, from Gr. ischiadikos, from ischias, a pain in the hips, from ischion, the hip.] Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve. It is one of the most obstinate forms of neuralgia, and if protracted produces emaciation of the limb affected, with weakness, and a more or less permanent flexion. It is a frequent complication of gout, but is most commonly due to exposure to wet and cold.

Sciatically (si-at'ik-al-li), adv. With or by

means of sciatica.

Science (si'ens), n. [Fr. science, from L scientia, knowledge, from scio, to know.] 1. Knowledge; comprehension or understanding of the truths or facts of any subject. Shakspeare's deep and accurate science in mental philosophy.' Coleridge.

God's prescience or foresight of any action of mine, or rather his science or sight from all eternity, lays no necessity on anything to come to pass.


2. That wide field of mental activity which is concerned in the deducing of general laws or principles from observation of phenomena; truth or knowledge ascertained by observation, experiment, and induction; knowledge co-ordinated, arranged, and systematized; hence, a science is knowledge regarding any one department of mind or matter co-ordinated, arranged, and systematized; as, the science of botany, of astronomy, of metaphysics; mental science.-Applied science is a science when its laws are


employed and exemplified in dealing with concrete phenomena, as opposed to pure science, as mathematics, when it treats of laws or general statements apart from particular instances. The term pure science is also applied to a science built on self-evident truths, and thus comprehends mathematical science as opposed to natural or physical science, which rests on observation and experiment.-Natural science is that branch of science which investigates the nature and properties of material objects, and the phenomena of nature. See under NATURAL. -Physical science, a term used in much the same sense as natural science, or as equiva lent to physics (which see).-Moral science is that which treats of all mental phenomena, or, in a narrower sense, the same as moral philosophy or ethics.-The seven sciences of antiquity were grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy. Good sense, which only is the gift of Heaven,

Although no science, fairly worth the seven. Pope. Science deals with phenomena. By his faculties of perception, comparison, and generalization, man discovers the sequences, uniformities, co-relations, and differences of these phenomena, and groups them into so-called 'laws of nature. This is the magnificent, unending work of science. Fraser's Mag.

Since all phenomena which have been sufficiently examined are found to take place with regularity, each having certain fixed conditions, positive and negative, on the occurrence of which it invariably happens, mankind have been able to ascertain the conditions of the occurrence of many phenomena; and the progress of science mainly consists in ascer taining these conditions. F. S. Mill.

3. Art derived from precepts or built on principles; skill resulting from training; special, exceptional, or pre-eminent skill.

Nothing but his science, coolness, and great strength in the saddle could often have saved him from some terrible accident. Lawrence.

-The science, the art of boxing; pugilism. [Slang.]

Up to that time he had never been aware that he had the least notion of the science. Dickens.

4. An object of study; a branch of knowledge.

To instruct her fully in those sciences, Whereof I know she is not ignorant. Shak. -Art, Science. See under ART. Science (si'ens), v.t. To cause to become versed in science; to instruct; to make skilled. [Rare.]


P. Francis.

Deep scienced in the mazy lore Of mad philosophy. Scient (si'ent), a. [L. sciens, scientis, ppr. of scio, to know.] Skilful; knowing. Scienter (si-en'tèr), adv. [L.] In law, knowingly; wilfully.

Sciential (si-en'shal), a. Pertaining to science; producing science or knowledge. 'Sciential rules.' Milton.

Scientific (si-en-tif'ik), a. [Fr. scientifique; L. scientia, knowledge, and facio, to make.] 1. Pertaining to or used in science; as, scientific nomenclature; a scientific instrument. 2. Evincing or endowed with a knowledge of science; containing or treating of science; well versed in science; as, a scientific physician; a scientific work.

Bossuet is as scientific in the structure of his sen-


3. According to the rules or principles of science; as, a scientific arrangement of fossils.

Scientificalt (si-en-tif'ik-al), a. Scientific.

All kind of scientifical knowledge.' Howell. Scientifically (si-en-tif'ik-al-li), adv. In a scientific manner; according to the rules or principles of science.

It is easier to believe, than to be scientifically instructed. Locke. Scientism (si'ent-izm), n. The views or practices of scientists.

Mr. Harrison's earnest and eloquent plea against the exclusive scientism' which, because it cannot find certain entities along its line of investigation, asserts loudly that they are either non-existent or 'unknowable,' is strong. Nineteenth Century. Scientist (si'ent-ist), n. A person versed in or devoted to science; a scientific man; a savant.

For many years it has been a query whether the electric current might not be brought so far under man's control, as to take the place of steam as a motor for machinery, and success has at last crowned Nature. the persevering efforts of scientists. Scilicet (sili-set). [L] To wit; videlicet; namely: abbreviated to Scil. or Sc. Scilla (sil'la), n. [From Gr. skyllo, to injure - roots poisonous.] A genus of bulbous stemmed plants, mostly natives of Europe, belonging to the nat. order Liliaceæ. See SQUILL.


Scillitine (sil'li-tin), n.

The active ingredient of the squill, or the bulb of the Scilla maritima, to which its medical properties are referrible. Investigations have not yet determined whether it is to be classed with the resins, the alkaloids, or the bitter principles.

Scimitar, Scimiter (sim'i-tér), n. [0. Fr. cimiterre, It. scimitarra, from Per. shemshir, shimshir.] An oriental sword, the blade of which is single-edged, short, curved, and broadest at the point-end. Also written Cimeter.

Scincidae (sin'si-dě), n. pl. A large and widely distributed family of lacertilians, of which the genus Scincus, or skink, is the type. Some are completely snake-like, whilst others possess a single pair of limbs, and others again have the normal two pairs of limbs in a well-developed condition. The blind-worm (Anguis fragilis) is an example of the snake-like forms of this group. See BLIND-WORM, SKINK.

Scincoid (sin'koid), n. One of the Scincida; a scincoidian.

Same as Scin

Scincoid (sin'koid), a. Of, pertaining to, or resembling the Scincida. Scincoidae (sin-koi'de), n. pl. cida. Scincoidian (sin-koi'di-an), n. and a. Same as Scincoid.

Scincus (sin'kus), n. [L.] The skink, a genus of lizards, forming the type of the family Scincida. See SKINK.

Scink (singk), n. 1. A cast calf. [Provincial English. 1-2. The skink. Scinque (singk), n. The skink.

Scintilla (sin'til-la), n. [L] A spark; a glimmer; the least particle; a trace; a tittle. Not a scintilla of evidence.' R. Choate. Scintillant (sin'til-lant), a. [See SCINTILLATE.] Emitting sparks or fine igneous particles; sparkling.

