Lapas attēli




significance of the community-Effects of industrial depression-Houseudied-Members of households for whom detailed information was securedables 582 to 585 and General Tables 325 and 326].


unity E is made up of two adjoining towns which are for all 1 purposes one city, the divisions between them being more 1 than real. They are situated in the southwestern part of along the bank of the Mississippi River, and are connected by nd electric lines with St. Louis. The towns are of comparaecent growth, having, during the past five years, experienced aordinary expansion in business and population, brought y the establishment of new industries and the extension of Iready established, especially that of steel. The principal y is the car shops and foundry established in the year 1889. mpany has an annual capacity of 400,000 chilled cast-iron and passenger car wheels, 15,000 all-steel freight cars, and ons of bolts and forgings. Under normal conditions it employs nen. One steel foundry company, which began operations in urns out each year 60,000 tons of railway and other large steel s and has a force of 1,600 employees. Another steel foundry, shed in 1902, has an annual capacity of 50,000 steel castings ploys about 1,400 men. Another establishment, founded in engaged in the manufacture of steel and granite ware. There in the community a company engaged in the manufacture of roducts, which was started in 1904 and which has more than sons on its pay roll.

of the community is in an early stage of growth, and as is the case with towns of this character in the Middle West, rs a large area of territory. Its streets are bad and its buildrgely of frame construction and scattered. Another part has a more permanent stage, with good streets, stone and brick gs, and attractive residential sections.


ing five months of 1908 the car shops and steel companies ntly reduced their working forces until only a very small pere of the number of employees before the panic were at work. e other hand, the depression brought an increasing volume of ss to the corn-products company, through their manufacture eap kind of sirup, and this company employed more labor than


he general curtailment of work, as is usually the case, married with families and Americans were given the preference. As a the recent immigrants were the residual sufferers and were


many instances the few unskilled places that by Americans who were normally skilled work time of the depression were compelled to take a could get.

Being unable to secure work, the recent immi sufficient to pay their passage, or who had been from home, returned to their native countries. in the community who came to this country d and were unable to secure work and save sufficie who were unable to return to their countries political offenses or other reasons. The esti between five and six thousand recent immigrant during the first six months of 1908.

Those that remained were supported in large cantile houses. The representative mercantile e the Bulgarians adopted the policy of extending c They permitted them to retain their rooms on them with clothing, meat, groceries, bread, and their promises to pay as soon as they were able volume of credit extended may be understood f April 1, 1908, one mercantile house had on its b similar establishment was carrying $15,000 in s

With very few exceptions, the Bulgarian fir accounts of their countrymen and other recent matter of fact, the merchants were not taking ve they so completely controlled the alien populati tional reason that although the credits represen large sums, the individual accounts were small without inconvenience as soon as work was resur the merchants, however, whether brought about terested motives, had the effect of lessening the a and public relief to the unemployed immigrants, in other localities. Only a small amount of relief and this was brought about by several Macedonia with 400 to 500 patrons, which refused any long


In addition to the statistical data gathered fro local manufacturing plants and their employees, shows, by general nativity and race of head of h holds studied in the community.

TABLE 582.-Households studied, by general nativity and ra


General nativity and race of head of household.

receding table indicates roughly the relatively numerical ace of the households of each specified race in the community. proportion of Bulgarian than of Magyar households were for detailed study on account of the comparatively larger of such households.


ollowing table shows, by general nativity and race of head of ld, the persons in households studied and persons for whom information was secured:

3.-Persons in households studied and persons for whom detailed information was secured, by general nativity and race of head of household.

[blocks in formation]

gards the 808 persons in the 145 households studied in this it will be seen that the entire number are in households the of which are foreign-born. In this locality only those househe heads of which are Bulgarians and Magyars were studied, will be noted that a very much larger proportion of the total r of persons are in households the heads of which are Bulgarians. following table shows the sex of persons in the households 1 for whom information was secured, according to general y and race of head of household:

84.—Sex of persons for whom detailed information was secured, by general nativity and race of head of household.

[blocks in formation]

The preceding table clearly indicates a prepo both Bulgarian and Magyar households, althoug over females is less marked among the Magy Bulgarians. The Bulgarian households show on total of 517 persons, as contrasted with 73 Mag total of 276, or, in terms of percentages, only 1. in the Bulgarian households are females, while 2 in Magyar households are of this sex.

The table next presented shows, by sex and and race of individual, the persons in the ho whom detailed information was secured:

TABLE 585.-Persons for whom detailed information was se nativity and race of individual.

[blocks in formation]

The preceding table shows that, of the total covered by the detailed study of households 98.5 per cent of the males are of foreign birt are of native birth but of foreign father. Of t cent are foreign-born, chiefly of the Magyar race, are native-born of Magyar (foreign) father. females, either of the first or second generation, we the males for whom detailed information was sec proportion of those of foreign birth are Bulgar Of the males of the second generation, detailed in secured from 11, all of Magyar fathers.



of immigration-The industrial depression and the exodus of 1909-The rians at home-Period of residence in the United States of members of immihouseholds studied-Methods of securing immigrants-Destination of immito the community-Racial composition of the community-Distribution of pulation—[Text Table 586 and General Table 327].


892 the site of this community was an unbroken stretch of lds. In the following year a large company began the conon of their present rolling-mill plant, an enterprise which was erably delayed by the financial depression of that time. The mployed in the construction were Americans, white and black, me Americanized Germans, all brought from the neighboring f St. Louis. When the rolling-mill plant began operation in the pioneer operatives were English, Irish, Germans, and

In this year also about 75 Polish families, including about lult males, appeared. They came from St. Louis, and most m had been in the United States for a number of years. As ound regular work in Community E, they remained, the combuilding frame houses for their use. A plant for stamping e and metal ware was completed shortly after the rolling mills, he majority of the operatives of the two establishments still ued to be of the English-speaking races. Among them were native negroes, who lived in a row of shanties built along the sippi River and known as the Levee. For a period of six years, er, no immigrants, with the exception of the Poles mentioned -, appeared in the community.

ring the two years 1894-1896 a large steel plant, including blast ces, rolling mills, and foundries, was established in the comty. In 1901 another steel establishment of the same description operations. Four years later a large company for the manure of corn products was located in the community. About the time shops were erected for building wooden and steel cars. eshops employed over 3,000 men. By the year 1900, as was to be ted, the demand for unskilled labor could no longer be supplied English-speaking people alone. Consequently, in that year aks from St. Louis were employed by the local industries. Within ar they numbered about 50 families, or 250 male workers. In came the Magyars, followed by a few Croatians. In 1903 the vars numbered about 20 families, with the usual following of e boarders. Mixed groups of Roumanians, Greeks, and Sers followed. The latter were from southern Hungary and num



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