The pointed rays, That from black eyes scintillant blaze. Mat. Green. Scintillate (sin'til-lat), v. i. pret. scintillated; ppr. scintillating. [L. scintillo, scintillatum, from scintilla, a spark.] 1. To emit sparks or fine igneous particles.-2. To sparkle or twinkle, as the fixed stars. Scintillation (sin-til-la'shon), n. 1. The act of emitting sparks or igneous particles; the act of sparkling.-2. The term applied to the twinkling or tremulous motion of the light of the larger fixed stars. Scintillous (sin'til-lus), a. [Rare.] Scintillously (sin'til-lus-li), adv. In a scintillous or sparkling manner. Skelton. Sciography (si-og'ra-fi), n. Same as Sciagraphy.



[Gr. skia, a shadow, and optomai, to see.] Pertaining to the camera obscura, or to the art of exhibiting luminous images in a darkened room.-Scioptic ball, scioptric ball, a perforated globe of wood containing the lens of a camera obscura, fitted with an appendage by means of which it is capable of being turned on its centre to a small extent in any direction, like the eye. It may be fixed at an aperture in a window shutter, and is used for producing images in a darkened room.

Sciopticon (si-op'ti-kon), n. A form of magic-lantern adapted for the exhibition of photographed objects.

Scioptics (si-op'tiks), n. The art or process of exhibiting luminous images, especially those of external objects, in a darkened room, by means of lenses, &c. Sciote, Sciot (si'ot, si'ot), a. Of or belonging to Scio, an island of the Egean Sea, or its inhabitants.

Sciote, Sciot (si'ot, si'ot), n. A native or inhabitant of Scio.

Sciotheric (si-o-ther'ik), a. [See SCIATHERIC.] Pertaining to sun-dials. - Sciotheric telescope, an instrument consisting of a horizontal dial with a telescope adjusted to it, for determining the time, whether of day or night, by means of shadows.

Scire facias (si're fa'shi-as), n. [L.] In law, a writ to enforce the execution of judg ments, patents, or matters of record; or to vacate, quash, or annul them. It is often abbreviated to sci. fa.

Scirewytet (sir'wit), n. The annual tax formerly paid to the sheriff for holding the assizes and county courts.

Scirocco (si-rok'ko), n. See SIROCCO. Scirpus (serpus), n. [L., a rush.] An extensive genus of hardy plants, belonging to the Cyperaceae, known in Britain by the name of club-rush or bulrush, having a wide geographical distribution, and growing in moist places or by rivers. S. tuberosus is the waterchestnut of the Chinese. Several species, especially the S. lacustris or bulrush, are Scirrhoid (skir'roid), a. [Gr. skirrhos, scirused for mats, chair-bottoms, &c. rhus, and eidos, form.] Resembling scirrhus. Dunglison.

Scirrhosis (skir-ro'sis), n. In med. a morbid induration; scirrhus.

Scirrhosity (skir-ros'i-ti), n. [See SCIRRHUS.] In med. the state of being scirrhous; also, a scirrhus or induration. Scirrhous (skir'rus), a. Proceeding from or of the nature of scirrhus; resembling a scirrhus; indurated; knotty; as, scirrhous affections; scirrhous disease; a scirrhous tumour.

Sciolism (si'ol-izm), n. [See SCIOLIST.] Su- Scirrhus (skir'rus), n. [L. scirrus; Gr. skirperficial knowledge.

We hear a great deal of the dangers of sciolism; but, given a mind of average capacity for assimilation and reflection, and the chances are that even a small modicum of scientific truth is likely to prove as good seed sown in a kindly soil.

Scotsman newspaper.

Sciolist (si'ol-ist), n. [L. sciolus, a smatterer, dim. of scius, knowing, from scio, to know. One who knows many things superficially; a smatterer.

These passages in that book, were enough to humble the presumption of our modern sciolists, if their pride were not as great as their ignorance. Sir W. Temple. Sciolistic (si-ol-ist'ik), a. Of or pertaining to sciolism or a sciolist; resembling a sciolist; superficial. Sciolous (si'ol-us), a. Superficially or imperfectly knowing.

I could wish these sciolous zelotists had more judgement joined with their zeal. Howell.

Sciomachy, Sciamachy (si-om'ak-i, si-am'ak-i), n. [Gr. skia, a shadow, and mache, a battle.] A fighting with a shadow; an imaginary or futile combat. To avoid this sciomachy, or imaginary combat with words." Cowley. [Rare.]

Sciomancy (si'o-man-si), n. [Gr. skia, a shadow, and manteia, divination.] Divination by shadows.

Scion (si'on), n. [Fr. scion, from L. sectio, sectionis,a cutting, from seco, to cut. Brachet, however, derives it from Fr. scier, to saw.1 1. A shoot or twig, especially for the purpose of being grafted upon some other tree, or for planting. Our scions, put in wild or savage stock. Shak. Nor cared for seed or scion.' Tennyson. Hence-2. Fig. a descendant; an heir.

Scion of chiefs and monarchs, where art thou? Byron. Scioptic, Scioptric (si-op'tik, si-op'trik), a.

rhos, a hardened swelling or tumour.] In med. a hard tumour on any part of the body, usually proceeding from the induration of a gland, and often terminating in a cancer; the morbid condition of a gland which precedes cancer in the ulcerated state.


Scirrosity (skir-ros'i-ti). Same as ScirrhosSciscitation (sis-si-ta'shon), n. [L. sciscitatio, sciscitationis, from sciscitor, to inquire or demand, from scisco, to know, to ascertain, from scio, to know.] The act of inquiring; inquiry; demand. Bp. Hall. Sciset (siz), v.i. [L. scindo, scissum, to cut.] To cut; to penetrate. The wicked steel scised deep in his right side.' Fairfax. Scissars (siz'ers), n. pl. An old spelling of


Scissel (sis'sel), n. [From L. scindo, to cut.] 1. The clippings of various metals, produced in several mechanical operations. - 2. The remainder of a plate of metal after the planchets or circular blanks have been cut out for the purpose of coinage.

Scissible (sis'si-bl), a. [From L. scindo, scissum, to cut.] Capable of being cut or divided by a sharp instrument; as, scissible matter or bodies. Bacon.

Scissil (sis'sil), n. Same as Scissel. Scissile (sis'sil), a. [L. scissilis, from scindo, to cut.] Capable of being cut or divided by a sharp instrument; scissible. Scissile (sis'sil), n. Same as Scissel. Scission (si'zhon), n. [Fr., from L. scissio, scissionis, from scindo, to cut.] The act of cutting or dividing by an edged instrument; the state of being cut; division; split.

Things ripen towards downright incompatibility,

and what is called scission. Carlyle. Scissor (siz'èr), v.t. To cut with scissors; to prepare with the help of scissors. Massinger.


Scissor-bill (siz'èr-bil), n. Rhynchops, a genus of aquatic birds. See RHYNCHOPS, SKIMMER.

Scissors (siz'êrz), n. pl. [L. scissor, one who cuts or divides, from scindo, scissum, to cut or divide; akin to Gr. schizo, to cut; G. scheiden, to separate, E. to shed.] A cutting instrument resembling shears, but smaller, consisting of two cutting blades movable on a pin in the centre, by which they are fastened, and which cut from opposite sides against an object placed between them. There are a number of varieties of construction specially adapted for cutting fabrics, trimming plants, &c., and for surgical and anatomical purposes. The instrument is often spoken of as a pair of scissors. (See under PAIR.) Formerly written also Ścissars, Cizars, and Cizors. Scissor-tail (siz'er-tal), n. A South American bird, the Milvulus forficatus or tyrannus, and belonging to the fly-catchers It has a forked tail, terminated by two long feathers. When on the wing it has the power of turning in the air very quickly, and

[graphic][merged small]

in so doing opens and shuts its tail just like a pair of scissors. It is about 14 inches in length, including the tail, which measures about 10. Though the dimensions of the bird are thus really small, it is very cour ageous, and is frequently seen to attack and defeat birds that are far superior in size and bodily strength. It is called also the Forktailed Flycatcher.

Scissure (si'zhür), n. [L. scissura, from scindo, to cut.] A longitudinal opening in a body, made by cutting; a cleft; a rent; a fissure. The scissures and fissures of an earthquake.' Dr. H. More. Scitamineæ, Scitaminacea (si-ta-min'é-é, si'tam-i-na"se-e), n. pl. A large order or group of monocotyledonous plants compris ing the three orders or tribes of Musacea, Marantacea, and Zingiberaceae. Scitamineous (si-ta-min'é-us). a. [L. seitamentum, a dainty, a delicacy.] Belonging to the Scitamineæ.

Sciuridae (si-u'ri-de), n. pl. A family of ro dents, comprising the true squirrels, the flying-squirrels, and the marmots. See SQUIRREL

Sciurine (si-'rin), a. [L. sciurus, a squir rel.] Having the characters of the squirrel tribe.

Sciuromorphia (si-ü'ro-mor'fi-a), n. pl. [Gr skiouros, a squirrel, and morphe, form.] A name given to a group of rodents, including the squirrel, beaver, &c. Sciuropterus (si-u-rop'tér-us), n. [Gr. ouros, a squirrel, and pteron, a wing.] A genus of flying-squirrels, allied to Pteromys The species are found in Northern Asia and North America. See PTEROMYS Sciurus (si-u'rus), n. [L sciurus, from Gr skiouros, a squirrel, skia, a shade, and oura a tail.] The squirrel, a genus of rodent mammals. See SQUIRREL Sclate (sklät), n. A slate. [Scotch] Sclaundre, n. [Fr. esclandre, slander, scandal.] Slander. Chaucer. Sclav, Sclave (sklav), n. A member of the Sclavonic family of peoples. See SLAV Sclavonian, Sclavonic (skla-vo'ni-an, skla von'ik), a. Pertaining to the Sclaves Slaves or their language. See SLAV. Writ ten also Slavonian and Slavonic. Sclendre,ta. Slender. Chaucer.


Scleragogy (skle'ra-go-ji), n. [Gr. skleros, hard, and agōge, a leading, driving, or training, from ago, to lead or drive.] Severe discipline or training; mortification; a severe handling of the body. Bp. Hacket. [Rare and obsolete.]

Scleranthaceae (skle-ran-tha'sē-ē), n. pl. [Gr.
skleros, hard, and anthos, a flower.] A small
nat. order of plants allied to Caryophyllaceae,
in which they are often included. They are
small herbs with opposite leaves without
stipules, and axillary sessile hermaphro-
dite flowers. The deep calyx-tube bears the
stamens at the top, hardening round the
nut when in fruit. They are natives of barren
fields in Europe, Asia, and North America.
Knawel, a
Scleranthus (skle-ran'thus), N.
genus of plants belonging to the nat, order
Scleranthaceæ. See KNAWEL.
Sclerema (skle'rē-ma), n. [Gr. skleros, hard.]
In med. same as Scleroma.
Sclerencephalia (skle'ren-se-fa"li-a), n. [Gr.
skleros, hard, and enkephalos, the brain.] In-
duration or hardening of the brain.
Sclerenchyma (skle-ren'ki-ma), n. [Gr.
skleros, hard, and enchyma, infusion.] The
calcareous tissue of which a coral is com-

Scleretinite (sklē-rë'tin-ït), n. [Gr. skleros,
hard, and retinë, resin.] A black, hard,
brittle mineral resin, nearly allied to amber,
found in the coal formation in drops and

Scleriasis (sklē-rī'as-is), n. [Gr. skleros,
hard.] In med. any hard tumour or indur-
ation. Dunglison.

Sclerites (skle'ritz), n. pl. [Gr. sklēros, hard.]
The calcareous spicules which are scattered
in the soft tissues of certain Actinozoa.
Sclerobase (skle'rō-bas), n. The horny axis
or stem of a coral.

Sclerobasic (sklé-rō-bās'ik), a. [Gr. skleros,
hard, and basis, a base.] Applied to a
coral which is produced by the outer sur-
face of the integuments in certain Actinozoa
(e.g. red coral), and forms a solid axis which
is invested by the soft parts of the animal.
The sclerobasic corallum is in reality an exo-
skeleton, somewhat analogous to the shell
of a crustacean, being a true tegumentary
secretion. It is termed foot secretion by
Dana. The sclerobasic corallum is produced
by a compound organism only, and can be
distinguished from a sclerodermic by being
usually more or less smooth, and invariably
devoid of the cups or receptacles for the
separate polyps always present in the latter.
Scleroderm (sklē'rō-dèrm), n. [Gr. skleros,
hard, and derma, skin.] One of a family of
plectognathic (teleostean) fishes, compre-
hending those which have the skin rough or
covered with hard scales. One species, the
Balistes or file-fish, occasionally occurs in
the British seas.
Scleroderma (sklé-rō-dêr'ma), n.
induration of the cellular tissue.
Sclerodermic (sklė-rō-dér mik), a.
pertaining to a scleroderm.-2. Applied to
the corallum which is deposited between
the tissues of certain Actinozoa, being se-
creted apparently by the inner layer of the
ectoderm, and is called tissue secretion by
Dana. In the sclerodermic corallum each
polyp has a complete skeleton of its own,
and the entire coral may consist of such
skeleton, or of several united by the calcare-
ous matter of the cœnosarc.


In med.

1. Of or

Sclerogen (sklē'rō-jen),n. [Gr. skleros, hard, and gennao, to produce.] In bot. the matter of lignification which is deposited on the inner surface of the cells of plants, contributing to their thickness; lignin. Sclerogenidæ (skle-ro-jen'i-dē), n. pl. [Gr. skleros, hard, and genys, a cheek.] A family of acanthopterygious teleostean fishes distinguished by having the cheeks mailed or defended by spines or scaly plates of hard matter. Called also Triglide. See MAILED


Scleroid (sklē'roid), a. [Gr. skleros, hard,
and eidos, appearance.] In bot. having a
hard texture.
In med, indur-
Scleroma (sklērō-ma), n.
ation of the cellular tissue. Dunglison.
Sclerometer (sklē-rom'et-ér), n. [Gr. sklēros,
hard, and metron, a measure.] An instru-
ment for accurately determining the degree
of hardness of a mineral.
Sclerophthalmia (sklé-rof-thal'mi-a), n.
(Gr. skleros, hard, and ophthalmos, the eye.]
In med. (a) a small inflammatory tumour
which exhibits itself near the free edge of
the eyelids; a sty. (b) Cancer of the eye.
g, go; j, job;
ch, chain; ch, Sc. loch;


In med. indura-
Sclerosis (sklē-rō'zis), n.
tion of the cellular tissue. Dunglison.
Scleroskeleton (sklē'rō-skel-e-ton), n. [Gr.
skleros, hard, and E. skeleton.] In anat. (a)
a name given to bones developed in tendons,
ligaments, &c., as in a turkey's leg. (b) The
hardened or ossified fibrous and tendinous
tissues that inclose organs. Owen.
Sclerostoma (skle-ros'to-ma), n. [Gr. skleros,
hard, stoma, the mouth.] A genus of para-
sitic worms belonging to the order Nema-
toidea (thread-worms or round-worms), one
species of which (S. duodenale) inhabits the
small intestine in the human body. It
varies in size from inch to inch, and the
symptoms to which it gives rise are often of
It is common in Italy
a serious character.
and in Egypt.

Sclerotal (sklē-rō'tal), a. A term applied to
the ossified part of the eye-capsule of a fish,
commonly existing in two pieces. Owen.
Sclerotic (skle-rotik), a. (Gr. skleros, hard,
sklerotes, hardness.] Hard; firm; as, the
sclerotic coat or tunic of the eye.
Sclerotic (skle-rot'ik), n. 1. The firm white
membrane which covers nearly the posterior
four-fifths of the eye, its place in front being
supplied by a transparent membrane called
the cornea, which affords a passage to the
light.-2. A medicine which hardens and
consolidates the parts to which it is applied.
Sclerotitis (skle-rō-ti'tis), n. Inflammation

of the sclerotic coat.

Sclerous (sklē'rus), a. (Gr. sklēros, hard.]
Hard; bony; as, sclerous structure. Dana.
Scoat (skōt), v. t. [Armor. scoaz, the shoulder;
whence scoazya, to shoulder up, to prop, to
support; W. ysgwydd, a shoulder; ysgwydd-
aw, to shoulder.] To stop or block, as a
wheel, by placing some obstacle, as a stone,
to prevent its rolling; to scotch.
Scobby (skob'i), n. A familiar name for the
common chaffinch.

Scobiform (skob'i-form), a. [L. scobs, scobis,
saw-dust, and forma, form] Having the forni
of or resembling saw-dust or raspings.
[L., a rasp or file.]
Scobina (sko-bina), n.
In bot. the immediate support to the spike-
lets of grasses.

Scobs (skobz), n. [L. scobs, saw-dust, scrap-
ings, raspings, from scabo, to scrape.] Rasp-
ings of ivory, hartshorn, metals, or other
hard substances; dross of metals, &c.; saw-

Scochon, † n.


An escutcheon of arms.

Scoff (skof), v.i. [Icel. skopa, skeypa, to
scoff, to mock; comp. D. skuffe, to deceive.
See the noun.] To show insolent ridicule
or mockery; to manifest contempt by deri-
sion; to utter contemptuous language; to
mock: with at before the object.

Hab. i. 10.
They shall scoff at the kings.
Truth from his lips prevail'd, with double sway,
And fools, who came to scoff, remain'd to pray.
Scoff (skof), v.t. To treat with derision or
scorn; to mock at; to ridicule. Scoffing

his state.' Shak.

To scoff religion is ridiculously proud and immodest.
Scoff (skof), n. [Icel. skop, skaup, mockery,
ridicule; O.H. G. scoph, O. Fris. schof, sport.
See the verb.] 1. Expression of derision,
ridicule, or mockery; expression of scorn or
contempt; a jibe; a flout. With scoffs and

I met with scoffs, I met with scorns,
From youth, and babe, and hoary hairs.

2. An object of scoffing or derision; a mark
for derision.

The principles of liberty were the scoff of every grinning courtier, and anathema maranatha of every Macaulay. fawning dean. One who scoffs; one that mocks or derides; a scorner. Scoffer (skof'èr), n. There shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, 'Where is the pro2 Pet. iii. 3, 4. mise of his coming?" Scoffery (skof'èr-i), n. The act of scoffing; mockery. Holinshed. In a scoffing Scoffingly (skof'ing-li), adv. manner; in mockery or contempt; by way of derision. Aristotle applied this hemistich scoffingly to the W. Broome. sycophants at Athens. Pokeweed. See POKE. Scoke (skōk), n. Scolaie,t v. To attend school; to study. Chaucer. Scold (sköld), v.i. [Sc. scald, L.G. and D. schelden, Dan. skielde, G. schelten, to scold, to rail, to revile; allied to Icel. skjalla, to clash, to clatter; comp. also Icel. skellr, clang, crash; G. schelle, a bell, and Sw. skalla, n, Fr. ton;


to bark like a dog, to scold. Perhaps originally imitative of noise.] To find fault or rail with rude clamour; to brawl; to utter railing or harsh, rude, boisterous rebuke; to make use of abuse or vituperation: generally with at; as, to scold at a servant. I had rather hear them scold than fight. Shak. For gods, we are by Homer told, Swift. Can in celestial language scold. Scold (sköld), v.t. To chide with rudeness and ill-temper; to rate; to reprimand; to vituperate. She scolded her husband one day out of doors.' Howell.

Scold (sköld), n. 1. One who scolds; a scolder; especially, a rude, noisy, foul-mouthed woman; a railing virago.


Scolds answer foul-mouthed scolds. 2. A scolding; a brawl. One that scolds or rails. 'Scolders and sowers of discord.' Scolder (sköld'êr), n. Cranmer. The act of one Scolding (sköld'ing), n. who scolds; railing or vituperative language; a rating.

The bitterest and loudest scolding is for the most South. part among those of the same street.

Scoldingly (sköld′ing-li), adv. In a scolding manner; like a scold.

Scolecida (sko-le'si-da), n. pl. [From Gr. skolex, an earthworm, a tape-worm.] Huxley's name for a provisional class of annuloids, comprising the Rotifera, Turbellaria, Trematoda, Tæniada, Nematoidea, Acanthocephala, and Gordiacea, and thus including the tape-worms, flukes, &c. The Scolecida are characterized by the possession of a water vascular system, consisting of a remarkable set of vessels which communicate with the exterior by one or more apertures situated upon the surface of the body, and branch out, more or less extensively, into its substance. No proper vascular apparatus is present, and the nervous system (when present) consists of one or two closely approximated ganglia.

Scolecite (skō'lē-sit), n. [Gr. skōlēx, a worm.]
In mineral. see MESOTYPE.

Scolex (skō'leks), n. pl. Scolices (skō'li-sēz).
[Gr. skolex (pl. skölēkes), a worm.] The larva
of Scolecida; a tape-worm in its embryonic
stage, formerly called a cystic worm.
Scoliosis (sko-li-ō'sis), n. [Gr. skolios,
crooked.] A distortion of the spine to one
side. Scoliosis brace, a brace for treating
lateral curvature of the spine.
Scolite (skō'lit), n. [Gr. skolios, tortuous.]
In geol. the name by which those tortuous
tubes found in rocks of almost all ages, from
the Cambrian period upwards, are known;
supposed to be the burrows of certain anne-
lids, or, possibly, of minute fossorial crusta-
Written also Scolithus.


Scollop (skol'op), n. 1. A kind of shell-fish See SCALLOP.with a pectinated shell.

2. An indentation or cut like those of a pectinated shell.

Scollop (skol'op), v.t. To form or cut with scollops. See SCALLOP.

Scolopacidæ (skol-o-pas'i-dē), [L. scolopax, Gr. skolopax, a snipe, a woodcock, and eidos, resemblance.] A family of longirostral wading-birds, of which the genus Scolopax is the type; the snipe and wood-cock family. They have all a long, flexible, soft bill, peculiarly sensitive at the tip, so that it constitutes an organ of touch, and is useful as a probe in seeking their food-consisting of worms, slugs, &c.-in mud, soft earth, sand, &c.

Scolopax (skol'o-paks), n. A genus of birds, of the order Grallatores, including the woodcock and snipe.


Scolopendra (skol-o-pen'dra), n. [Gr. skolopendra, a milliped.] A genus of articulate animals, of the order Cheilopoda, and class Myriapoda, destitute of wings. These animals have nearly as many feet on each side as there are segments in the body. There are several species. They inhabit the southern parts of Europe, and all the tropical portions of the globe, and their bite is venomSee CHEILOPODA, CENTIPED. Scolopendrium (skol-o-pen'dri-um), n. A genus of ferns. See HART'S-TONGUE. Scolymus (skol'i-mus), n. [Gr. skolymos, a kind of thistle.] A genus of smooth, erect, thistle-like herbs belonging to the nat, order Compositæ, natives of the Mediterranean region. They have alternate rigid spiny leaves, and sessile terminal or lateral heads of yellow flowers. S. hispanicus is sometimes included in English lists by the name of golden-thistle. See GOLDEN-THISTLE.

ng, sing; TH, then; th, thin; w, wig; wh, whig; zh, azure.-See KEY.


Scolytus (skol'i-tus), n. A genus of small but very destructive coleopterous insects, belonging to the family Xylophagi or woodeaters. They destroy immense numbers of trees, especially firs, pines, and elms, by piercing them for the sake of eating the inner bark.


Scomber (skom'bér), n. [Gr. skombros, the mackerel.) The mackerel, a genus of acanthopterygious fishes, the type of the family Scomberida. See MACKEREL. Scomberesocidae (skom'bér-e-sos"i-de), n. pl. Lit. the mackerel-pikes, a family of teleostean fishes containing the saury-pike (Scomberesox saurus) and others. Scomberesox (skom'bèr-e-soks), n. A genus of fishes containing the saury-pike. SAURY-PIKE. Scomberidæ (skom-ber'i-de), n. pl. [Gr.skombros, the mackerel, and eidos, resemblance.] A family of acanthopterygian fishes, of which the common mackerel may be regarded as a type. The tunny, sword-fish, dory, and boarfish also belong to this group, which contains a multitude of species and many genera. Scomberoid (skom'ber-oid), n. A fish of the family Scomberida. Scomfish (skom'fish), v.t. [Corruption of discomfit.] To suffocate, as by noxious air, smoke, &c. [Scotch.]

My cousin, Mrs. Glass, has a braw house here, but a' thing is sae poisoned wi' snuti that I am like to be scomfished whiles. Sir W. Scott.

Scomfish (skom'fish), v. i. To be suffocated or stifled. [Scotch.]


Scommt (skom), n. [L. scomma, from Gr. skómma, a scoff, a gibe, a taunt, from sköptō, to mock, to jeer.] 1. A flout; a jeer. scomme of the orator.' Fotherby.-2. A buffoon. The scomms or buffoons of quality.' Sir R. L'Estrange.

Sconce (skons), n. [O.E. sconse, O. Fr. esconse, a screen, a shelter, a sconce; from Med. L. absconsa (for absconsa candela, a hidden or covered light), sconsa, a dark lantern, a sconce, from L. abscondo, absconsum, to hide. See ABSCOND.] 1. A cover; a shelter; a protection; as, specifically, (a) a screen or partition to cover or protect anything: a shed or hut for protection from weather; a covered stall. 'One that... must raise a sconce by the highest way and sell swiches.' Beau. & Fl. (b) A cover or protection for a light; a case or lantern for а candle; hence, also the tube in an ordinary candlestick in which the candle is inserted; a fixed lantern or candlestick hanging or projecting from a wall. Tapers put


into lanterns or sconces of several-coloured oiled paper that the wind might not annoy them. Evelyn.

Golden sconces hang upon the wall.


(c) A work for defence; a bulwark; a fort, as for the defence of a pass or river. [It is probable that the word received this specific sense from English or Scotch soldiers engaged in the Low Countries, Sweden, and Germany, through its resemblance in form and sense to D. schans, G. schanze, Sw. skans, Dan. skandse, a redoubt, a fort, which are not unlikely derived from 0. Fr. sconser, esconser, to hide-L. ex, and condo, to hide.]

They will learn you by rote where services were done; at such and such a sconce, at such a breach, Shak.

(d) A covering or protection for the head; a helmet: a head-piece. A sconce for my head.' Shak. (e) The head itself; the skull.

To knock him about the sconce with a dirty shovel.' Shak. Hence, (1) brains; sense; judgment; discretion. Which their dull sconces cannot easily reach.' Dr. H. More. (2) A mulct; a fine. Comp. polltax. (3) The broad head or top of anything, as the brim around the circular tube of a candlestick into which the candle is inserted. 2. A fixed seat or shelf. North.-3. A fragment of an ice-floe. Kane.

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Sconcheon (skon'shon), n. In arch. the portion of the side of an aperture, from the back of the jamb or reveal to the interior of the wall. Gwilt.

Scone (skon), n. A thin cake of wheat or barley meal. [Scotch.]

Sconner (skon'èr), v. i. To nauseate; to loathe;
to scunner. Burns. [Scotch.]
Sconner (skon'ér), n. Loathing; scunner.
Burns. [Scotch.]

Scoop (sköp), n. [0. and Prov. E. scope, a scoop, a kind of large ladle for water; D. schop, schup, spade, shovel; Sw. skopa, a scoop, a kind of ladle; Dan. skuffe, a shovel. From same root as shove, shovel. The word may have entered English through the French, being thus the same as O. Fr. escope, which itself is from the Teutonic.] 1. (a) A thin metallic shovel with capacious sides for lifting grain. (b) A similar utensil of a less size, and generally made of tinplate, used for lifting sugar, flour, and the like. (c) A large ladle or vessel with a long handle for dipping amongst liquors; a vessel for bailing boats. (d) The bucket of a dredging-machine. 2. A spoon-shaped surgical instrument for extracting foreign bodies, as a bullet from a wound, &c.-3. A tool for scooping out potato eyes from the tubers.-4. A sort of pan for holding coals; a coal-scuttle.-5. A basinlike cavity, natural or artificial; a hollow.

Some had lain in the scoop of the rock. Drake. 6. A cant stock exchange term for a sudden breaking down of prices for the purpose of buying stocks at cheaper rates, followed by a rise.

Scoop (sköp), v. t. 1. To take out with a scoop or as with a scoop; to lade out.

He scoop'd the water from the crystal flood. Dryden. At length I hailed him, seeing that his hat Was moist with water-drops, as if the brim Had newly scooped a running stream. Wordsworth 2. To empty as with a scoop or by lading; as, he scooped it dry.-3. To hollow out; to excavate; as, the Indians scoop the trunk of a tree into a canoe.

Those carbuncles the Indians will scoop so as to hold above a pint. Arbuthnot.

4. To remove so as to leave a place hollow. A spectator would think this circular mount had been actually scooped out of that hollow space. Spectator. Scooper (sköp'ér), n. 1. One who or that which scoops; specifically, a tool used by engravers on wood for cleaning out the white parts of a block. It somewhat resembles a small chisel, but is rounded underneath instead of being flat.-2. A wading bird, the avocet (Recurvirostra avocetta). It has this name from its long bill, which is curved upwards so as somewhat to resemble a scoop. Scoop-net (sköp'net), n. A net so formed as to sweep the bottom of a river. Scoop-wheel (sköp'whel), n. A wheel made like an overshot water-wheel, with buckets round its circumference. This being turned by a steam-engine or other power is employed to scoop up the water in which the lower part dips and raise it to a height equal to the diameter of the wheel, when the buckets, turning over, deposit the water in a trough or reservoir prepared to receive it. Such wheels are sometimes used for irrigating lands.

Scope (skop), n. [L. scopus, Gr. skopos, that on which one fixes the eye, a mark, aim, from Gr. skeptomai, to view, to observe; It. scopo, mark, view, aim. The use of the word in English may have been suggested by the Italian, as it does not seem to occur in French.] 1. A mark shot at. 'And shooting wide, doe misse the marked scope." Spenser.-2. That which forms a person's aim; the end or thing to which the mind directs its view; that which is purposed to be reached or accomplished; ultimate design, aim, or purpose; intention; drift. Your scope is as mine own, So to enforce and qualify the laws, As to your soul seems good. The scope of all their pleading against man's authority is to overthrow such laws and constitutions of the church as depending thereupon. Hooker.


3. Free or wide outlook or aim; amplitude of intellectual range or view; as, a mind of wide scope.-4. Room for free outlook or aim;

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The scopes of land granted to the first adventurers were too large. Sir F. Davies.

7. Length; extent; sweep; as, scope of cable. Scopelida (sko-pel'i-dě), n. pl. A family of acanthopterygious (teleostean) fishes, nearly allied to the salmon family, and formerly forming part of it. They are, however, distinguished from the members of that family by the structure of the mouth and by the ova being discharged by a proper canal. Few of them have an air-bladder. They are generally marine, and abound in the Chinese and East Indian seas. The Mediterranean produces some, and one species, the argentine, is British. Some are held in high esteem for their flavour.

Scopiferous (skō-pif'èr-us), a. [L scopa, a brush, and fero, to bear.] Furnished with one or more dense brushes of hair. Scopiform (sko'pi-form), a. (L. scopa, a broom, and forma, form.] Having the form of a broom or besom. Zeolite, stelliform or Scopiped (sko'pi-ped), n. [L scopa, a broom, scopiform. Kirwan. and pes, pedis, a foot.] One of a tribe of melliferous insects, having a brush of hairs on the posterior foot.

Scoppett (skop'et), v. t. [A dim. from scoop.] To lade out.

Vain man, can he hope to scoppet it [the channel as fast as it fills? Bp. Hall Scoptic,t Scoptical+ (skop'tik, skop'tik-al), a. [Gr. sköptikos, from sköpto, to mock, to scoff.] Scoffing. Lucian and other scop tick wits. Bp. Ward. Scoptical humour.' Hammond.

Scopticallyt (skop'tik-al-li), adv. Mockingly; scoffingly.

Homer (speaking scoptically) breaks open the fountain of his ridiculous humour. Спартан. Scopulous (skop'u-lus), a. [L. scopulosus, from scopulus, a peak, a rock. ] Full of rocks; rocky. Bailey

Scopus (sko'pus), n. [Gr. skopos, a sentinel.] A genus of wading birds, natives of Africa The S. umbretta, or crested umbre, is a bird about the size of a crow. See UMBRE. Scorbutet (skor'būt), n. [Fr. scorbut, scurvy.] Scurvy. Purchas. Scorbutic (skor-bü'tik), a. (Fr. scorbutique, from scorbut, the scurvy, a word of Germanic origin, and allied to E. scurry.] Pertaining to, resembling, or affected or diseased with scurvy.


Violent purging hurts scorbutic constitutions. Scorbutic (skor-bü'tik), n. A person affected with scurvy.

Scorbutical (skor-bü'tik-al), a. Same as Scorbutic. A full and scorbutical body." Wiseman.

Scorbutically (skor-bu'tik-al-li), adv. In a scorbutic manner; with the scurvy, or with a tendency to it. 'A woman scorbutically and hydropically affected.' Wiseman. Scorce (skors), n. and v. Barter; to barter. See SCORSE.

Scorch (skorch), v.t. [0. Fr. escorcher, excorcer, Mod. Fr. écorcher, écorcer, to strip off the skin; Pr. escortegar, It. scorticare; from L. excorticare-ex, out off, and cortex, corticis, bark or hide (whence cork)] 1. To bura superficially; to subject to a degree of heat that changes the colour, or both the colour and texture of the surface; to parch or shrivel up the surface of by heat; to singe. Summer drouth or singeing air, Never scorch thy tresses fair.


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Scordium (skordi-um), n. [L.] A plant, the water germander, a species of Teucrium (T. Scordium), a creeping marsh plant, with a disagreeable garlic odour when bruised; once highly esteemed as an antidote for poisons, and as an antiseptic and anthelmintic.

Score (skör), n. [A. Sax. scor, a score, a notch, from sceran, to shear, to cut; Icel skor, an incision, a tally, the number twenty: skora, to make an incision, to number by making notches in wood. Akin scar or scaur, share, shear, sheer, shire, shore, short.] 1. A notch or incision; especially, a notch or cut made on a tally for the purpose of keeping account of something: a mode of reckoning in former times when writing was less common.

Whereas, before, our forefathers had no other books but the score and the tally, thou hast caused printing to be used. Shak.

2. The number twenty, as being marked off by a special score or tally.

Score, when used for twenty, has been well and rationally accounted for by supposing that our unlearned ancestors, to avoid the embarrassment of large numbers, when they had made twice ten notches cut off the piece or tally containing them, and afterwards counted the scores or pieces cut off, and reckoned by the number of separated pieces, or by



Score was constantly used by archers to
mean twenty yards; thus, a mark of twelve
score meant a mark at the distance of 240
yards.--3. An account or reckoning kept by
scores, marks, or otherwise; an account of

E'en now the godlike Brutus views his score
Scroll'd on the bar-board, swinging with the door.

Hence, what is due; a debt.

They say he parted well, and paid his score.

4. An account or register of numbers gener-
ally; the number of points or runs made by
players in certain games; as, he made a
good score at cricket.-5. Account; reason;
motive; sake.


But left the trade, as many more Have lately done on the same score. You act your kindness on Cydaria's score. Dryden. 6. A line drawn; a long superficial scratch. 7. In music, the original draught, or its transcript, of a musical composition with the parts for all the different voices or instruments arranged and placed in juxtapositions and bar for bar: so called from the practice of drawing the bar continuously down through the group of staves. -Close, compressed, or short score, a method of writing concerted vocal music on two clefs, the soprano and alto being on the treble or G clef, and the tenor and bass on the bass or F clef, ledger-lines being used for the lower alto or higher tenor notes.Full score, a score in which each of the various parts is written on a separate staff. -Pianoforte or organ score, a score in which the vocal parts are written out in full on separate staves, and the instrumental accompaniment is arranged in two staves (treble and bass), for performance on a pianoforte or organ.-To go off at score, in pedestrianism, to start from the score or scratch; bence, to start off, generally. Going off at score, on a fresh theme.' Dickens. He went off at score, and made pace so strong that he cut them all down. Lawrence. -To quit scores, to pay fully; to make even by giving an equivalent.

Does not the earth quit scores with all the elements in the fruits that issue from it? South.

-Score of a dead eye (naut.), the hole through which the rope passes.

Score (skor), v.t. pret. & pp. scored; ppr.
scoring. 1. To make scores or scratches on;
to mark with furrows, notches, or incisions;
to furrow.

Let us score their backs,
And snatch 'em up, as we take hares, behind.

[blocks in formation]


It was their the (crusaders') very judgment that
hereby they did both merit and supererogate; and
by dying for the cross, cross the score of their sins,
score up God as their debtor.

7. In music, to write down in score; to write
out, as the different parts of a composition,
in proper order and arrangement.
Scorer (skōr'êr), n.


2. A scoffer; a derider; one who scoffs at religion, its ordinances and teachers. Prov. i. 22.

Scornful (skorn'ful), a. Full of scorn or
extreme contempt; contemptuous; disdain-
ful; entertaining scorn; insolent.

ful Lysander.' Shak.
One who or that which
scores; specifically, (a) one who keeps the
score or tally at cricket, rifle matches, and
the like.

The umpires were stationed behind the wickets;
the scorers were prepared to notch the runs.

(b) An instrument used by woodmen in
marking numbers, &c., on forest trees.
Scoria (sko'ri-a), n. pl. Scoriæ (skō'ri-ė). [L.
scoria, from Gr. skōria, from skōr, ordure.]
1. The recrement of metals in fusion, or the
slag rejected after the reduction of metallic
ores; dross. The scoria, or vitrified part
which most metals when heated or melted
do continually protrude to the surface.'
Newton.-2. pl. The cinders of volcanic

Scoriac (sko'ri-ak), a. Scoriaceous.
Scoriaceous (sko-ri-a'shus), a. Pertaining
to scoria or dross; like dross or the recre-
ment of metals; partaking of the nature of

Scorification (skō'ri-fi-kā"shon), n. In
metal. the act or operation of reducing a
body, either wholly or in part, into scoria.
Scorifier (sko'ri-fi-ér), n. A vessel shaped
much like a cupel, but made of crucible
earth, used for the process of scorification
in assaying silver.

Scoriform (skō'ri-form), a. [Scoria and
form.] Like scoria; in the form of dross.

Scorify (sko'ri-fi), v. t. To reduce to scoria
or drossy matter.

Scorilite (sko'ri-lit), n. [Gr. skōria, dross,
and lithos, a stone.] A syenitic mineral; a
silicate of alumina, iron, and lime.
Scorious (skō'ri-us), a. Drossy; recrementi-
tious. Drossy and scorious parts.' Sir T.
Browne. [Rare.]

[ocr errors]

Scorn (skorn), n. [0.Fr. escorne, affront,
shame, disgrace, escorner, It. scornare, to
break off the horns, to degrade, to affront,
to deride, from L. ex, without, and cornu, a
horn.] 1. Extreme and passionate contempt;
that disdain which springs from a person's
opinion of the utter meanness and unworthi-
ness of an object, and a consciousness or
belief of his own superiority; lofty con-
tempt; as, to cherish an intense scorn of
meanness; to feel scorn for a person. The
red glow of scorn and proud disdain.' Shak.
2. The expression of this feeling; mockery;
derision; scoff. If sickly ears will hear your
idle scorns.' Shak.

Every sullen frown and bitter scorn

But fann'd the fuel that too fast did burn. Dryden.
3. A subject of extreme contempt, disdain,
or derision; that which is treated with con-
tempt. To make a loathsome abject scorn
of me.' Shak.

Thou makest us a reproach to our neighbours, a
scorn and a derision to them that are round about us.
Ps. xliv. 13.

-To think scorn, to disdain; to despise.
He thought scorn to lay hands on Mordecai alone.

Est. iii. 6.

I know no reason why you should think scorn of
Sir P. Sydney.

-To laugh to scorn, to deride; to make a
mock of; to ridicule as contemptible.

His who for the bane of thousands born,
Built God a church, and laughed his word to scorn.
Scorn (skorn), v.t. [See the noun.] 1. To
hold in scorn or extreme contempt; to de-
spise; to disdain; as, to scorn a mean per-
son; to scorn his meanness: often with in-
finitives; as, to scorn to take advantage of a

Surely he scorneth the scorners; but he giveth
grace unto the lowly.
Prov. iii. 34.

Fame is the spur that the clear spirit doth raise
To scorn delights and live laborious days. Milton.
2. To treat with scorn; to cast aside with
scorn or contempt; to make a mock of; to
deride. "To taunt and scorn you thus op-
probriously.' Shak.

Scorn (skorn), v. i. 1. To feel scorn or dis-
dain; to regard as worthy of scorn.-2. To
scoff; to treat with contumely, derision, or
reproach: with at.

He said mine eyes were black, and my hair black,
And, now I am remembered, scorned at me. Shak.
Scorner (skorn'ér), n. 1. One that scorns;
a contemner; a despiser. Not a scorner of
your sex, but venerator.' Tennyson.

They are great scorners of death. Spenser.



Th' enamour'd deity The scornful damsel shuns. Of all the griefs that harass the distrest, Sure the most bitter is a scornful jest. Johnson, Scornfully (skorn'ful-li), adv. In a scornful manner; with extreme contempt; contemptuously; insolently.

The sacred rights of the Christian church are scornfully trampled on in print. Atterbury.

of being scornful.

Scornfulness (skorn'ful-nes), n. The quality
Deserving scorn.
Scorny (skorn'i), a.
Scorny dross. Mir. for Mags.
Scorodite (skor'od-it), n. [Gr. skorodon,
garlic; from its smell under the blowpipe.]
A native compound of arsenic acid and oxide
of iron, having a leek-green or brownish

Scorpæna (skor-pe'na), n. [Gr. skorpaina,
a kind of fish.] A genus of fishes belonging
to the family Triglidæ or Scorpænidæ. See

Scorpio (skor'pi-õ), n. [L.] A genus of
Arachnidæ. See SCORPION.

Scorpio, Scorpius (skor pi-o, skor'pi-us), n.
[L] A constellation of the zodiac. See

Scorpioid (skor'pi-oid), n. [Scorpion, and
Gr. eidos, resemblance.] In bot. an inflores-
cence which is rolled up towards one side,
in the manner of a crosier, unrolling as the
flowers expand. Treas. of Bot.
Scorpioid, Scorpioidal (skor'pi-oid, skor-
pi-oid'al),a. 1. Scorpion-like.-2. In bot. said
of a peculiar twisted inflorescence, curved
or circinnate at the end, like the tail of a
scorpion, as in the members of Boraginaceae.
Scorpion (skor'pi-on), n. [L. scorpio, scor-
pionis, also scorpius, from Gr. skorpion, skor-
pios, scorpion.] 1. The name of any species
of Scorpio, a genus of pulmonary arachnids
-order Arthrogastra or Pedipalpi. Scor-
pions have an elongated body, suddenly ter-
minated by a long slender tail formed of six
joints, the last of which terminates in an


Scorpion (Scorpio afer).

arcuated and very acute sting, which effuses a venomous liquid. This sting gives rise to excruciating pain, but is unattended either with redness or swelling, except

in the axillary or inguinal glands, when an ex-
tremity is affected. It is very seldom, if ever,
fatal to man. The insect has four pairs of
limbs borne by the thorax or chest-segments,
and the maxillary palpi (organs of touch
belonging to the maxillæ or lesser jaws) are
largely developed, and constitute a formid-
able pair of nipping claws. With these claws
they seize their insect prey, which is after-
wards killed by the sting. The eyes, which
are of the simple kind, number six, eight,
or twelve. It was formerly believed that an
oil, extracted from the scorpion, had the
virtue of curing the sting of the animal.
We find this belief referred to in the follow-
ing passage:-

And though I once despaired of woman, now
I find they relish much of scorpions,
For both have stings, and both can hurt and cure too.
Beau. & Fl.
It is also asserted that when the scorpion is
surrounded by a circle of fire, and finds no
means of escape from the action of the heat,
it will sting itself. This is alluded to by vari-
ous writers. Scorpions are found in the
south of Europe, in Africa, in the East In-
dies, and in South America. The number
of species is not accurately determined.-
2. In Scrip. a painful scourge; a kind of
whip armed with points like a scorpion's

My father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. 1 Ki. xii. 11.

3. In astron, the eighth sign of the zodiac which the sun enters about Oct. 23.-4. An ancient military engine used chiefly in the defence of the walls of a town. It resembled the balista in form, consisting of two beams bound together by ropes, from the middle of which rose a third beam, called the stylus, so disposed as to be pulled up and let down

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